Chapter 59: The Challenger

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Daedalus landed his TIE Fighter the best he could at the edge of quarry. The dust was just starting to settle, but visibility was still low. He activated his helmet's thermal vision and made his way to the lab.
Din, Paz, and the others were grouped up in the corridor, and turned to face him as he approached. His uncle rushed to see him. "What happened to Ki'na? Where is she?", he beckoned.
Daedalus placed a hand on his shoulder. "She died a hero. I'm sorry."
Paz slumped over and made his way into the lab silently.
The crowd cheered as the Phoenix joined them, embracing in a large huddle.
"What's next, captain?", Din questioned mockingly.
Daedalus punched his arm and gave him a hug shortly after.
The Wraith suddenly cut through the clouds of dust, landing beside the lab. The ramp lowered and Pollux stomped out.
"What have you done?!", he bellowed.
"What do you mean?", Daedalus chided. "We defeated the Empire."
"I defeated the Empire, you destroyed all access to our mines! You did more damage to us than the Empire did!"
"Ki'na didn't want to risk giving the Empire any more access to the Beskar, it had to be done," the Phoenix argued.
Pollux pushed him backwards. "You minus well work for the Imp's."
Daedalus jumped to his feet. "It doesn't matter, I'm leading the next strike on the capital city. Mandalore will be ours with or without the mines."
"You're leading the attack? Who put you in charge?", Pollux scoffed.
"Ki'na. She said I was to fill in as leader after her death."
"It's true," Din interjected.
Pollux placed his hands on his hips. "So I'm supposed to believe that Ki'na told you to lead us, then she miraculously dies the same day? Do you really think we're that naive?", he roared. "For all we know, you killed her and had your friends back you up to make you leader. Ki'na would have never assigned someone new to the Watch to lead the liberation of Mandalore."
The prisoners and Mandalorians surrounding them fell silent. Pollux must have convinced them that Daedalus was the villain.
"If anyone should lead us it should be me. I took down the Star Cruiser and countless TIE's, where were you?", Pollux nagged.
Daedalus scoffed. "I was in the mines with Ki'na."
"Was this before or after you killed her?"
The Phoenix unclipped the Darksaber from his belt. He was about to ignite it and fight Pollux, but Paz came rushing from the lab.
"He didn't kill Ki'na," the heavy infantry wheezed. "And it's true, she did want him to lead the Children of the Watch."
Pollux chuckled. "And you expect us to believe your brash attempt at saving your nephew? Pathetic."
Paz shoved him backwards. "I was closer to Ki'na than anyone else. If anyone should be taking her place, it should be me, but I respect her decision in selecting Daedalus."
"I refuse to be fed more lies! Just because you wield the Darksaber doesn't mean you can lead our people!", Pollux screeched.
The Phoenix knew what had to be done. Pollux knew he was wrong, but refused to give up.
Daedalus placed himself between Paz and Pollux. "I have an idea," he seethed. "If anything, it'll end this petty quarrel."
"I'm listening," Pollux chortled.
"I challenge you to a duel. A battle to determine the leader of the Children of the Watch." He dangled the Darksaber in front of his face. "And all the clans, for that matter."
Pollux nodded. "I accept you offer, and await my promotion with ecstasy."
Daedalus rolled his eyes and left the group to mill about near the lab. Din followed him as he made his way up the road leading out of the quarry.
"You okay?", the Mandalorian questioned.
The Phoenix sighed. "Not really."
"Hey," Din reached for his partner's hand. "You got this duel in the bag. You've grown so much stronger even within the past year. You're a true Mandalorian."
"I'm not even worried about that," Daedalus admitted. "I just feel like I'm being overestimated. I can't liberate an entire planet, and I really don't want to have to rule it or whatever. That's not who I am."
The Mandalorian shrugged. "Then don't," he stated plainly.
"I can't lose to Pollux, I can't. I may not want to lead the Children but I'll die before I let him take over. That's not what Ki'na wanted."
Din placed a hand on the side of Phoenix helmet. "If I know anything about you, it's that you'll make things right."
Daedalus rested his head against his fiancé's hand. "I don't know, I have a bad feeling about this whole thing. Pollux follows the Creed, but he plays dirty."
"Maybe we can ask Paz for help, he may know some of his techniques," Din suggested.
"Not a bad idea."
The pair crested the mine to where the Mandalorians' ships were docked, only to find a graveyard of wreckage.
The two said nothing and looked over at each other.
Daedalus broke into tears and wrapped his arms around Din. Their home was gone.
"Wait," the Mandalorian interjected, pulling himself free from the hug.
He paced through the carnage to where he had docked the Razor Crest II. Digging through the scrap, he found a small chest made of Beskar.
"I had this made after the first Razor Crest was destroyed," he informed, handing the box to Daedalus.
The Phoenix opened the chest and found it full of credits, the knob of Grogu's, and a small strip of fabric.
Daedalus pulled the cloth out of the box. "Is this—," he started.
"The blindfold I used for our first kiss, yeah," Din admitted.
The Phoenix blushed. "I didn't take you for the sentimental type."
"I'm not," he shrugged. "In fact, the only reason I kept it at first is so I wouldn't have to keep ripping my cape whenever I wanted to kiss you."
Daedalus punched his partner's arm playfully. "Cute," he teased.
"I didn't keep it to be 'cute'," he quipped sternly.
The Phoenix laughed. "Oh yeah, I forgot. We're Mandalorians, toughest warriors in the galaxy. No room for sentimentality. Only thoughts of blood and gore," he teased, dropping his voice a few octaves.
Din slapped the top of his fiancé's helmet and laughed.
Daedalus had almost forgotten their ship was gone.
"I guess we're homeless now," he sniffled, bitter emotions returning.
The Mandalorian pulled him in for a hug. "That's the thing about us. It doesn't matter what happens, we'll always have each other."
Daedalus rested his head against Din's chest plate. "Forever."
The sun was going down over the barren planet.
"We should head back into the mine, you have a big day ahead of you," Din chided.
The Phoenix nodded. "I guess you're right."
The two linked arms and began making their way back into the quarry.
"Do you think I can beat Pollux?", Daedalus questioned out of the blue.
"I don't know anything about him, he wasn't a part of my previous Tribe," the Mandalorian replied.
The continued to walk down the slope. They were still quite a ways out, as the road looped around the entire crater.
Din leaned in closer to Daedalus. "I don't think we're alone."
The Phoenix silently switched his helmet over to thermal vision, and a handful of different footprints dotted the path ahead of them. Daedalus looked up to the higher wall of the canyon, and noticed a Mandalorian sniper aiming right at them.
The Phoenix ignited the Darksaber and held it in front of him and Din.
"Show yourself!", he ordered.
Slowly, a group of Mandalorians stepped out of the shadows, weapons drawn.
In the center of them stood Pollux.



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