Chapter 41: Fallout

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Lyra had pressed the button to kill Daedalus.
Din swung the Darksaber at her wrist, cutting off her hand. She let out a bloodcurdling scream, and he ran towards the bank.
Daedalus couldn't be dead.
Every moment they had spent together was on reply in his head. Fighting the Inquisitor on Korriban. Their first kiss. Fight Bo Katan. Slow dancing in the cave.
He couldn't be dead.
Kicking the doors of the bank open, he scanned the room for his lost love. Everyone in the bank jumped and turned to face the commotion.
Daedalus wasn't there.
Where was he?
Lyra came stumbling into the back, blaster pointed at Din. "Where are they?", she yelled.
The citizens inside the bank were sent into a frenzy at the sight of the gun, and were pushing by Din and Lyra to exit the facility. The Mandalorian used this distraction to charge Lyra, sending her flying backwards into the street.
"You killed him!", he screamed, igniting the Darksaber. He walked to her and placed a foot on her chest, holding the lightsaber directly above her heart. "You were wrong, I will kill you for this."
Din hadn't noticed the pair walking up behind him.
"Stop!", Rotella called.
The Mandalorian turned and saw the princess, and standing behind her...
"Daedalus!", Din cried out as he ran to embrace him.
He wrapped his arms around the Foundling with tears in his eyes. "I thought you were dead."
Their sentiments were cut short by a sharp cry from the princess.
Lyra had snatched Rotella and caught her in a chokehold, using her one hand to hold a blaster to her neck, and her severed arm to keep her from running. Din hadn't noticed that the princess had a large, silver briefcase containing the payment for her delivery.
"Din, I know you're mad, but we can leave and never see these people again. We have the money, and we have each other. Please, come with me," Lyra begged.
The Mandalorian suddenly understood what Gayle was trying to tell him before. The past two years had been a blatant, excruciating mistake.
"No," he stated. "Let the princess and we'll let you leave, alone."
She slowly began backing towards her ship. "I don't think you will," she admitted.
Din and Daedalus followed her slowly as she inched backwards.
"You try any funny business and so help me Maker I'll shoot her," Lyra threatened.
Tears streamed down Rotella's face. "I'm so sorry for putting you through this," she sobbed.
Daedalus began to tear up as well. "It's not your fault."
Din placed a hand in front of the Foundling. "We have to let her go."
He knew Lyra wouldn't hesitate to kill Rotella.
Daedalus understood. "Rotella, I swear, I'll find you."
The Zygerrian nodded, tears still pouring. "I understand."
Lyra led her into the ship and raised the ramp. Shortly after, the vessel booted up and took off into the upper atmosphere.
Daedalus broke down sobbing and wrapped his arms around Din.
"I'm sorry," the Mandalorian consoled.
"Don't be. It's not your fault," the Foundling choked. "Why didn't you go with her?"
Din pulled back from the hug and placed both of his hands on Daedalus's neck. "I'm not leaving you again," he cooed.
Daedalus blushed and wrapped his arms around Din's neck. "Thank you."
The two embraced a little longer before finally making their way back to Daedalus's ship.
Half way back, the Mandalorian took the Foundling's hand.
Daedalus looked up at him, confused. "I thought you said Mandalorians were warriors and holding hands would make us look weak?"
"I don't care anymore," Din admitted. "I'm not losing you."
Daedalus leaned his head onto Din's shoulder. "I missed you."
Down the street, the rest of his crew could be seen running to greet them.
"Daedalus!", Gayle called, rushing to hug him.
The entire group got together into a giant group hug. "Sorry we're late, someone literally tried turning Wally into a coat," Verid confessed.
Wally turned away to show the others a large bald spot on his back. He let out a whimper and covered his face.
"What happened? Where's the princess?", Gayle wondered.
"Lyra got away with the princess and the money, but we're going to find her and save Rotella," Daedalus informed.
Gayle turned to Din. "And you..?"
"I'm going to stick around for a while," the Mandalorian confessed.
She placed a hand on his shoulder. "Glad you made the right choice."
He placed his arm around Daedalus's shoulder and pulled him close.
"Wait, did you tell him—," the Foundling exclaimed, pointing a finger at Gayle.
She chuckled. "I did what had to be done."
He pretended to be mad, but deep down Din knew he wasn't.
"So where's Lyra headed?", Verid interjected.
The Mandalorian sighed. "I'm not sure, but I have an idea on how to find her. We'll talk back at the ship."
The team made their way back to their craft, cracking jokes and making small talk as they went.
Din hadn't realized how much of this he had missed out on the past two years.
It was good to be back.


so dis is ittttttt, i hope you enjoyed!
season 5 is happeninggggg, and i hope you continue to read :D
writing this story is so much fun for me and i never thought people would actually enjoy reading it, so just know that you're comments/votes mean a lot to me <3333
the next chapter will come out Friday, April 2nd, so stay tuned!
stay safe xx

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