Chapter 17: The Occisor

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Din woke up himself up earlier than the others, hoping to get a head start on the day by leaving prematurely to track the bounty. He looked over at Daedalus, who was clutching onto his arm as he slept, his dark hair contrasting against the white sheets of their bed. Din kissed his boyfriend on the forehead and pulled his arm free. Daedalus let out an annoyed groaned as he tried making himself comfortable again.
Din dressed and emerged from the bedroom. It was quite earlier in the morning, but he found Sara and Grogu meditating in the center of the lower deck, totally undisturbed by the commotion he created. He ignored the run-in and made his way to the cockpit. He programmed the ship to head to the coordinates of the bounty's last location, Drall. He plugged in the location and flew the ship away from Ord Dantell. Sinking the ship into hyperspace, he heard Daedalus enter the cockpit.
"Hey, you're supposed to be sleeping," Din protested.
Daedalus grunted, "It looks like the others are up already anyways. Besides, I couldn't fall asleep without you." He sat beside Din and rested his head against the Mandalorian's shoulder.
"Do you think it's weird how much those Sara and Grogu are meditating? It's like nonstop," Din queried.
Daedalus grimaced, "I may have told her about his Force connection, so maybe she thinks that will help, I'm not sure."
"They were doing it before she knew, they were meditating when I went to pick him up the first time."
"I don't know, maybe it's her technique to calm kids down. It sure seems to work."
Din was still suspicious as to why and how she had gotten Grogu to meditate that much. The kid could hardly sit still as is, let alone in pure silence. There had to be more to it.
"Hey, I have something for you," Daedalus broke the silence, pulling two tangled necklaces from his pocket. "I made these with the kyber crystals from the Inquisitor's lightsaber. I thought they were kind of sentimental, for a few reasons." He held out his hand, gesturing for Din to take one.
The Mandalorian took one of the pendants into his hand. "I appreciate it, but I'm not really a jewelry guy." He stood up, and hung it next to the Mandalorian pendant the Armorer had given him. "That good?"
Daedalus slipped on the other necklace. "Mhm," he grabbed Din's hand and pulled him down to his level. "Love you," he whispered, placing a kiss on the side of his helmet.
The Mandalorian blushed under the helmet, and sat back down in the pilot's seat. Sara entered the cockpit, holding Grogu in her arms.
"Leaving so early?", she asked.
"Yeah, just trying to get a head start while you guys were sleeping, but it looks like we're all here," Din sassed.
"Soooooo, now what?", Daedalus asked.
Grogu cooed in response.
"How about some icebreakers? I should get to know the parents of the little baby Grogu here," Sarah suggested. "I mean, you guys are his dad's right?"
Daedalus and Din shot each other a glance. "Well, umm...I—", Din stammmered.
"The kid is really his, I'm just the boyfriend," Daedalus informed.
Din was relieved he didn't have to say it, as he wasn't sure where Din landed on the parenting side of things. They still called Grogu 'their' kid, but deep down they both knew Din had a much stronger bond with the kid.
"Oh, that makes sense," Sarah concluded. "How long have you guys been together then?"
"A week and a half, I think?", Din guessed.
"13 days," Daedalus corrected, giving a playful nudge into the Mandalorian's side. "How about you? What's your story?"
Sara looked nervous. "It's pretty dark...I'd rather not discuss it until we're a little more familiar with each other."
A red flag went up in Din's head. Sure, he most likely had a much darker past than Sara, but he still thought it was suspicious she couldn't talk about her past.
"So who are we after now?" Daedalus interjected, breaking the awkward silence.
Din stood up and threw a imagecaster on the center table. It lit up and showed Feeorin male. "He calls himself 'The Occisor', he's an intergalactic serial killer, wanted specifically dead by the family of a victim of his. Big money involved. He was last seen on Drall, a planet home to beings very sensitive to light, so they only come out at night. We can ask around there to see if anyone has seen him or heard where he was headed to next."
"You guys really plan these things out, no wonder you're such great bounty hunters," Sara complimented.
Daedalus leaned back his chair, and whispered, "You'd be surprised how many times we've rushed into these type of things without thinking."
Sara chuckled, bouncing Grogu slightly in her lap.

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