Chapter 50: The Queen

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Daedalus had done it. His plan had worked.
Within seconds of declaring himself king, guards flooded the balcony, placing him in handcuffs and dragging him into the heart of the castle. Din chased behind the guards, trying to keep up with them. After a series of twists and turns, the hallways began to look familiar.
The guards got Daedalus on his knees outside the entrance of a small bedroom. They unlocked the door and knocked vigorously.
"Princess Rotella, your presence is required," one of them beckoned.
Daedalus could hardly believe it.
The door opened slowly. "What is it?", the princess's sweet voice whispered.
"An accident has befallen the king and queen, and it appears you are next in line for the throne. We have the man who killed your parents and await your instruction on what to do with him."
Rotella's head peaked out from behind the door, and her eyes widened. "Let him in, let him in here now!"
The guards exchanged odd looks and brought Daedalus to the door.
"Uncuff him and leave us alone," she ordered.
The sentries did as she asked and allowed the Phoenix to join Rotella.
Daedalus was beyond relieved to see her. They rushed to embrace, letting out high-pitched wails as they spun in circles.
"I never thought I would see you again!", Rotella cheered.
"Me neither!", Daedalus mused. "Did you see the cirque de la mort?!"
The princess shook her head. "I haven't seen anything outside my room in ages."
"I killed three huge monsters, then I took a jetpack and flew up to the king and queen, and then I killed them and announced myself king! Which makes you queen!"
Rotella was in shock. "You...killed my parents?"
Daedalus realized the weight of his actions.
"AWESOME!", she interjected. "They were total assholes."
The Phoenix sighed. "So now we're in charge of the kingdom! King and queen!"
"That's not quite how it works," Rotella chuckled. "I'm in charge of the kingdom. Only a true Scintel can fully rule. You'll just stay a prince once I'm queen."
"But don't worry, pardoning you will be my first act once I'm crowned queen."
"And when will that be?"
"Any day now I suppose. Until then I can keep say I'm keeping you as my servant, but you can just hang around the kingdom until the coronation," she informed. "But I would watch my back, you did just kill the king and queen."
Daedalus winced. "I suppose."
A knock came from the door.
"Princess, there is a Mandalorian who wants into your room, shall I let him in?"
Rotella looked over at her husband, who nodded vigorously. "Let him in," she called.
The door opened and Din entered slowly.
Daedalus ran and jumped into his arms. The Mandalorian wrapped his arms tightly around his boyfriend.
"I did it! My plan worked!", Daedalus exclaimed.
Din set him down, "I'm so proud of you, but if you ever do anything like that again—,"
"I know, I know, I'm sorry," the Phoenix apologized. "Have you two met?"
"Not really," the princess muttered shyly. "I'm Rotella."
"I'm Mando," Din said shaking her hand.
"He's my boyfriend," Daedalus confessed.
Rotella gasped. "You're cheating on me?", she teased.
The group laughed, and the Phoenix realized he was still caked in blood. "I'm going to go clean up, can I take some clothes from your closet?", he asked Rotella.
"Of course," she chided. "I'm going to go get some details on my coronation, until then, I suggest you guys stay here until the commotion from earlier dies down."
"Sounds like a plan," Din confirmed.
Rotella left the room and Daedalus went to her closet, closing the door behind him. In the depths of the room, there was a fully-stocked bathroom. He stripped from the armor and took a much needed shower, rinsing the blood staining his hair and skin. He dried himself off and wrapped the towel around his waist. He scanned through Rotella's closet and found the crop top he had worn when he met Din in the balcony when they had first reunited. The Phoenix threw it on, as well as a matching pair of slacks, and exited the closet.
Din was leaning against the wall, polishing his blaster. "Well you cleaned up nice," he mused.
Daedalus chuckled and wrapped his arms around the bounty hunter. "I missed you."
"I missed you too," the Mandalorian whispered, placing a hand on his boyfriend's exposed side.
"Can you take off your helmet?", Daedalus wondered.
Din said nothing and removed his helmet and placed it on Rotella's nightstand. He had done his hair differently. Instead of simply leaving his hair untouched per usual, he had slicked it back neatly. Daedalus ran his fingers through it. "I like your hair like this," he commented.
The Mandalorian cupped his boyfriend's face in his hands. "I love you," he stated plainly.
The Phoenix was caught off guard. They hadn't said they loved each other since they had gotten together again. "I thought we were taking things slow," Daedalus confessed.
It wasn't that he didn't love Din at all, he hadn't fallen out of love since the first time they had dated the first time.
"I know," the Mandalorian started, "but I can't watch you endanger yourself like that and risk the possibility that I never got to tell you."
Daedalus blushed. "I love you too. I always have."
The couple kissed softly.
"And the Phoenix? Is that your 'Mando' now?", Din questioned.
"Yeah, do you like it?"
Din nodded. "I do."
They kissed again. Daedalus ran his hands through his boyfriend's hair.
"Can I ask you a question?", the Phoenix interrupted, pulling back from the kiss.
"Shoot," the Mandalorian retorted.
"Do you really want to take things slow?"
Din shook his head. "I don't know much about relationships but I knew people usually say that when they want to cherish the experience and draw it out as long as possible, but..," he trailed off, running his hand down Daedalus's back and leaned closer to his face. "Speeding things up wouldn't be all that bad, would it?", he whispered into his boyfriend's ear.
The Phoenix shivered. "Not at all."
The broke into a vigorous bout of sloppy, passionate kisses. Din took Daedalus into his arms and threw him down on the bed as he began removing pieces of his armor.
"Wait," the Phoenix cautioned. "What if Rotella comes back?"
Din said nothing, but walked to the door and locked it. He cocked his head. "Shall I resume?"
"Please," Daedalus whimpered.

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