Chapter 10: The Surprise

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It had been a long day. The two had barely made it back to Cerea in the junk freighter they stole on Mandalore. They managed to trade it off for some new clothing and gear for Daedalus. It was getting late, and pair wanted nothing more than to get back to the Razor Crest II and catch up on sleep. The market was fairly deserted after dark, and their steps echoed in the empty streets.
They walked in silence. The Razor Crest II was in sight, when something caught Din's eye. Daedalus was walking slightly in front of him, and he immediately grabbed his hand and pulled him back into a nearby alley.
Daedalus was surprised and slight agitated by the act. "What?!" he questioned sternly.
A single ship flew overhead.
"That's a Mandalorian star fighter. Bo Katan is here. She must have tracked us from Mandalore," Din informed.
"The one who wants to fight me to the death," Din stated plainly."
Daedalus let out a breathy "Oh."
"We have to get out of here before she finds our ship."
Din noticed he was still holding Daedalus's hand. He let it go, hoping he hadn't made the situation awkward. "Let's go," he said, ignoring the occurrence as a whole.
The two hurried back to the ship, leaving instantly.
"So where to now?" Daedalus asked.
"I'm not sure. Somewhere to lie low for a bit," Din said, scrolling through star maps.
"What about Nevarro?" Daedalus proposed. "That place seemed pretty dead."
"She'll look there."
"There too."
"Then close your eyes and pick something, I don't know."
"Not a terrible idea," Din said, placing a hand over his visor and a finger into the holographic star map. "Cophrigin V. Part of the Ash Worlds sector, low population. Not a bad place."
"So that's where we're going?" Daedalus asked.
"If you say so."
"Let's go."
Din turned back to the console, inputting the coordinates of Cophrigin V.
"If you want to turn in for the night you can, it'll be an hour or two before we're there," Din offered, turning around in his chair to face his partner.
Daedalus smiled back at him. "Why don't you go take a nap and I'll come get you when we come out of hyperspace?"
Din felt as though he should make Daedalus rest up, but he badly needed the sleep. He had spent the night before trying to find the ship after fighting the Cerean.
"Fine," he said, standing up. He placed his hand on "If anything comes up, don't hesitate to come find me."
"I won't," Daedalus cooed.


Now alone in the cockpit, Daedalus decided to go through the gear he had gotten at the market today. There were jumpsuits, shoulder pads, elbow length gloves, a mask, and a small blaster pistol he liked the shape of. He ran his fingers through his hair looking down at his loot. It had been a while since he'd even thought about his own personal hygiene. He had taken a small bag of toiletries when he had left home, including a razor. He had never cut his own hair before, his father usually did it for him. He walked by Din's bedroom on his way to the bathroom. It was weird to think that behind the door was someone he had never seen before, but knew so well. His hatred for Mandalorians had been irradicated after the incident on Mandalore. He didn't even want revenge anymore. After what Mave, Jorge, and Elix did to him, and seeing Din take out the squad of Mandalorian police without killing them, he knew he was wrong to take his pent up anger out on Mandalorians.
He felt like he was making real progress with Din. At this point he allowed himself to justify his feelings. It was starting to show that the feelings were mutual, and he didn't mind. He ever so badly wanted to see his face, but knew he wouldn't make Din sacrifice his belief system for him.
At this point, he had entered the bathroom. After shaving his face, he pulled out a scissors and began to cut away at his thick, black locks. When he was finished, he had a rough crew cut. It was still fairly long as he couldn't get too close to his scalp with the scissors, but he liked it, and he hoped Din would too.
After cleaning up the mess he made, he made his way back to the cockpit. The ship was almost ready to come out of hyperspace, about 15 minutes out. He knocked on Din's door.
"15 minutes," he whispered through the closed door.
He heard a disgruntled moan, then a raspy "Ok." He made way to his own quarters then, excited for the next day.

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