Chapter 39: The Confession

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Upon emtering the ship, Lyra had immediately thrown Rotella and Daedalus into a cell. It was almost completely bare, besides a small cot in the corner and steel table beside it. Their captor slammed the door, and the two plopped onto the floor.
"Well, we got pretty close," the princess murmured.
They were trapped, but free now. Daedalus didn't have to keep up the ruse.
"Rotella, there's something I have to tell you," he began. "I'm a bounty hunter. I sold myself into the slave trade to infiltrate the palace and become your servant. As for marrying you, I did it to get you out of the city. I'm so sorry."
The princess covered her face with her hands. The Foundling felt bad for deceiving her.
"Again, I'm so sorry, I think you're a great person and I—,"
"I know," she interrupted.
"I know you're a bounty hunter and all that. I put the bounty on my own head," she admitted.
Daedalus was stunned. "W-why?"
She sighed. "I was never going to get out of the system if I didn't do something irrational like that. I was hoping someone like you would come along and fall for my charade get me off that Maker-forsaken planet."
"So you didn't actually want to marry me?"
"I mean, I knew you were there to collect the bounty on me since you just randomly showed up one day, and I was just expecting you to kidnap me and just evade the Zygerrian government sending soldier after soldier to get their revenge on you, but after getting to know you I...I couldn't do that to you. You truly weren't my slave, you were my friend. You are my friend. So I married you so that it was apparent that I left by my own hand, hence keeping your name and reputation clean."
Daedalus didn't know what to say. "You did that for me?"
She nodded. "Thank you." She placed a hand over his. "And don't worry, I don't actually have feelings for you. You're...umm...not my type."
The Foundling chuckled. "You aren't mine either."
"And here we are, husband and wife," she giggled.
The two sat laughing in their misfortune, until Lyra came to interrupt. She stood in the doorway, blaster in hand.
"When we get to Muunilinist, where does she go?", she pried, looking at Daedalus.
Rotella stood. "I actually placed the bounty on myself, so we'll go to the planet's capital, Harnaidan, where the main bank system is. All I have to do is run inside, withdraw the credits, and they're all yours."
Lyra raised an eyebrow. "So you don't need him at all?", she laced him finger over the trigger of her gun and pointed it at Daedalus.
"No-no-no-no-no-no-no-no," Rotella rattled, placing herself between the blaster and the Foundling. "We got married, and if I go in by myself, I can assure you there will be Zygerrian officials there waiting to take me back, but because he is my husband, I belong to him in my culture, which means he has more claim to me than anyone else. No one will be taking me anywhere without his consent."
"Where are your rings then?", Lyra snarked.
The princess looked at her hand. "Oh no, I, I lost the ring! Daedalus?"
Daedalus stood and patted down his pockets. "I had it and the official papers in my robe."
Their captor chuckled. "You're lucky I'm feeling generous, and you better hope those bankers believe this little ploy."
She turned and slammed the door as she left.
"Well that could've gone worse," Rotella quipped.
Daedalus shrugged. "Do you have a plan?"
"I was just going to ask you the same thing."
"Well," the Foundling plopped back down onto the floor. "We're screwed."
Rotella made her way over to the cot. "Actually," she started. She began running her hand along the bottom of the cot. She used her nails to cut it open and pull out a spring. "We're saved."
Daedalus was confused. "What exactly are you planning on doing with a spring?"
She made her way to the door and began bending the spring into a straight strip of metal. "There was an old slave of my family's that used a spring in his mattress to unlock his room and escape. I've never tried it, but—,"she muttered, sticking the metal into the keyhole of the door. After a few seconds of fiddling with the lock, the door popped open. "It worked!"
Daedalus covered her mouth with his hand. "I have an idea, but you have to stay here."
She nodded and sat down on the bed. "Stay safe."
The Foundling left the room silently and made his way around the ship. He had only been on it once before, but he still remembered the basic layout. He crept down the hall and made his way to Din's room. He dug through his storage and found the long range transmitter he had used to reach out to Daedalus over the past two years.
He hoped the message would reach his crew in time.

A/N: hi everyone! i know this chapter is pretty short compared to the other ones but but i feel lile this a good place to stop for now <3
the next episode is the semifinal chapter of season 4!

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