Chapter 12: The Child

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Daedalus was excited for Din, he was finally getting to see the "old friend" he kept talking about! He was a little confused when Din explained that they were picking up a 50-year-old child Jedi, but he ignored it. The galaxy was full of weird species.
Daedalus was seriously on a small high. Between developing some blaster skills, kissing Din, then almost losing him, but getting him back, he had serotonin to go around. The two had spent the day traveling to the Yavin system and decided to spend the night in orbit of the planet before their big day. However, Dae couldn't sleep. Part of him wanted to go knock on Din's door to see if he could get another kiss, but he knew that would be inappropriate.
He knew the whole dynamic between Din and himself was about to change. A child around would change everything, and if he was being honest, he didn't want anything to change. He loved the way things were going. Part of him hoped they wouldn't take the child with them, but he knew that was out of the question. Din firmly believed that Bo Katan would find the child if he did not.


Din woke bright and early, ready to start the day and get Grogu back. Since he woke up before Daedalus, he threw his helmet on while still wearing his pajamas and went to the bathroom to shave and clean himself up. He quite obviously didn't plan on showing his face, but he felt the need to be as presentable as possible when seeing his child for the first time in three years. He went back to his room and polished his armor.
By that time, Daedalus was awake.
"Ready to get him?!", Din inquired eagerly.
Daedalus shrugged. "I'm ready if you are," he muttered, walking towards his quarters. He gave Din a quick peck on the side of the helmet as he walked by.
The Mandalorian was not in the mood for a buzzkill, so he just ignored Daedalus and began his descent on the fourth moon of Yavin.
He didn't really understand what his crewmate had to be down about. They had just gotten together...kind of...and he had made it out of his fight with Bo Katan without dying and having to rule Mandalore. It all seemed like a win win in his head.
Din flew the ship over the vast forests, looking for signs of life. He saw smoke rising up ahead, and deducted that that was where Grogu was. He set the ship down and exited immediately.
As he stepped outside, he saw a figure cloaked in black approached him. The figure lowered his hood, and Din recognized him as the Jedi who had taken Grogu in the first place.
"Is he here?" Din asked heartily.
The Jedi frowned. "You can't see him."
"Excuse me, he's my kid. I'm taking him with me," Din scoffed.
"His training is not yet complete. If you take him with you, there's a chance he...", the Jedi paused, "...goes down the wrong path."
"Listen here, there's someone after Grogu, and I would feel best if he came with me."
"I will not allow it."
The Jedi wasn't budging. At this point, Daedalus was just leaving the ship, fully suited up in his new gear.
"Please," Din whimpered. "This kid means more to me than you'll ever know. It's been three years, and it's time for him to come home."
"I'm sorry but he needs the training. I suggest you leave now."
"What if we trained him?", Daedalus butted in.
"Excuse me?", the Jedi scoffed.
"I mean, we're not Force users ourselves, but if there's some, uhh, manual or something, perhaps we could train the kid."
The Jedi appeared to be deep in thought. "I will mediate on it. Until then, I will allow you to see him."
"Then let's go!", Din exclaimed.
The three walked through the small village-like community around them. There were small brick houses, and in the center of them all was a larger formation, at least three times the size of the houses.
In the center of the building was Grogu.
The child turned, an instant face of joy ensuing.
The child ran up to Din, who took him in his arms and held him up to the his helmet. Grogu placed his hands on either side of the helmet.
"I will allow you to see him until I have reached a decision on whether or not I shall allow you to take him with you," the Jedi interrupted.
Din set his child down and nodded in agreement. He turned to see Daedalus standing behind him with his arms crossed.
They made their way to a small meadow outside the stone village. Various wildflowers and small rocks dotted the rolling green landscape. Din sat next to the child, who had stopped to smell a flower. Grogu had changed since the last time he'd saw him. He was a few inches taller, and had a bit more hair as well. He had outgrown his old garments, and now wore a brown and tan cloak which concealed his figure.
"Daedalus," Din started, looking up at his partner, "This is Grogu. He was my partner before you."
Din watched Daedalus force a smile and pet the kid atop the head. Grogu drooped his closed his eyes at the gesture. Daedalus sat down cross-legged in front of Din, placing his head on his knees.
"Is everything okay?" Din asked.
Daedalus leaned back, "Me? Yeah, no, I'm fine. Happy for you."
There was a certain distance in his voice, but Din dismissed it. There was too much to be happy for to wallow in whatever was bothering Daedalus.
The three shared a small picnic provided by another Jedi learner. Din didn't take his eyes off Grogu the entire time.
After some time, Daedalus stood. "I'm heading back to the ship."
"Oh, ok. We'll come back whenever we hear from the Jedi," Din responded.
Daedalus nodded in response and walked away.


Daedalus was sick of Din being such a parent to the kid already. He didn't want to admit it, but he craved his partner's attention. Things were just getting good, and now some kid from Din's past was taking up all his time. Daedalus didn't know what he was going to do at the ship, he just had to get away from Din for a few moments. He ended up painting bullseyes on some trees near the ship, and practiced his aim.
He hoped the Jedi wouldn't let Din take Grogu. He had recommended training him themselves as a way to seem supportive, he hadn't thought that the Jedi would actually consider it.
A few hours later, Din returned, carrying the kid with both arms.
"We got him, Dae! We just have to go through this book with him every so often," he stated, holding up a thick, leather-bound book.
"Sweet," Daedalus responded, trying not to sound so frustrated.
They made their way back into the ship. Daedalus made his way to the galley, and Din went to the cockpit, eager to start a new adventure with the kid. He had set Grogu down, giving him free reign of the ship.
Daedalus was making a sandwich in the galley when he heard the crackle of a lightsaber and a child giggling. He ran out to find Grogu flailing the Inquisitor's lightsaber, screaming vivaciously.
Din ran down to the lower deck. "What's going on?!"
Daedalus snatched the lightsaber from the kid with a grunt. "This was in my room, can you keep him out of there?!", he scolded.
"Ok, I don't know what's going on with you, but you need to quit taking it out on Grogu. He's just a kid," Din demanded
Daedalus scoffed. "It had nothing to do with Grogu, just leave me alone."
A chuckle could be heard from the Mandalorian. "Holy Maker, you're jealous!"
"And so what if I am?", Daedalus retorted, placing his hands on his hips.
"I can't believe you," Din sneered.
Daedalus couldn't respond. He turned back and headed right to his room.


Din was disappointed in Daedalus. He didn't understand how he could be jealous of a kid? Sure, he hadn't paid much attention to his partner for most of the day, but then again, it was his first time seeing Grogu in three whole years. He had just met Daedalus less than a month ago, it should be expected that he was closer to Grogu than he was Din.
He had just put the child to bed, and was now resting in the cockpit, thinking about the day. He heard footsteps behind him, but he didn't turn around.
"Can we talk?", Daedalus murmured.
"Yeah, what's up," Din responded, still not turning to face him.
He heard Dae sigh. "I don't think we work."
Din cocked his head and looked over at his crewmate. "What?"
"I just think that we shouldn't do this, whatever it is. We spend too much time together to make it into something other than a friendly partnership," he sputtered as a single year fell from his eye.
Din was frustrated with Daedalus, but he didn't want to necessarily rule out the option of them become more.
"Are you sure?", he finally responded.
Daedalus nodded. "Yes."
"Then I guess I am too."

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