Chapter 48: The Setup

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"Do you I really have to put these on now?", Din questioned, tightening the handcuffs on his partner's wrists.
"Yes, we have to totally sell this," Daedalus urged.
He had removed his armor and now donned a fairly-basic looking get up which consisted of an olive robe with a silver sash.
The Mandalorian still didn't fully understand the plan, all he knew is that he was turning Daedalus into the royal family. The two of them had bought a book on Zygerrian traditions, and somewhere in there the Phoenix had found something of use, but had refused to tell his partner as it was 'too complicated'.
"So what exactly are you going to do once I turn you over?", Din wondered.
"You're just going to say you found me on Tatooine and that you want to stick around to see what they do with me," Daedalus informed.
The Mandalorian cocked his head. "But won't they just throw you in jail?"
"Not necessarily. Just be ready to help me."
Din was worried. "Why can't you just tell me?"
The Phoenix turned to face his boyfriend. "Because you would most definitely talk me out of it."
The Mandalorian cocked his head and placed a hand on his boyfriend's neck. "And aren't we supposed to tell each other these things?"
"Yes, but...", Daedalus trailed off, "Just trust me, okay?"
This made Din even more concerned. Whatever his partner had planned, it was not going to end well.
"Is there a chance of death?", he pried.
Daedalus shrugged. "Kind of," he teased, turning to the exit ramp. "Can you hide my lightsaber in my cloak? There's a little pocket on the underside that it should fit in."
The Mandalorian did as he asked, more concerned than ever.
"Ok, perfect, now carry me into the city and turn me in and we can get this party started!", Daedalus exclaimed.
Din sighed. "I have a bad feeling about this."


Daedalus was almost excited to go through with his plan. Once they got into the palace, he was going to announce that he called for a cirque de la mort, a Zygerrian tradition where a slave could battle different creatures for a chance to win his freedom. The Phoenix didn't plan on fighting the animals though, he just needed an event to bring the entire kingdom together, specifically bring the king and queen out into the open. Usually, the cirque de la mort's were hosted in private, but he was sure that the being the slave who married and ran away with the princess would bring in some crowd.
Din had brought him into the palace now, and we're currently making their way to the guard's outpost. He felt a little bad that he had kept his plans a secret from the Mandalorian, but he also needed to totally sell this. If one small step went wrong, there would most definitely be consequences.
The guards at the outpost made their way outside of their hut and stood at the entrance of the palace.
"What brings you here, Mandalorian?", one of them boomed.
Din shoved Daedalus down onto the ground. "I have brought you the slave which ran away with the princess. I figure he'll be of some importance to the royal family?"
The sentries exchanged looks.
"Erm, thanks? We'll take him from here," the guard who appeared to be in charge informed.
The Mandalorian took a step between Daedalus and the soldiers. "You think I'd bring this traitor all the way from Tatooine just let you get the credit? I'm coming with."
"If you insist," a guard sighed as he hoisted Daedalus over his shoulder.
The sentries brought the two of them through the snaking hallways of the palace until they reached a set of other wooden doors guarded by an old Zygerrian man in ornamental robes.
"Sir, this bounty hunter has brought us the slave who princess Rotella ran away with. What shall we do with him?", a guard questioned.
The man stuck him his nose in disgust. "The king and queen were hoping he would turn up shortly. I shall retrieve them at once." The elder opened one of the doors just far enough for him to creep through, then disappeared. They stood for several minutes in silence until both doors swung open wide, revealing two ornately dressed figures. The guards immediately bowed in salute, and Din followed suit. The same man who had met them at the door was standing beside them, as he must be their advisor.
The guards stood. "This is the man who married princess Rotella," the captain informed as he threw Daedalus to the ground. The impact knocked the wind out of him, and was left gasping for air.
The king walked over to stand above the Phoenix. "Traitorous scum. Do you not know a slave's place?" He gave him a swift kick in the ribs and spat on him.
"Send him to the dungeon. We'll send for him when we can finalize the divorce."
"Wa—wait—," Daedalus wheezed as the guards lifted him to his feet. "I—I want—."
The king turned to Din. "And you must be the hero who apprehended this imbecile?"
The Mandalorian nodded. "I am."
"We're you hoping for a reward for your actions?"
"I—Yes, yes I was."
"And what are you hoping to gain from your trials?"
This wasn't how Daedalus had planned it. He needed to demand a cirque de la mort, but he couldn't form the words. "Cir—cirque—," he stammered.
Din turned to Daedalus, who was being dragged from the room. "I think the slave is trying to say something."
The king scoffed. "Lions do not concern themselves with the opinions of sheep, my friend."
"Cirque de la mort!", Daedalus wailed with all his might.
The room froze, and a devilish grin formed on the kings's face. "I was hoping you would say that." He turned to the advisor. "Inform the kingdom that a public cirque de la mort will be held in the main arena midday tomorrow. The entire kingdom is invited, so they may see how we handle disobedience on Zygerria," the king ordered. "Until then, lock the traitor in the dungeon. He shall learn his lesson there."
As he was being dragged away, Daedalus winked at Din so he knew this was all part of the plan.
"Anyways, how were you expecting to be rewarded for bringing in this scum?", the king asked the Mandalorian.
"Actually, if I could get a front row seat to this 'cirque de la mort', I'd be happy to call it even."
The king smiled. "Then you shall sit beside my wife and I as an honored guest. Our treat."
Din nodded in approval.
Shortly after, Daedalus was dragged from the room and taken down to the lowest level of the castle. He was thrown into a cell with bars as round as a small tree. Easy to cut through with the Darksaber, but he would need to keep that a secret until tomorrow's main event.
The plan had worked! Daedalus's ruse would be seen by the whole kingdom.

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