Chapter 30: The Escape, Part I

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Din was almost to his cell, and had no idea what he was going to do. Was he supposed to lose this fight with the guard? Or beat the guard and meet Lyra at the solitary confinement wing? He really had no clue. Either way, he had to instigate a fight with this guard.
As they entered the hallway where his cell was located, Din kicked his leg back into the sentry, who was sent stumbling backwards. The Mandalorian still had handcuffs on, so his fighting abilities would be limited. The guard charged Din, who kicked at his attackers head. The guard ducked under his attempted strike and pushed him off balance.
The bounty hunter fell onto his back, and with his hands cuffed behind him, he was unable to stand back up.
The guard brushed himself off and walked over to Din. He turned him over and dragged him in the opposite direction by his handcuffs.
It worked. He only hoped that Lyra had the same luck.
The sentry dragged him for what felt like an eternity, but finally the guards dropped him outside a cell even smaller than his previous one. Din looked around anxiously for Lyra. Was she unable to hold the guard back and already in solitary confinement? Or did she just lead Din on and not resist her guard at all?
The sentry lifted Din to his feet and threw him into his new cell. Mission failed.
As the door slammed, he heard a familiar shout from farther down the hall. Muffled grunts and thuds followed, and Din pressed his ear to the door to get a better idea of what was going on outside.
The door abruptly swung open, and slightly smaller guard could be seen standing outside the threshold. The sentry bent forward to take their hood off, and under it was...
The female made a cheeky grin and handed Din a matching robe. "Put this one, it'll keep us off the radar for a little bit."
The Mandalorian quickly threw the robe on.
Lyra reached out and took his hand. "Come on, let's go!"
"Wait," Din blurted. "I need to see if my crew mate is here."
"There's a terminal right around the corner, we can look at a prisoner roster," Lyra informed. She again took Din's hand a led him around the corner. "What's their name?", she questioned, pushing buttons on the console.
"Alis," Din stated. "She was just captured recently, and I'm not even sure she would be here."
"Who is she, your girlfriend?", Lyra teased.
The Mandalorian knew she was just prying to information on him, but he played along. "Nah, she's just part of my team. Pretty single at the moment."
Lyra smirked. "We'll that's good." She pressed a few more buttons and found what Din was looking for. "She's here. In solitary confinement."
The luck Din having was incomparable. First, he gets sent to the same prison Alis is at, and on top
of that, he met an attractive badass who he wouldn't mind getting to know a little better.
Lyra took off in the direction of Alis's cell, running her hand along Din's back and she passed him. She took out her keys she had stolen from the guard and unlocked the cell, which opened with an echoing shrill.
Alis could be seen in the cell, but something was wrong. She was sitting crosslegged on the floor, facing the back of the cell. Her arms were tied behind her back in a straight jacket.
Din slowly entered the cell and approached the Twi'Lek. "Alis? We're breaking out, let's go." No responses. "Are you okay?"
He placed a hand on her shoulder and circled around to her front side. Din let out a sharp gasp as her face came into sight. Her eyes were completely white, and two black burn marks scarred her temples.
The Mandalorian grabbed her by the waist and threw her over his shoulder.
"What did they do to her?", Lyra stammered. "As long as I've been here I've never seen anything like this."
"We can figure it out once we're free. Get us out of here," Din urged.
Lyra nodded and began running through the maze of hallways, making abrupt twists and turns to reach the exit.
"How do you know the way out?", Din inquired, both impressed and suspicious of her knowledge of the prison's layout.
"I used to do some in-prison work, just carrying stuff to the train tracks and back. The way we're taking will get us to the station, where we can find an emergency exit and take it to the surface level," she informed.
"How long have you even been in here?", the Mandalorian wondered.
"We'll talk when we get out."
"How long?"
Lyra sighed, "Fourteen years."
Din's eyes widened and his pace slowed. "Fourteen years?! How?!"
"It's a long story that we don't have time for, can we get out of here, please?", she sassed, turning to face him and placing a hand on her hip.
"Yeah, yeah. "Let's keep going."


Daedalus, Verid, Gayle, and Wally had enjoyed their fast-paced ride to the prison. It definitely beat riding in the walker and definitely walking on foot. The rode in silence until they reached the station. The shuffle of feet could be heard from their hiding spot in the open-air car, as well as small talk amongst guards.
Once the coast was clear, they disembarked and made their way to the station, hiding behind boxes and support structures when sentries were present.
"What's the plan?", Verid whispered.
"I'm not sure, what do you think?", Daedalus inputted, looking over to Gayle.
The Foundling had grown to like her. She made a good leader. They had something in common. They lost someone close to them. Daedalus could tell there was some strong bond between Alis and Gayle. He wasn't sure if it were sisterly or romantic or something else entirely, but something in her changed when Alis was taken, as something had changed in him when Din went down.
He still held out hope that the Mandalorian was alive and well, and that they would find him, wherever he was, set aside their differences, and get back together. Daedalus needed Din. They had made each other into better people through their vulnerability.
"Let's move," Gayle ordered, interrupted Daedalus's thoughts.
The team crept forward towards the entrance of the complex. Daedalus held his electrostaff in a defensive position in front of his crew mates, just in case there was a repeat of the ambush at the police station. Verid scrambled to the controls for the doors, which he got open within a few seconds. The entryway slide open, revealing two guards running towards them with a prisoner over one of their shoulders. Daedalus activated his staff and charged towards the guards.
"Daedalus?!", one of the guards exclaimed as the Foundling charged them.
The voice was oddly familiar. A certain warmth and rasp in it..


A/N: hey everyone, hope you've enjoyed the season so far :D
i'll be uploading the second part of this chapter tomorrow, and after that is the season finale O_O

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