Chapter 5: The Return

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Din honestly had no idea what had come over. He had never shared his name with anyone, with the exception of Moff Gideon revealing his name during the holdout on Nevarro. He didn't even know Daedalus that well, and he didn't like what he was feeling towards him. At first he thought it was similar to how he felt towards Grogu, fatherly love. He definitely wouldn't call what how he felt towards Daedalus love, but perhaps a slight infatuation. In terms of his mates in the past, he had never felt that way towards a male. Whatever it was he felt, he knew he needed to remove this distraction from his life immediately. It would only make his profession more complicated in the future.
They had made their way back to ship, and were now heading up into the upper atmosphere.
"So where to now?" Daedalus questioned. He was sitting in the copilot chair with his feet up on the control module. "Got another bounty who's not wanted alive?"
"I was actually thinking of taking you back to Coruscant. It's just not safe for you," Din replied, trying to leave his words as emotionless as possible.
Daedalus's sunny disposition quickly faded.
"Oh. I thought I would tag along for a bit," he stated glumly.
"Coruscant is only 2 sectors away, we probably wouldn't be close enough to drop you off for a bit," The Mandalorian paused. "It's easier this way."
He grabbed Grogu's ball and wheeled it around in his hand as he sunk the ship into hyperspace.
Daedalus noticed this, and consequently asked, "So what's up with the ball?"
Din sighed. "I belonged to a kid I took in a while back. He ended up having to leave, but it was for the best. He'll be a better person when he gets back."
"What was his name?"
"Weird name."
The mention of names made Din feel uncomfortable, and he wished to spend some time away from Daedalus for a bit.


Daedalus didn't want to go home. He knew he was making some serious bond with Din, and he wasn't ready to abandon that. He didn't necessarily feel he needed a relationship with the Mandalorian, but they made a good team, and connection or not, bounty hunting was exhilarating.
Din had left the cockpit and went to the lower deck to do Maker knows what. His thoughts drifted back to Coruscant and his father. What would he think if he knew his son was flying around the galaxy with a Mandalorian? He thought about what Din said. This probably was for the best. What Din had going here was a well oiled machine. He didn't need a copilot or crew mate or friend.
A tear rolled down Daedalus's cheek. He rubbed it away and moved into the pilot's seat. The mesmerizing glow of hyperspace calmed him. Just as he began to doze off, the ship's module chimed, and the ship came out of hyperspace. It appeared as though Din had set it on autopilot, as it was already heading to the same dock where they'd been just earlier in the week.
The ship careened itself through the lanes of air traffic and eventually touched down in the dismal alley. Daedalus made his way to the lower deck and found Din polishing his blasters.
There was an awkward tension in the room, so Daedalus remarked, "Fairly impressive how this thing can get itself docked on autopilot."
The Mandalorian didn't look up, and just muttered a single, "Yeah."
Zilas looked down at his feet. "You know, it was this ship that led me here. I figured it would have some good loot."
Din chucked. "You better get going kid, I shouldn't stay in the same place too long."
"You're right," Daedalus apologized, "I'm sorry I'll leave, but...thank you?" He wasn't sure what to say. "I had fun. Maybe kidnap me again some time?"
He smirked and looked up at the Mandalorian, who didn't acknowledge the sentiments.
Daedalus nodded softly and left the ship, heading back to his home.


Din was confused. The kid had expressed some gushy statement as he left, but he couldn't bring himself to say how he felt. To be honest, he enjoyed the company. It was the first time he'd had a "friend" since Grogu.
He set his blaster down and made his way to the cockpit. Setting himself down, he looked out at the gloomy street in which Daedalus lived. In fact, Din saw him enter a crummy looking building at the far end of the boulevard. He sat there for a while, unable to take off.
He felt pain. A pain similar to when he had sent Grogu off with the Jedi. But Grogu's departure was necessary, he had to train and learn to wield his powers. Daedalus leaving felt...forced, like he was being pushed away rather than let go. Din sat there for a moment, recalling the moments they shared back on Korriban. He surely would have been dead if Daedalus hadn't showed up. He owed his life to the boy.
Din sighed. As much as he wished to leave Coruscant and leave Daedalus in the past, he would be deranged to leave him here to rot away. And even more importantly, to ignore the way he felt about him. Whether the feelings were brotherly or something else entirely, he sincerely enjoyed the company. He had to do something, or else he would regret it for the rest of his life.


Daedalus entered the apartment to see his father surprisingly out of his chair. He nearly collapsed when he say his son.
"What the hell Dae?! You had me worried sick?!" He yelled in a consolidating way.
"I was...staying at a friend's," he lied. His father couldn't know he was with a Mandalorian.
"Next time, let me know, okay?"
Daedalus appreciated how worried yet understanding his father was.
"Dad, can I ask you a question?"
"Of course, son."
"Why do you hate Mandalorians so much?" Daedalus queried. He had to know.
"I was going to wait until you were older to tell you, but I guess you've old enough for a while now." His father developed a deep sadness in his eyes. "We used to live on Mandalore. You're mother was a Mandalorian, the best fighter I had ever seen. We were all happy. Our clan usurped the Mandalorian throne from a fascist ruler and we ruled greatly. In fact, it was your second uncle who ran the show. But then, the people turned on our clan. Your mother had just given birth to you, and she was unable to fight with as much gusto as before."
His father stopped, holding his head in his hands.
"They came for her, Dae. They murdered her. She couldn't even fight back." The sadness in his eyes had turned into a burning frustration. "Mandalorians are the most violet sociopaths in the galaxy, they live only for blood and violence."
Daedalus was astonished. He had no idea his father's hatred of their kind was fueled by the death of his mother.
"I...I don't know what to say," Daedalus replied.
Placing his hand on his shoulder, his father consoled, "It's okay, son. It's a lot to take in."
Daedalus wanted to be anywhere but there in this moment. He wanted to be alone. His father's hatred actually made sense. For years he had silently judged his father for hating on a race he didn't know.
Daedalus went to his room and threw a compilation of sentimental objects from his past. He needed to start over. This chapter in his life had to end. Everything he knew had changed. He understood why his father ran and hid. The Mandalorian's were savages.
He saw this in Din. He was a bounty hunter. A profession literally based on murder. He had to be alone right now.
He made his way to the front door. "Hey dad, I'm leaving for a few days, not sure when I'll be back, I just gotta take a breather," Daedalus yelled into the apartment before leaving. He didn't wait to here his father's response.
He made his way down the dimly lit staircase to the ground floor. Mold was growing on the walls, and a majority of the stairs had a large chip taken out of them from years of use.
He was almost out of the building when he saw...Din? He was standing at the door to the complex.
"I think you should come with me," he started, "I enjoy having you—"
"I can't," Daedalus cut him off. "I just...I need some time alone right now. Goodbye Din."
He pushed past the Mandalorian and trudged into the grimy streets. Tears streamed down his face and he made his way onto an side street. He collapsed behind a dumpster and allowed his emotions to take over. He was overwhelmed and angry. He didn't know where he would go. He felt rage. He wanted revenge on the people who made his father feel that way. On the people who killed his mother.


The Mandalorian was befuddled. He had tried opening up to Daedalus, but he wouldn't even listen to what he had to say. Din had thought he would be the one who broke off whatever they had going, but now the ball was in Daedalus's court. He walked slowly back to his ship, unsure whether or not he should try to make amends before he left Coruscant. His own words kept echoing in his head.
"It's easier this way."
He boarded his ship and began takeoff procedures. As he began to raise the landing gear he saw Daedalus running, no, stumbling, to the ship. He set the ship down immediately and let down the starboard boarding ramp. He rushed downstairs to meet Daedalus, who threw himself at Din once he saw him. Daedalus wrapped his arms around the hunter, sobbing hysterically.
Din was confused to say the least. He stood there, arms at his side for a while, allowing Daedalus to cry it out. Out of paternal instinct, he wrapped his arms around Daedalus.
"It's going to be okay," Din said, patting the poor boy's back.

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