Chapter 11: The Duel

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Din hurried his way down the mountainside to the cave. Across the prairie, he saw Bo Katan set her ship down. He slowed down a bit to ensure had she saw him. He was usually pretty calm in stressful situations, but his adrenaline was currently at an all time high. He didn't want to think about how he had just kissed Daedalus, it would only make him lose focus. He hoped his partner had a good plan. Then again, Bo thought he was here alone, which gave them an advantage.
He entered the cave. It went back about 100 feet, but there were plenty of boulders scattered about to hide behind.
He heard the clinking of Bo's armor as she entered the cave.
"I know you're in here!", she called, "It's time we settled this once and for all. I cha—"
A single blaster bolt had shot Bo in the back of her helmet. She fell to the ground, and her helmet rolled off.
"Come on!", Daedalus called.
Din scampered out of the cave.
"I know where your kid is!"
The Mandalorian stopped in his tracks. "What?"
"I said, I know where your kid is, and you're going to duel me for the Darksaber, or I'd hate to think of what might happen to him," Bo threatened, lifting herself into her feet.
Din knew she was crazy, but this was straight-up psychotic.
Daedalus tugged on his arm, "Let's go!"
"No," Din said sternly. "I'm dueling her."
"Please," Daedalus begged, tears forming in his eyes. "I can't lose you now."
Din ignored him and pulled the Darksaber from his belt.
Bo chuckled. "I knew that would work," she teased.
He began circling his foe. "Take the saber, say you killed me. You'll never see me again."
"That's not how it works, we both know that. A fight, specifically to the death. That's the only way this is ending," she demanded, her fists clenched and ready to fight.
Din ignited the Darksaber. "Then to the death it is."
Bo charged him. Din swung the lightsaber at her, and she jumped backwards, countering by lunging at him and knocking him over. The darksaber flew from his hand, and she crawled over him to retrieve it. Before she could, he grabbed her foot, and pulled her back. He slammed his elbow into her chest. Bo wheezed, but immediately regained her stamina. She grabbed his arm and flung him over into a boulder. She ran over to the Darksaber and picked it up, igniting it immediately. Din got up to his feet.
"I've missed this," she muttered, holding the saber in front of her.
Din drew his blaster and fired several shots at her. She dove behind a rock for cover.
"Where's the kid?", Din yelled.
"The Yavin System, but that information won't be of use to you for much longer."
She flung out from behind the rock, swinging the saber at Din. He blocked it with his gauntlet, and shot at her chest plate. She stumbled backwards, then charged again. This time, she caught him off guard, and knocked him clean on his back. She placed a foot on his chest and held the Darksaber to his throat.
"I bested you!" she screamed frantically. "Goodbye, Mando."
Shots rang out from the front of the cave. Daedalus had began firing at Bo. She held her gauntlet over her exposed face.
"This fight doesn't involve you!", she howled, using her free hand to send a round of shots back.
Din used the distraction to kick her knee backwards, causing her to stumble and fall, wailing in pain.
Din looked down at Bo. She wouldn't be walking anytime soon.
"You're going to stay away from me and the people I care about," he threatened, "Keep the Darksaber, tell everyone you killed me. I will never return to Mandalore. You will never see us again."
He set his blaster to stun, and shot her in the head.
Daedalus rushed over to Din, his face moist with tears.
"Never do that again, ever," he begged, wrapping his arms around the Mandalorians neck.
Din placed a single hand on Daedalus's back. "Let's get out of here before she wakes up."
Daedalus scoffed, "You don't have to tell me twice."
They quickly packed up their belongings and got back to the ship, taking off immediately. Din fired on Bo's ship, destroying it, as they left.
"So, where now?" Daedalus asked.
Din smiled under his helmet. "The Yavin System."

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