Chapter 35: The Romance

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The sun was going down over the Zygerrian palace, and it was about time for Din and Daedalus's rendezvous.
The Mandalorian was slightly put off by Lyra's eagerness to double cross Daedalus. They had been dating since they had broken out of prison on Dromund Kaas, but something about their relationship seemed ignorant. They were very open and honest with each other, but Din wasn't sure he would call it love. They said it to each other regularly, but he didn't always feel it. There seemed to be no compromise between the two of them.
Din put his jetpack on and lowered the ramp of the ship, ready to go meet the Foundling.
"Leaving without saying goodbye?", Lyra teased, making her way to her boyfriend.
She wrapped her arms around his waist and planted a kiss on the side of his helmet. "I love you," she cooed.
Din let out a gravelly "Yeah," and exited the ship.
Flying over the city, he thought about his relationships, both with Lyra and Daedalus.
He finally landed on the terrace which the Foundling had selected for their meeting. The Mandalorian sat on the railing of the balcony, awaiting his partner's arrival.
A few minutes later, Daedalus came gliding from the interior of the palace. He wore an ornate white and golden cropped top, leaving his faintly defined abdomen bare.
"I'm sorry, was I supposed to dress up?", Din teased as the Founding made his way to the balcony.
Daedalus chuckled and joined the Mandalorian on the balcony. "The princess let me raid her closet."
"Well you look..." Din paused. He didn't want to be too obvious "Nice."
"Thanks," the Foundling replied. "I would say you do too but you've worn the same thing for as long as I've known you."
Din chuckled. He missed this. Somehow this brief interaction brought him to life.
"So do you want to work together, or..?"
"Oh, yeah," Daedalus started. "I don't want to sound like a...well, a bitch, but I think I've got this covered?"
The Mandalorian smiled under the helmet. "Of course you do."
"I'm sorry, I'd like to work together again, but I think I've got this one in the bag."
Daedalus was now staring deep into Din's. Somehow he had placed them beneath the shroud of his visor. For some reason, the Mandalorian decided to remove his helmet. He placed it on the ledge next to him.
"Why'd you do that?", the Foundling pondered.
"I don't know."
They were staring deeply into each other's eyes now. Din wanted this. He wanted Daedalus. But he couldn't.
Breaking from his trance, he placed his helmet back on his head. "I'm sorry, I—,"
Daedalus nodded his head. "It's fine, I umm... I don't know."
They sat their in silence for a little while.
"Are you leaving Zygerria, then?", the Foundling asked.
"I was planning on it...unless?"
Din wanted Daedalus to ask him to stay.
"Maybe we could work as a group on the next one," the Foundling pitched.
The Mandalorian was confused. "Group?"
"You didn't know I'm working with Gayle, Verid, and Wally?"
The news was a shock to Din. "I didn't."
"Well you know now. They've been stationed outside town waiting for my word to advance. Maybe you should go visit them until I'm done here."
"I could."
"You should. I honestly don't see this charade with the princess taking much longer. And after that," Daedalus paused. "Who knows."
Din didn't want to leave Lyra...but he wanted to be with Daedalus. His relationship with each of them was so unique in its own way. His life with Lyra made sense. They worked together well, they got along, and they didn't let their feelings for each other get in the way of the mission. With Daedalus, it was nothing but bliss. The missions they went on almost always went south but at the end of the day, having the Foundling around was nothing short of a miracle.
"I guess I should be going then," Din finally mustered.
Daedalus nodded. "I guess so."
"Talk soon?"
"Of course."


Din flew off the balcony, back to wherever he came from, leaving Daedalus alone.
He hadn't noticed just how cold it was outside, and he wrapped his arms around his abdomen and waddled back into the palace. Although his shirt wasn't the most practical, it appeared to have impressed Din, which was what he was going for.
He knocked on Rotella's door, and she answered immediately and pulled him inside.
"How was it?", she beckoned.
Daedalus had told her he was meeting a friend and needed something nice to wear, and that was all. He was trying to keep her as uninvolved as possible.
"It wasn't bad. Thanks for letting me borrow the shirt."
"Oh, no problem at all," she drew in her breath like she had more to say. "You know you can be honest with me, about anything, right? I'm not going to turn you in or whatever, I truly view you as a friend." She placed a single hand on his face. "A very good friend."
The Foundling did not want to reciprocate whatever Rotella was getting at. His head was still reeling from what had just happened with Din. As much as he did not want to lead the princess on, a fake relationship with her could transition nicely into her kidnapping.
"I, view you as that too," Daedalus mustered.
She pulled him in and planted a gently kiss on his cheek. "Won't you stay the night?"
This is where he drew the line.
"I'm afraid I shouldn't. No matter what you...we view each other as, I am still your slave."
The princess dropped her hand from his face. "I suppose you're right...but please, come here as early as you would like tomorrow. I look forward to our time together."
Daedalus nodded and made his way to the door. "Goodnight, Rotella," he whispered as he exited the room.
He immediately went to his quarters. He hadn't eaten since breakfast, but he had lost any appetite within the past two hours.
With Din, things were...complicated. They almost kissed. Daedalus was living for it, but knew it wouldn't end well. With Rotella, that's where things got even more complicated. The princess had fallen for him, even asked him to stay the night. He had no choice but to lead her on until he could find the right moment to abduct her.
He was in over his head, but a million credits had to require some sacrifice.

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