Chapter 58: The Heir of Mandalore

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"What's the plan?", Paz questioned.
"I think—," Daedalus started.
"We do what us Mandalorians do best, fight," Pollux interrupted. "There's no negotiating with them, we have to ward them off."
"We could always try to trick them. We have turned some of their own against them," the Phoenix suggested, motioning at the Imperial Mandalorians.
"I...I agree with Daedalus," Ki'na endorsed. "It just depends on how many Imp's show up." She turned to Pollux. "Take the prisoners up to our ships and arm them with any weapons you can find. We have to be ready for anything."
He nodded and began to round up the slaves.
"We need to find Valem, wherever he is," Din suggested.
"Where's the Beskar-charged blaster?", Ki'na asked Paz.
He patted his sides and shrugged. "I guess I dropped it in the heat of the moment.
Ki'na rolled her eyes and sighed. "And now he has the one thing that might save him."
Shouting could be heard in the distance, and the group walked around the building to find what they feared most.
The Empire was here.
A Star Cruiser had emerged from hyperspace just above the quarry. TIE fighters highlighted with a red streak flew from the ship, firing down on the mine.
Daedalus used his helmet to look closely at the Cruiser. TIE's were still exiting the ship, as well as a handful of troop transports.
The Empire's first target was the Mandalorian's fleet. Within seconds, all of their ships were blown to bits. All but the Wraith, whose cloaking device was still engaged.
"I hope Pollux and the prisoners weren't anywhere near those ships," Paz muttered.
The group had taken cover in the lab, as the TIE's were bombarding the mine in laser fire.
"What's the plan?", Din pried. "There's no way we can blast our way out of this one."
Ki'na sighed. "We have to destroy the mines. If we can't have the Beskar in them, neither can the Empire."
She began limping from the lab, but Paz grabbed her arm.
"And where do you think you're going?", he questioned. "You're staying here."
She ripped her arm from his grasp. "I'm doing what has to be done. I'm wounded, and I've broken the Way. It has to be me."
"To do what?", Paz questioned, a small tinge of pain in his voice.
"Blow up the mines," Ki'na stated plainly.
Daedalus couldn't let her do this. "You're not going, at least not alone."
She turned and looked deep into his visor, her green eyes sparkling in the low light. "Lead the Children of the Night, you have my blessing."
The Phoenix scoffed. "You're not going."
"Until I am dead you are to follow my order, now help me get to the mineshaft," she ordered.
Daedalus looked over at Din, hoping he had some sort of plan to change her mind. All he could do was shrug.
Ki'na pulled Daedalus to her, wrapping an arm around his shoulder to steady her. "Let's go."
A tear ran down his face and he led her to the mines.
"Load as many explosives as you can onto one of the mining vehicles, then get as far away from here as you can."
The Phoenix did as she asked in silence, not knowing what else to do.
"Why are you doing this?", he finally asked.
She smiled. "I've led this group for longer than you'd believe. I've seen every battle, every possible scenario, and do you want to know the one thing that every victory I've experienced had in common?"
Daedalus shook his head.
"Sacrifice. Every win requires a sacrifice."
"But it doesn't have to be you, please!", the Phoenix begged.
She shook her head. "I've broken the Creed, the Children will not respect me any longer." She grabbed his hand. "And with you leading them, I know you can reclaim Mandalore."
"I can't do it."
Ki'na ignored him. "Help me up," she ordered, motioning at the vehicle they had just loaded up with explosives.
Daedalus helped her ascend to the controls.
"I guess this is goodbye," she cooed.
The Phoenix pulled her in for a tight embrace.
Pulling back, she tore the bandage off her head. The wound had only gotten worse since she had removed her helmet.
She placed her hands on either side of Daedalus's helmet. "You are the Phoenix, a symbol of hope, rebirth, and perseverance. You are the only hope for Mandalore."
Daedalus opened his mouth to speak, but blaster fire quickly interrupted the sentimental moment. A troop transport had set down near their location, and they were now bombarded with enemy fire.
"Now what?", the Phoenix asked aggressively.
Ki'na sighed. "Keep them from shooting the explosives, and me."
Daedalus nodded and jumped onto the nose of the bulldozer, deflecting and dodging blaster fire. Ki'na threw herself into the pilot seat of the implement. It turned over for a few seconds before roaring to life. She crept the vehicle forwards towards the mouth of the mine.
The stormtroopers were still firing away at Daedalus, who was now crouching, allowing some shots to hit his Beskar. The soldiers grew tired of shooting at an indestructible foe, so they began shooting at the dozer itself.
Daedalus jumped off the vehicle to draw their fire once more. "Keep going!", he exclaimed to Ki'na.
The Phoenix charged the stormtroopers, cutting them down and incapacitating them down as he went. Once he had taken out the squad, he used the built-in missile on his jetpack to destroy the troop's transport ship.
Blaster fire sounded from inside the mine. Daedalus flew into the cave to where the dozer had stopped. Valem must have been hiding in the shaft, and was firing at Ki'na, who was hiding behind the engine of the dozer. Daedalus flew right to him, but not before a shot from the Beskar-charged blaster hit his jetpack, which sputtered out and sent the Phoenix flying farther down the cave.
Daedalus threw the jetpack off and ignited the Darksaber. Valem fired a volley of shots, which he dodged and deflected with his lightsaber. He ran at his foe and swung his blade at him, which Valem ducked under, tripping Daedalus in the process. The traitor fired at the Phoenix, hitting his thigh armor plate twice.
The whole debacle had allowed for Ki'na to drive the bulldozer deeper into the mineshaft.
Daedalus scurried to his feet and dove behind a boulder. He had unfortunately dropped the Darksaber in his fall, and was now unarmed aside from his gauntlets.
Having one for out of the way, Valem began firing at Ki'na, who was deep into the mine at this point.
Daedalus scanned the cave. He couldn't see the Darksaber, and shooting at Valem would be counterproductive, as he had pure Beskar armor. The only thing of use in the general vicinity was his jetpack, but even that wasn't working. Looking down at the large dent in his thigh armor, he struck a plan.
He launched out from behind the rock. "Valem, heads up!", he exclaimed as he shot his fibercord whip at his jetpack. Daedalus jerked his arm, sending the rocket pack hurtling towards Valem. The traitor wheeled around and shot blindly at the jetpack. It was encased in Beskar, but due to the shot he had landed on it earlier, the prototype blaster pierced through the steel, combusting the fuel inside.
Daedalus dove back behind the rock as Valem was engulfed in fire. His under-armor was set ablaze, and he began ripping off his armor to get the flames off his flesh. Once he removed his chest plate, the Phoenix emerged from behind the rock and shot a single bolt with his gauntlets. The shot hit Valem right in the chest, killing him instantly.
Daedalus scampered out and found the Darksaber among the small blaze. Clipping it to his belt, he glanced down the mineshaft. Ki'na had stopped the dozer and was standing near the cannisters filled with explosives. She waved her hand, motioning him to leave the cave. He wanted to stop her, but knew it was too late.
The Phoenix ran from the cave to find an epic battle between the Mandalorians and the Empire going on all around him. There were battles on the ground between stormtroopers, slaves, and Imperial Mandalorians; as well as Children of the Watch soaring around the TIE Fighter like flies.
Daedalus saw Din and a group of other Mandalorians surrounding the lab, where slaves who were injured or unable to fight were hiding. The Phoenix rushed to assist. He ignited the Darksaber and took the troopers on from the rear. The soldiers were unable to protect themselves from two different fronts, and were quickly struck down.
Daedalus retracted the lightsaber and rushed to hug Din. "I'm glad you're okay," he cooed.
"You too, where's Ki'na?", the Mandalorian questioned.
The Phoenix looked downwards. "I didn't get to say goodbye," he mourned.
A TIE Fighter suddenly flew through the corridor, firing at the Mandalorians. They scurried into the lab for cover.
Once it had gone by, Daedalus rushed into the street with Din on his tail.
"Get me up to that thing," the Phoenix ordered.
Din wrapped an arm around his fiancé and flew up over the TIE. "What happened to your jetpack?"
"Long story," Daedalus spat. "Thanks for the ride!"
The Phoenix pried himself from Din's grasp, landing in the roof of the ship. He cut a hole in the roof with the Darksaber and threw the pilots from the small cockpit.
He dropped down and took control of the fighter, quickly realizing he had never flown a starship before. Pressing random buttons and levers, he finally got a feel for the basic controls of the fighter.
Just as he turned the ship around, he saw the mines explode into a gigantic fireball. Flames erupted from the air vents and mouth of the cave. A huge plume of dust and smoke settled over the entire quarry. Daedalus pulled back on the controls to fly over the cloud, and found that the mine wasn't the only thing in flames. The Imperial Star Cruiser was aflame and falling from the sky, with the Wraith flying away from the carnage.
The Children of the Watch had won; they had taken control of the mine.


Next chapter is the semifinal chapter! Thing are boutta go down hehe

also not rly related but here's why i painted din before :D

i'm currently painting the ultraviolence album cover, wanda/scarlet witch, and the manic album cover, and i plan to make an ahsoka one too, so lmk if you want updates ig lol

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i'm currently painting the ultraviolence album cover, wanda/scarlet witch, and the manic album cover, and i plan to make an ahsoka one too, so lmk if you want updates ig lol

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