Chapter 54: Beskar

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The ship came out of hyperspace above the crumbling rock that was Mandalore.
"First time seeing this rock?", Paz questioned his nephew.
"Second," he informed. He wished he could forget the first time.
"According to our intel, the ship should be leaving any second now," Ki'na informed.
Sure enough, an Imperial transport could be seen exiting the planet's upper atmosphere.
"We call this ship the Wraith, wanna know why?", Ki'na questioned.
Daedalus cocked his head. "Sure?"
With the press of a few buttons, the ship became entirely invisible.
"A cloaking device?!", the Phoenix mused, "Now that's impressive."
Ki'na flew the ship right below the transport. "Locking on in three, two..,"
With a sharp jolt, the two ships were conjoined.
The trio opened the boarding hatch on the floor of the ship and made their way through the docking tube and into the enemy vessel.
Jumping down from the opening, they were met with immediate blaster fire. The Mandalorians got out a few shots before diving behind different cargo dashed around the ship. Daedalus ignited the Darksaber and charged the soldiers. There were only two, so the Phoenix made quick work of them.
"You didn't save any for us, how unfair," Paz teased.
"Look at this," Ki'na called out.
She had pulled a tarp out from over some of the cargo in the hold. Underneath were mining grade barrels. Ki'na unscrewed the top of one and found a powdery silver mineral.
"Raw beskar," she informed. "They must still be mining on Mandalore."
Paz shook his head. "Just couldn't leave till they drained that rock of everything it had, could they."
"Why don't you take the Wraith back to Ithor, Paz. Daedalus and I will take this ship and deactivate the trackers and such on it and meet you back at base once it's safe," Ki'na offered.
The heavy infantry nodded. "I'm on it captain."
Paz made his way back into the boarding tube, saluting his partners as he went.
Ki'na made her way to the cockpit, Daedalus following close behind her.
"What's the plan now?", he asked.
"We're going to fly this ship to the opposite side of the galaxy, disable the tracking beacon, then head back to base," she informed.
Daedalus nodded. "Nice..," he muttered. His thoughts had started to circle back to Din. "Can I ask you a question?"
Ki'na slipped the ship into hyperspace and turned to face him. "What's up?"
"What's the Children of the Watch's policy on relationships?", he asked innocently.
She chuckled. "I knew this question was coming."
"Why?", Daedalus questioned, a lump forming in his throat.
"Paz told me about you and Din—,"
"Listen I can explain—," the Phoenix started.
Ki'na held out a finger to silence him. "You don't have to explain. I understand."
Daedalus cocked his head. "You do?"
"Of course. You weren't raised on the code, and we know he's had a few slip ups in the past, that's how all the Foundlings are," she consoled. "I just wouldn't let other members of the group find out, they may not be as...accepting."
This development calmed Daedalus down. "Awesome, thanks."
Perhaps he wouldn't have to move out anyways.


Daedalus and Ki'na returned to the base as the sun was setting down over the luscious jungles of Ithor. It had been a long day for the two of them, as removing the tracking beacon had been a greater task then they had first imagined.
The Phoenix wanted nothing more than to go right to sleep, whether Din was in bed with him didn't matter. He made his way to the Razor Crest II and found the ship empty. Daedalus was just about to start removing his armor when Paz entered the ship.
"Sorry to intrude," he apologized. "Din wants to see you on the hill outside camp."
"Is everything okay?", Daedalus asked. This was out of character for his boyfriend.
Paz nodded. "Everything's fine, you're just supposed to go over there, that's all."
"Okay...thanks," he replied.
The two of them left the ship and went their separate ways. Daedalus had no clue what was going on. He figured this was just some elaborate over-the-top apology from Din, that's all.
He exited the camp and began walking through the jungle to the hill. At the base of the knoll, he found a tree stump with the Mandalorian's helmet on it. Daedalus looked around to make sure no one else was around before removing his own helmet and placing it on the stump. Now he was very confused.
He began ascending the slope, which was faintly illuminated by candles placed along an old stone path.
Reaching the peak of the hill, he found stone ruins of an old settlement, and in the center stood Din. His hair was slicked back and he was freshly shaven.
"What's going on?", Daedalus questioned as he joined his boyfriend in the center of the ruins.
Din took the Phoenix's hands. "I can't hide my love for you, Dae, and I'm not going to let anything get in the way of that."
This all seemed out of place and excessive for the small bout they'd had earlier.
"Okay..?", Daedalus stuttered. He didn't know what to say.
Din suddenly got down on one knee. "It's you, Daedalus. It's always been you." He pulled a ring from his pocket. "Will you marry me?"
The Phoenix felt no hesitation.
"Yes!", he exclaimed.
Din rose and drew his fiancé in for a kiss.
Daedalus pulled back to allow the ring to be placed on his finger. It was made of beskar, and instead of a diamond, the purified kyber crystal from the Inquisitor's lightsaber was molded into the ring.
Din had a solid beskar ring with no crystal present.
"It's..," Daedalus started.
Din sighed. "I know the craftsmanship is spotty, I made them myself and—," he started.
"I love it," the Phoenix mused. "I love you."
The pair kissed again, this time much more passionately.
This was all Daedalus ever wanted. Din, forever. But
"Is it because only married couples can see each other with their helmets off?", the Phoenix asked.
The Mandalorian scrunched his face in thought. "At first..," he started, "and then I realized that I shouldn't take such a large step just so we don't have to hide, so I wasn't going to propose at all."
"Well then—," Daedalus started.
Din placed a finger over his partner's mouth. "Shh," he teased. "The more I thought about it the more I realized I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you, whether I can see your face or not."
"Can I talk now?", the Phoenix joked.
"If you really have to," Din replied sarcastically. His face lit up. "I forgot, I have one more surprise."
The Mandalorian went to his satchel, which was hanging from a protruding brick in the ruins. After rummaging through for a moment, he pulled out a jug of spotchka. "To celebrate?"
Daedalus extended his arms and ran to take the bottle. "Yes!"
Din held the bottle above his head. "Ah ah ah, you're a sloppy drunk, we're keeping an eye on how much you have."
"And let you have all the fun?" The Phoenix jumped up and tore the bottle from his hands. "I think not," he teased, taking a swig from the container. "This is so much better than that stuff from Sorgan."
Din chuckled as he took a sip. "Right?"
Daedalus looked up at his boyfriend. He was fumbling with the stopper for the spotchka, tongue poking out the side of his mouth and he tried jamming the cork in.
"Looks like we gotta drink the whole thing," he shrugged.
"You're cute," Daedalus admitted, still paying close attention to Din's facial features. His deep, brown eyes. His patchy sideburns and iconic mustache.
The Mandalorian's eyebrows furrowed. "Where's that coming from? You've only had one sip of spotchka, you can't get all sappy yet."
"No really," the Phoenix chuckled. "I'm excited to spend the rest of my life with you."


HEHEHE IT HAPPENED <3 hope u enjoyed!
while i got ur attention i was thinking of doing a 'meet the author' thingy, so pop any questions you want me to answer in the comments and i'll put it together :)
thanks for reading xx love u all

here's an update on my painting ! almost done!!

pshere's an update on my painting ! almost done!!

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