Chapter 40: The Standoff

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Din, Gayle, Verid, and Wally set the ship down at a space port located in the heart of Harnaidan, the capital city of Muunilinist. They knew the princess was to be delivered somewhere in the city to receive payment, but other than they had no leads.
Din sat atop the ship and scanned for any glimpses of Lyra's starship. The others had split up around the city, hoping to find some information as to who had instigated the bounty and where Rotella should be delivered.
The Mandalorian waited for what seemed like hours, until he heard a small chime coming from inside the ship. He flew down to the ramp and attempted to find the source of the noise. He finally narrowed it down to Daedalus's room. The Foundling's armor was placed neatly on a side table, and the Darksaber was resting on his nightstand. Peering under his bed, he saw the source of the beep. A transmitter. Din reached under and grabbed he device. He sat down on the bed and saw a message had been received, it's sender had been named 'Din <3'.
The Mandalorian smiled and played the recording.
"Hi, it's me," Daedalus's staticky voice rang out. "I don't know if anyone will get this in time, but in case you do, Lyra has the princess and I. We have to go to the main bank in Harnaidan to get the million credits. If you can meet us there and save us, please do. I'm afraid what will happen to us after she gets her prize. And, I don't know if Mando is still on Zygerria or not, so if you could pick him up or something that would be...nice."
The transmission cut out.
The Mandalorian didn't have time to think it over. He grabbed the Darksaber (just in case) and ran to the cockpit, and radioed the rest of the team from their private channel. "Lyra is headed to the bank, rendezvous there ASAP."
Din left before he could hear a response. He blasted off with his jetpack and flew in the direction of the bank.
He wasn't sure what he was going to do. He loved Lyra, but what she was doing was...disturbing, and borderline deal-breaking. He didn't want to hurt her, but he wouldn't let her hurt Daedalus either. The million credits didn't matter anymore.
Din arrived at the bank, seemingly before Lyra. He let out a sigh of relief. At least he would have the element of surprise. Based off of his message, Daedalus didn't even know the Mandalorian was with his team, which meant Lyra truly had no clue.
Like clockwork, her iconic red and white ship came piercing through the skyline. Instead of landing at a designated docking platform, she brought the ship down in the middle of the street leading to the bank. The ramp lowered immediately, and Lyra exited with the princess. Daedalus was nowhere to be seen.
Din hid behind a decorative spire leading into the bank. As she approached, the Mandalorian swung out from behind the post, blaster drawn.
"Where's Daedalus?", he affirmed.
Lyra scoffed. "Put the blaster down babe. No need to be hostile."
"Answer me," he ordered.
"Why do you care? You do realize I'm doing this for us, right? We get the credits now. We could get a bigger ship, or pay off the bounty on your head, or—,"
"I don't care. Where is Daedalus?" He didn't care about her motive. He needed to make sure Daedalus was safe.
"He's on the ship," She pulled a small remote from her pocket. "But if the princess here acts up, all I have to do is press this button and he dies." She jabbed a blaster into Rotella's back as she said it.
"Let him go, you can have the credits," the Mandalorian offered.
She chuckled. "I'm leaving with the credits regardless."
Daedalus's voice rang out across the courtyard. "Din?!"
The Foundling ran out from Lyra's ship, making his way to the Mandalorian.
Lyra threw the princess to the ground. She held the remote in one hand and her blaster, which she now had pointed at Din, in the other.
She turned to her boyfriend. "Are you going to quit this child's play now and help me?"
"Help you?", he fumed, noticing the collar around Daedalus's neck. All she had to do was press the button on the remote and he would be a goner. "You...we're done. Let Daedalus go and you can leave with the credits."
"He's the one bit of leverage I have in this situation, you think I'm just going to let him go?"
The princess got to her feet, and Lyra aimed her blaster to her in response.
"Din...put the blaster down, we can go about this civilly. Let me get the reward, and you can have both of them," she reasoned.
He took a step closer to her, blaster still drawn. "I don't trust you."
"Wait," Rotella interjected. "I have an idea."
"Go on," Lyra seethed.
"Daedalus and I will go inside and get the money, and you two can stay out here," the princess suggested.
Lyra thought the proposition over. "Fine, but if you're not back in five minutes I'm pressing the button."
Rotella and Daedalus scampered into the bank, leaving Din and Lyra alone. They still had their blasters pointed at each other, just in case.
"Are you really mad at me? Do you not realize that we'll be a million credits richer when this is over with?", she nagged.
The Mandalorian nodded. "It's not about the money. You went behind my back, left me on Zygerria, and kidnapped Daedalus."
"Because you didn't have the balls to do it in the first place! It's all about the money, Din. Why do you care so much about Daedalus? You guys worked together for a bit, he treats you like shit, and you still feel like you owe him something?", she exclaimed. "You should be begging me to press this button."
That's where he drew the line. He kicked at her stomach, which sent her flailing backwards, dropping both her blaster and the remote. Din pulled the Darksaber from his pocket and ignited it and she scampered towards the remote. She grasped it and began to stand, but the Mandalorian kicked her onto her back. He held the lightsaber to her throat.
"Do it and I kill Daedalus," she threatens, grasping the button tightly.
Din felt betrayed on a whole new level. Someone who he had spent so much time with, who he had gotten to know so well, had turned into a greedy psychopath all over a million credits.
They remained silent, waiting for Daedalus and Rotella to come back with the credits..
"It's been five minutes," she murmured. "I said if they weren't out..."
Din inched the saber closer to her throat. "Don't you dare."
She squinted her eyes at him. "You couldn't kill me if you wanted to."
With this, Lyra pressed the button.

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