Chapter 19: The Hunt

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Din had quickly run to town and recruited a handful or the Drall citizens to track down Sara and Grogu. They agreed happily, as Din had informed them of the death of the Occisor. The Drall militia spilt up, searching the woods around the ship. Din and Daedalusstayed back and guarded the ship, preparing for an ambush. Din had also contacted Cara Dune, informing her and the New Republic that they had found a Pureblood Sith and would accept any help they could get.
The Mandalorians were now sitting atop the Razor Crest II, on guard for any movement. Daedalus was quite visibly shaken up by the whole debacle, and Din wasn't quite sure why he was handling it so well. They called Grogu "their" child, but it was quite obviously his, and he was oddly calm about it. Perhaps he was in shock, or maybe he had complete faith that between the Mandalorians and the Drall, they could get his kid back. They had never seen Sara in action, but she couldn't be too powerful for one Sith.
The pair were sitting back to back, holding hands. They both had thermal vision in their helmets, and we waiting eagerly for any sign of Grogu's captor.
"Why do you think the kid looked so happy?", Daedalus broke the silence.
"I think Sara and Grogu formed some sort of bond between all the meditation and time they spent together," Din answered.
Daedalus sniffled, "Do you think he even wants to come back?"
"Of course he does. We're his family," Din reassured, "He may want to be with her for now, but he'll come back to us. I know he will."
Or at least he hoped.
A scream was heard in the distance, and the Mandalorians stood, preparing for a fight. A single Drall emerged from the brush, signaling for the pit to come talk to him.
"What is it? Did you find them?", Daedalus queried enthusiastically.
The Drall shook his head, "Quite the opposite, we found one of our men with burns all over his face, completely blind. Whatever this lady has to fight with, it's strong."
"Thank you sir," Din said respectfully.
"Now what?", Daedalus inquired, "What do you think she has planned?"
Din thought about it for a moment. "She'll probably wait until the sun comes up and we're the only ones out here, then strike when our guards are down."
"But you called the New Republic, do you think they'll come?"
"Honestly, no. Democracies never get anything done on time."
Daedalus sighed. "I wish there was something we could do."
"I've already installed a tracker on the ship in case she does steal it," Din informed.
"Way to think progressively."
Shouting could be heard in the distance. The two turned to face the commotion.
"Do we go help or is it a diversion?", Daedalus imposed urgently.
"You stay here, I'll go," Din ordered, running into the woods.
"Stay safe!", Daedalus yelled after him.
Making his way into the woods, he saw blue flames engulfing the trees and shrubbery, and Drall running away from the source covering their eyes. Din drew his blaster, expecting to see Sara between the trees. He slowly headed into the center of the flames, ready to kill Sara if the situation required so. Almost all of the Drall militia was gone, and most likely blind from the scalding blue flames all around. Using his thermal vision, he was able to see the paw prints of the hired army, and then, one pair of human-like footprints. He followed the prints, which led into a tree. He saw more prints on trees farther down, as if she were jumping between them. There was one thing in common between all the hand and foot prints he saw.
They were all headed to the Razor Crest II.
"Din!", he heard Daedalus screech through the forest.
The Mandalorian thrusted above the trees on his jet pack and looked down over the ship, seeing Daedalus and Sara, Grogu tied to her back, in a stand off. The Foundling had the Darksaber drawn, and Sith's hands were glowing blue with flames.
Din soared down at Sara, attempting to tackle her. She through the surprise attack, and the fire in her hands quickly shifted to lightning, which she flung at Din. The bolts arched between the beskar plates of his armor, sending him flying backwards into a tree, knocking him unconscious instantly.


"Din!", Daedalus screamed.
He wanted nothing more than to go make sure his boyfriend was okay, but Sara was still in front of him, wishing to steal their ship. Grogu cooed on her back, reminding Daedalus of why he couldn't let her go.
The Sith reignited the blue fire in her hand, and began sending the flames at Daedalus. He used the Darksaber to deflect the fire, but the heat from the fire quickly made the situation nearly intolerable. He ducked under the flame and swung the saber at her legs, which she jumped over and brought her fist down on top of his helmet. He fell to the ground, giving her the opportunity to run into the Razor Crest II. Daedalus raised his gauntlet blaster to fire at her, but saw the child strung to her back. He lowered his arm and watched her take off, stealing the one ship for miles on the desolate planet.
As she left, he ran over to the Mandalorian, who was still passed out under the tree.
"Din, Din! Wake up, please!", he shouted, shaking the Mandalorian until he regained consciousness.
"What happened?", he murmured.
Daedalus began to cry. "She got away. We failed,"
"We'll track the—", Din started, but passed out halfway through the sentence.
Daedalus sighed and left his boyfriend there to sleep, uncertain of what to do next.


A/N: I'll be posting the next 2 chapters at the same time, as they're the last ones of the season and lead right into each other. I know this season was shorter but I already have a rly good plan for season 3 that I think will turn out well :)

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