Chapter 21: Sacrifice

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The team embraced in the bridge of the Star Destroyer, comforting Grogu for the act he has just performed. Daedalus couldn't imagine the pain the child was experiencing. He hadn't known Sara long, but the two seemed to be connected in a way, as they had spent almost every hour together since they'd first met.
And then he killed her.
The kid could be heard whimpering, and Din held him close to his chest. The sound of the elevator rising towards the bridge broke the trio of their embrace. The Mandalorian continued holding Grogu close to his chest, and Daedalus ignited the Darksaber and ran to the elevator. It opened to reveal a squad of Stormtroopers, blasters drawn. With a single swing of the saber, the Foundling decapitated all the troopers.
He had never killed before, he had always destroyed his opponent's weapons and removed a limb to keep them from attacking. Something had come over him, and he had to keep Din and Grogu from any further harm. His boyfriend joined him at elevator shaft, bewildered at the sight before them.
"I'm sorry," Daedalus apologized.
Din cocked his head, "Why?"
"I don't know."
The bounty hunter placed a hand on Daedalus's shoulders. "It's okay. Let's get out of here."
The team cleared out the elevator and made their way back to the Razor Crest II, which was idling in the hangar. They boarded the ship and prepared for take off. Din handed Grogu over to Daedalus, who placed him on his lap as they sat in the cockpit. The ship lifted off and flew from the dock, but instead of entering hyperspace, Din flew to the bridge. He fired a volley of torpedo's, which demolished the ship beyond functionality.
Grogu had fallen asleep by now, and Daedalus had taken him downstairs and tucked him into his bed. As he made his way back to the cockpit, he noticed Din hadn't entered hyperspace yet. He took a seat beside his boyfriend.
"Is something wrong?", he asked.
The Mandalorian turned to face him. "Are we good for Grogu?"
Daedalus was taken aback by the question. "Why?", he finally mustered.
"He's a Jedi. He's capable of things we can't even fathom. He's saved our lives, multiple times," Din paused. "Are we really the best environment for him?"
Daedalus remained silent, taking each word his partner said into consideration. He had a point, Grogu was destined for great things, but were the two do them a part of his grand destiny?
"I think...", Daedalus stumbled on the words, "Sara was right. Grogu has the potential to be... great, but I don't think we're the ones who will get him there."
A tear rolled down his face, and he removed his helmet.
Din nodded and turned back to the controls, punching in the coordinates of Yavin IV.


This was going to be hard. Din had given up Grogu once before, but this time it was his own choice. The first time he didn't have any other option, even the child knew he had to go with the Jedi. This time, he was doing it for Grogu's best interest. The Mandalorians made a great couple, but deep down Din knew that the youngling deserved better.
He didn't want to take Grogu back, but it was a sacrifice that had to be made for the good of the child. For the good of the universe.
The Razor Crest II dropped out of hyperspace near the forested moon. It looked so peaceful from above, with almost no signs of terrestrial life. The ship gracefully glided through the thin cloud layer, making its way to the coordinates of the Jedi Academy. As they made their way to the clearing where they would land, the black cloaked Jedi could be seen meditating.
The ship set itself down outside the village, and Din made his way downstairs to wake Grogu up. The child was already stirring as he approached the bed, the impact from landing had jostled him awake. Daedalus was now standing behind Din, and he placed an arm around his waist. Grogu looked up at the pair, and let out a small chirp of confusion.
Din slipped off his helmet, as he needed to see his son with his own eyes, for what could be the last time. The child's eyes widened, and he began to realize what was happening. He reached his arms out to his father, who picked him up, hugging him close to his neck.
Din held Grogu out to Daedalus. "Take him to the Jedi."
Daedalus gasped, "Me? I think you should. You're his father."
"I can't," the Mandalorian replied, shaking his head.
"I understand."
Daedalus took Grogu into his arms, squeezing him in a tight hug. He nodded as he lowered the boarding ramp and made his way to the Jedi.
A few minutes later, Daedalus returned to the ship, making his way right to Din and throwing himself into his arms.
"This is my fault. You shouldn't be giving him up," he sobbed.
"How is this your fault?", Din stifled, holding back his own tears.
"You and Grogu are a family, you guys should be together. The two of you worked fine together before I came along."
The Mandalorian pulled back, placing his hands on the sides of his boyfriend's face. "You're my family now. I love you."
Daedalus smiled wistfully, and Din pulled him in for a kiss.
"Where to now?", the bounty hunter questioned.
"Somewhere. Anywhere. Let's take some time off."


A/N: So this is the end of Season 2! I hope you enjoyed :) Season 3 is already well underway and I'll begin publishing the chapters some time next week, stay tuned!

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