Chapter 45: The Crest

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Din and Daedalus arrived on Sorgan later that day, and vowed to ditch Lyra's ship as soon as possible. Despite all odds, the Razor Crest II sat covered in moss right where it had been abandoned. The Mandalorians packed their belongings and took anything Lyra had of value and exited the ship for what would hopefully be the last time.
The starboard ramp of the Crest lowered with a shrill screech.
"She just needs some lovin', that's all," Din chided. The interior appeared to be untouched. A thin layer of dust covered the horizontal surfaces, and a musty smell filled the air.
They had their helmets on, but Daedalus knew Din was beaming under his beskar. It was a surreal feeling for the Foundling as well. This is where the two of them had gotten to know each other, where they had met.
They strolled through the ship and climbed up the ladder to the cockpit in silence, just taking everything in.
"Good to be home?", Daedalus questioned.
Din nodded eagerly. "Very."
The Mandalorian sat in the pilot's chair, placing his hands on the ever-so-familiar controls. He attempted to boot up the ship, but received not even a sign of life from the Crest.
"Looks like we'll have to jump her," Din admitted.
He exited the ship and removed a panel on the underside of the vessel, which revealed a coiled power cord. He handed the cord to Daedalus. "Plug this in to the power coupling on the bottom of Lyra's ship. We'll have to siphon some of the power to get her started."
The Foundling did as he said, ready to get to Zygerria and save Rotella. He had his doubts of the mission itself, but he at least had to try to save her.
He made his way back to the cockpit, where power had been restored. Din attempted to start the Crest, and after a few seconds of silence, the ship roared to life. The two cheered and embraced.
"I was thinking we could grab a bite to eat at the pub and then fly out of the city before heading to Zygerria in the morning, sound good?", Din suggested.
Daedalus loved the idea. "I'm down. Want me to pick up the food?"
"Sure," the Mandalorian chided. "I'll get the ship ready for takeoff."
The Foundling grabbed some credits and left the vessel to get dinner for the pair. There was only one diner in the area, the Sorgan Common House, so it wasn't very hard to choose. Their menu was almost as simple, and he ended up ordering a bone broth for each of them and a bottle of spotchka to share. He took the items in a to-go bag and made his way back to the Razor Crest II, where Din was sweeping out the lower deck.
"Ready?", he asked, leaning the broom against the wall.
Daedalus nodded and set the food down. They made their way to the cockpit, where Din effortlessly glided the ship to a nearby meadow. The sun was setting as they exited the vessel.
"This place look familiar to you?", the Mandalorian pried.
Daedalus took a look around. It didn't look recognizable until he saw the fallen trees at the edge of the opening. "Holy Maker, is this where you brought me to train that one time?!"
Din nodded. "I'm surprised you remembered.
The Foundling scoffed. "Of course I remember."
The pair retrieved a blanket from the ship and laid it down in the meadow. They lit a few candles and placed them on the cloth.
After setting the mood for the evening, they removed their helmets and took a seat on the blanket, ready for a hot meal.
"What'd you get us?", Din wondered.
Daedalus pulled the items from the bag. "A bone broth each a bottle of spotchka to share," he stated as he took a sip. He coughed a little as he swallowed the blue liquid. "This stuff's strong!"
Din chuckled. "Sorgan is notorious for home brewed spotchka. It's probably a different recipe." He took a swig for himself. "But you're right, that stuff is strong."
They ate their soups in silence as the stars came out.
"Isn't it weird thinking that all of the stars out there have their own planets, with their own ecosystems and species, all doing their own thing," Daedalus mused. "It really makes you feel small."
"I guess I've never really thought about it like that. I've always been moving through the galaxies, exploring those planets you're talking about," Din admitted.
"Well, I spent a majority of my life in the Coruscant underworld, hoping that one day I'd get to see just one other planet. Look at me now," he reminisced looking over at his partner. "I've got myself a space boyfriend."
Din rolled his eyes and took a sip of spotchka. The bottle was almost gone at this point.
"Save some for me!", Daedalus begged.
Din laughed. "Absolutely not. You're the sloppiest drunk, and you've definitely had enough."
The Foundling knew there was some truth in his boyfriend's words. His fingers were starting to feel all tingly, and his coordination was definitely not there.
"Okay, maybe you're right," he confessed, falling back onto the blanket. "It's fine though. Maybe some more spotchka will help."
The Mandalorian raised an eyebrow. "Didn't I just say—,"
"Just shut up and kiss me," Daedalus interjected.
Din chuckled and leaned down to plant a kiss on his boyfriend's head.
"You missed," the Foundling nagged. "Try again."
"The sloppy drunk is talking, I don't want to take advantage of him."
"Mr. Din...Din...", Daedalus realized he didn't know his boyfriend's last name. "How come I don't know your last name?"
"It's Djarin," Din informed.
"Mr. Djarin, it doesn't matter if i'm drunk as a polliwog or sober as a stone, I will never be mad at you for kissing me. So try again."
The Mandalorian leaned over his boyfriend, giving him a soft, sideways kiss on the lips. When he pulled away, Daedalus grabbed his neck and pulled him back for more. The exchange quickly became sloppy, as the Founding had clearly had too much spotchka.
Din forced himself up. "I think someone needs to go to bed before they try anything stupid."
"What do you mean stupid? I'm smart." Daedalus cooed. He tapped on his boyfriend's nose. "Boop."
The Mandalorian suddenly wrapped his arms under his partner's knees and neck and began carrying him into the ship.
"Whoa, are we flying? I can't feel my legs!", Daedalus cried.
Din chuckled and laid the Foundling down on his bed. He began removing his armor.
"Oh, we about to get nasty," Daedalus whispered.
"No, I'm just taking off your armor so you can actually sleep well."
The Foundling sighed. "Fine. Just hurry and get under the covers because I'm freezing."
"I'm not sleeping with you dummy," Din nagged.
Daedalus's eyes widened. "Then where are you going?"
"To sleep in my own bed?"
"Why? We've slept together before, and done a lot of other things together too," Daedalus smirked and grabbed the Mandalorian's neck and pulled him in for a kiss.
Din pulled back. "Not right now. You're way too drunk."
"So why don't you just get equally drunk so you don't have to feel bad."
The Mandalorian shook his head and shut the lights off. "Good night Daedalus."
"Goon dight," the Foundling retorted. "Do I sound funny to you? I think my tongue is broken."
Din closed the door, leaving the blubbering mess to fall asleep in silence.

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