Chapter 49: The King

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Din was awoken early in the morning to a knocking on his door. He had hardly gotten any sleep, as he was too worried about Daedalus to relax. He had asked around about this 'cirque de la mort' and had discovered it was a gladiator-type battle between a slave and different creatures. The Mandalorian had no doubts in the Phoenix, but battling other humanoid species differed greatly from wild beings.
"Mandalorian, the festivities are beginning, your presence is requested in the main hall," a servant called from behind the closed door. "I shall escort you when you're ready."
Din quickly threw his armor on and met the slave at the door. "I'm ready."
"Good, follow me please," the servant chided.
He led the Mandalorian down ornately carved marble hallways with vast, painted ceilings. They finally entered a large chamber, with a long, wooden table running the full length of the room. The king was at one end, with the queen on his left.
"Please, come sit," the monarch chortled.
Din did as he asked and took the seat on his right.
The king motioned at the overflowing trays full of assorted meats, fruits, and other edible delights. "Eat up, we have a big day ahead of us."
The Mandalorian tapped the side of his helmet. "I think I'll pass, but thank you for the offer."
"Suit yourself," he muttered as he took a bite of lamb leg. "I cannot thank you enough for bringing in that scum of a slave. I can assure you that the cirque de la mort he requested will be the end of that fiend."
Din's stomach dropped. "What exactly do you have planned?"
The monarch chuckled. "We have three of the galaxy's most brutish beasts, a Nexu, a Rancor, and most importantly, an Anoation pit beast. We'll also have a legion of soldiers ready just in case the slave attempts to escape."
The Mandalorian couldn't let this be the end of Daedalus. "Don't you think that's a little overboard?"
"Not at all. This show will be a prime example of how disobedience is tolerated to all the other slaves in our kingdom."
"But won't take make him a martyr?", Din asked, scratching for anything he could say to stop the cirque de la mort.
The queen cleared her throat. "We will do this same act to any other slaves who rise up."
The king reached out and slapped his wife across the face. "You only open your mouth when I speak to you! Know your place!"
The queen clutched her face with her hands. "I'm sorry my Lord."
The king turned back to Din. "I apologize for my wife's actions."
"It's...okay," Din stammered. He was appalled by the sheer violence the monarch possessed.
"Well, I think it's time to head to the main event, won't you join us?", the king questioned, standing from his chair.
The Mandalorian really didn't want to see his boyfriend be brutally murdered by wild creatures, but what choice did he have. Perhaps he could intervene if the opportunity arose. "I will. Lead the way, your Highness."
The king led Din and the queen to a set of smaller doors, which opened to reveal a large coliseum packed full of energetic masters and their slaves.
In the center of the arena stood Daedalus, who was suited up in a full suit of armor, minus a helmet. He held a sword in one hand and a shield was slung across his back. The Mandalorian hoped that the he still had the Darksaber, as he could make quick use of the beasts is he did.
Din took a seat beside the king and queen as a series of gates opened around the arena. Out came the three beasts the king mentioned. The Nexu charged Daedalus right out of the gate, to which he dove to the side and docked the cat's tail. It wheeled around and snapped at him, to which he drew his shield and swatted the beasts's head away.
Behind him, the Anoation pit beast charged him at full speed. The Phoenix saw the creature and ran to a wooden post erected in the center of the arena. Just as the beast was about to catch him, he swung behind the post, causing the animal to crash into it.
The crowd let out a collective groan in sympathy of the beast.
As it was stumbling, Daedalus charged the beast and swung his sword at its eyes. The blade dug deep into its head and left it bellowing in pain.
The Rancor was his next foe, as it had slowly trampled over behind the Phoenix. The beast reared back, preparing the crush Daedalus in a fatal blow. As the creature slammed its fists down, he dived to the side and slit the Rancor's wrist. In retaliation, it swung its bloody hand at Daedalus, sending him flying in the other direction.
Din tensed up at the sight of his boyfriend being thrown around like a rag doll. The king noticed the rigidity of the bounty hunter.
"Don't tell me you feel bad for the slave?", he teased.
Din shook his head. "Not at all," he lied.
Daedalus made his way to his feet. The Nexu, who had been circling the entire time, charged him, mouth open wide. Daedalus, having no other choice, dove off to the side. The Rancor was no approaching as well. Again, the beast raised his fists to strike. Being in a vulnerable state, the Phoenix held his shield above his head, to which the Rancor slammed his hands down on. Daedalus attempted to hold his position, but the brute force of the creature bearing down on his shield was excruciating. He dropped to his knees.
At this moment, the Nexu charged the Phoenix. Seeing no other option, he threw the sword at the cat. The blade pierced it's lower jaw, to which to beast fell back, shaking its head vigorously. The sword eventually lodged itself free, but was sent flying to the other side of the arena.
Din was having a hard time not reacting to the misfortunes Daedalus was facing. More than anything, he wanted to fly down there on his jet pack and save him, but he couldn't. At least not yet.
With the Nexu out of the way, the Phoenix dove out from under the shield, sending the Rancor's fists into the ground and shattering the shield. The beast was off balance, and Daedalus saw an opportunity to take it out. He jumped onto the Rancor's back and climbed to the top of its head. The beast reached back to scratch him off, but was too disoriented from the blood pouring from its wrist. Daedalus pulled the Darksaber from under his armor and held it against its back so the people in the stands wouldn't see the blade. He ignited the saber and slid down the creature's back, retracting the blade just before he reached the ground.
The Rancor roared and fell to the ground, dead. Daedalus quickly hid the lightsaber under his armor again and ran for his sword. The Nexu was fast approaching, and the Phoenix needed to think of something, fast. He could use the Darksaber, ur he wanted to save the surprise of the blade for his plan. He dove for the sword just as the Nexu lunged. Acting on his reflexes, he stuck the sword straight up into the air, right as the beast jumped over him. The blade tore open the belly of the Nexu, killing it almost instantly and covering Daedalus in blood.
The only foe left was the Anoation pit beast. It had been blindly wandering the arena, charging any loud noises. Daedalus silently approached the beast. It snarled and looked in his direction. The Phoenix instead took a small rock nestled in the sandy floor and threw it against the nearby wall. The pit beast took off in the direction of the noise, turning its back to Daedalus. With all his might, he threw the sword at the creature. The blade lodged into the beast's back. It ran around for a little while before collapsing from the loss of blood.
Din was amazed. Daedalus had done it! The king stood, shocked at the series of events. He looked over to a guard on the perimeter of the inner arena and gave him a thumbs up. More gates opened in the arena, and soldiers began charging Daedalus from all directions, spears drawn. The Phoenix looked up at Din and mouth a single word. Jetpack.
The Mandalorian immediately removed the pack from his back and, using his gauntlet, sent the rocket pack down to Daedalus. The Phoenix quickly strapped it to his back and took manual control of it. He flew from the arena, right towards Din.
The Mandalorian knew what Daedalus was about to do. The Phoenix landed on the railing of their platform and pulled the Darksaber from under his armor. Blood soaked almost his entire body.
He ignited the saber and with one single swing of the blade, took the lives of the king and queen.
The arena burst into chaos. The ferocious roar of an angry crowd cam pouring in from all directions.
Daedalus, still standing on the edge of the railing, turned to face the crowd. He held the saber over his head, sending a silence through the crowd.
"My name is Daedalus Vizsla, the Phoenix of Clan Mudhorn, rightful ruler of Mandalore, and King of Zygerria!"

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