Chapter 15: The Babysitter

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Daedalus woke up lying on Din's chest. It was the first night they had slept together, and the two could safely say that's the way it would be from now on. Daedalus ran his hands over his boyfriend's chest, feeling the soft skin of his taut chest. Din awoke, and placed a single hand in Daedalus's hair.
"Morning," he croaked, pulling his partner in for a gentle kiss.
"How'd you sleep?", Daedalus questioned.
Din chuckled, "Did we even?"
Daedalus smiled and kissed his boyfriend on the forehead. He rose from bed and began to slip into his gear and small collection of armor. He had taken Bo Katan's helmet, melted it down, and molded his own helmet from the Beskar. Din had also allowed him to melt down his spear, which he turned into his own gauntlets. He had molded blaster components into the gauntlets, so he wouldn't have to carry a blaster. He placed his helmet atop his head, which still felt odd considering he had spent so long seeing Din in one. His helmet was far more lively, though. It was a deep, blood red with white accents highlighting the dark curve of the visor. He had researched the symbolism of the Mandalorian's armor, and found that red and white meant "honoring a parent" and "a new start", which he felt was very fitting.
Daedalus left the bedroom to check on Grogu, who was still sleeping in his hoverpod. The child appeared to be almost too large for it at this point. Din emerged from his room, wearing his full armor.
"Wow, you got dressed fast," Daedalus teased.
Din poked him in the side, causing him to flinch.
The two laughed and looked over the child. He awoke shortly after, who looked up at the Mandalorians and raised his arms in a shrugging motion. Daedalus chuckled and picked the kid up. "Hey little buddy," he chortled in his best baby voice, "Are you hungry?"
Grogu nodded, and Din pulled up a holomap of the city they were docked at.
"It looks like there's a small diner on the other side of town, that sound good?", he asked.
"Fine with me as long as the kid's good with it," Daedalus posed, causing an excited coo from Grogu. He placed the child back in his hoverpod and programmed it to his gauntlet.
"Ready?", he asked, facing Din, who nodded in response.
Daedalus walked over to his boyfriend and grabbed his hand.
They departed and headed towards the diner. Din released his grip on his partner once they entered the city.
"What's up?" Daedalus asked, confused as to why he would let go.
Din sighed. "Don't take this the wrong way, but I don't think we should really do much 'boyfriend' stuff when we're in public. We're Mandalorian, the toughest warriors in the galaxy. We can't do anything that will make us look weak."
"Well, we could hold hands and just kill anyone who looked at us funny, hence still proving Mandalorians are the invincible race you think us to be," Daedalus teased.
Quite frankly, he should be offended that he couldn't hold his mate's hand, but he understood where he was coming from. Besides, holding hands with gloves on hardly felt the same to him.
They entered the market and parked Grogu at the edge of the table. Daedalus removed his helmet, and scanned the kid's meals for the child. An image appeared his head, a meiloorun.
"You want some fruit?", Daedalus asked, turning to the child. He raised his arms and let out a high pitched screech or approval.
Din turned to the child, "Quiet, you're embarrassing us."
The child leaned forward and closed his pod in frustration.
"Children, I tell you," a humanoid woman jested, placing a hand on top of the hoverpod. Her skin was red, and she had horn-like structures protruding from her eyebrows and jawline. Her hair was black with red highlights running throughout. "I'm sorry, I should introduce myself. I'm Sara, I'll be your waitress today!"
Din looked over at Daedalus, feeling slightly intruded on by the woman.
"Are you ready to order?", she questioned.
Daedalus looked up at the woman, "Yes, I'll have a blue milk pancake platter, and the kid will take the small fruit cake." He placed his hand over Din's. "You're turn."
"I'll just have a mixed berry smoothie," he said flatly.
Sara gave her biggest smile, "Ok, we'll have that right out." She leaned in closer to the pair, "And if you two need a babysitter, I'd be happy to take the kid for a few hours," she whispered as she walked away.
Daedalus shrugged. "Maybe we should take her up on that offer, she seems nice enough and it would be nice to have some alone time?", he suggested.
"I don't know...", Din dwindled, "I don't like leaving the kid with strangers...he's a pretty special kid."
"I wouldn't worry about Grogu, he can fend for himself anyways, besides," Daedalus started, "Wouldn't you. like to spend some time with someone who can make you feel 'special'?" he teased, running his hand up Din's arm.
The Mandalorian shivered at the act, "Ok, ok, ok, stop. You've convinced me."
Daedalus clapped his hands together giddily. He tapped a button on his gauntlet and opened the hoverpod. "You hear that buddy? We're getting a babysitter tonight!"
Grogu pushed the button on the front again, closing the pod.
"I guess not everyone's as excited as us," Daedalus scoffed.
Sara returned to the table then, balancing a tray of their food. "Here is your food," she cheered, placing their respective meals in front of them. She handed Din a straw. "I figure you'll be needing this."
He took the straw, slightly surprised she had figured he'd need a straw.
"Is there anything else I can help you with?"
Daedalus padded the top of the hoverpod. "Yes, actually. I think we'll take you up on your babysitting offer."
A wide smile crept across her face. "Oh how great! My shift ends in," she glanced at a clock on the wall behind her, "2 hours, but any time after that feel free to stop by and drop him off! I live in the apartment above the diner," she informed. "Will this be an overnight thing or?"
Din immediately said, "No," while Daedalus declared "Yes," at the same time.
The Mandalorians stared at each other for a moment.
"I'll pick him up later tonight, maybe around 10 or 11?", Din proposed.
"Sounds like a plan to me! Can't wait," she said, leaving the trio to eat their food.
Grogu opened the pod and grabbed his fruit cake, and immediately closed it up again.
Daedalus giggled. "He may not be excited, but I sure am."
"I agree. I don't necessarily like the idea of leaving the kid with a stranger, but look at what's he's already done with the Force. He can fend for himself if he has to."
The three finished eating and paid their dues with Sara, then made their way out into the town square. They were on the planet Ord Mantell. It was home to many crime syndicates and a waypoint for many bounty hunters, but the overall crowd was fairly pleasant. Din and Daedalus shopped around a few vendors, purchasing a few groceries and a blanket for Grogu. The kid hadn't opened his capsule the entire time they were out shopping, he was obviously quite upset that the pair was handing him off for a few hours.
Once their time was up, they made their way back to the diner. After climbing the steps to the second level apartment, they knocked on the door, where Sara greeted them with a smile.
"Hey guys! I was wondering when you guys would stop by, I'm excited to take care of this little guy. I just made a pot of tea, why don't you come in?", she offered.
Daedalus placed a hand on Din's shoulder. "We're actually just going to drop him off and get in our way. Gotta soak up as much time as we can without the kid, am I right?"
They duo bid adieu to Sara and Grogu, then headed back to the ship, ready to take advantage of their time alone.


The two were side by side in bed, panting rigorously.
"That was, something..."Daedalus chortled. "Again?"
Din was feeling anxious. "No," he said, getting out of bed.
The foundling was confused, "But you said you wouldn't pick up the kid for at least 2 more hours. Who knows when we'll meet someone who actually wants to watch our kid again."
Din began slipping on his armor. "I'm going to go get him. End of discussion."
"Was it....not good enough?" Daedalus asked sheepishly.
Din scoffed. "No, it was great. I just don't like Grogu with strangers."
Daedalus blushed. "Fine. I'll stay right here. Hurry back."
Din slipped out of the ship and made his way back to the diner. He knocked on the apartment door, but got no response. He twisted the knob to find it was unlocked, and he let himself in. In the center of the room, Sara and Grogu were both meditating. Sara opened a single eye and smiled.
"Sorry, didn't hear you there. You're little friend is great at meditating," she chided, getting to her feet. Din grabbed the hoverpod and linked it to his gauntlet. "Ok kid, let's go," he said, motion Grogu to come to him.
The child ran up behind Sara and hugged her leg, not wanting to leave.
"Sorry, I guess I'm a little too good with the young ones!", she chortled.
The Mandalorian bent over to grab the kid, but he ran and hid under a chair.
After several failed attempts of retrieving the child, Din gave up. "Would you mind giving it a try?", he begged.
Sara smiled and crouched under the table Grogu had planted himself under. "Come on little fella, it's time for you to go back home with your dad," she cooed.
The child reluctantly came out and hopped into her arms. Sara held the kid out for Din to take, but the Mandalorian was astonished by the obedience Grogu was showing Sara.
"Were you serious when you said you would keep him for night?", he asked.
Sara pulled the kid against her chest. "Oh of course! I love babysitting."
"Then would you mind keeping him till the morning? My partner and I will come back first thing in the morning to get him."
Sara was ecstatic. "Sounds great! I'll see you tomorrow!"
Din made his way back to the ship, thankful that he had found someone who actually cared about keeping Grogu safe and actually made him happy.
He entered the ship silently and snuck into the bedroom, finding Daedalus snoring loudly. He removed his armor quietly and slipped under the covers. Daedalus groaned at the disturbance turned about from Din.
"How's Grogu?", he asked sleepily.
Din ran his fingers through his boyfriend's hair. "He's staying with Sara for the night. He seems to really like her."
Daedalus rolled over onto Din's chest. "So you trust her?", he inquired, running his hands along Din's jawline.
"I do," he replied.
"Maybe she should join—", Daedalus started, but fell asleep halfway through the sentence.
Din chuckled and went to sleep as well.

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