Chapter 56: The Mine

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THANKS FOR 4000 READS 😭🥰 I remember after I finished season 1 i was going to end the book because hardly anyone was reading it, look at me now! lil lesson in perseverance and to never give up :) thank u for reading and have a great day !!!


The entire tribe got together to help take down the main structures before heading their separate ways. As Din and Daedalus were heading back to the Razor Crest II, Ki'na stopped them.
"Phoenix, I'd like you to work with me for this mission," she insisted.
Daedalus looked over at his fiancé for his approval. He didn't want to leave the Mandalorian alone for the mission.
"I'll be fine, go ahead," Din affirmed.
The Phoenix smiled under his helmet. "Thank you."
Daedalus followed Ki'na to the Wraith.
"Aren't we going to help the others set up?", Daedalus questioned.
Ki'na shook her head. "We're going to scout out the quarry before everyone shows up."
They arrived at her ship and took off almost immediately.
"This may be a dumb question, but why me?", he questioned. "Why are you taking me instead of Paz or someone else who's more...qualified."
Ki'na swiveled in the pilot's chair to look at him after the ship entered hyperspace. "You're not like the other's Daedalus. You find a way to get the job done, not matter how slim the odds." She stood and placed a hand on his shoulder. "If it wasn't me, you would be leading the Children of the Watch."
The Phoenix felt a great ego boost. "But why?"
"You don't give up," she confided. "And you wield the Darksaber. Truthfully, you should be our for that reason alone."
Daedalus was feeling high. "Wow," was all he could mustered.
Ki'na made her way out of the cockpit. "Settle in, we'll be there shortly."


The Wraith dropped out of hyperspace, and Ki'na activated the cloaking device immediately upon entering the planet's atmosphere. She flew the ship around the planet, until a large plume of dust could be seen in the distance.
"Sure enough, the Versi Mines," she muttered. Flying over the quarry, very little could be seen through all the dust.
"I'm going to set the ship down, we'll have to get out and survey the scene," Ki'na decided.
The Wraith touched down right outside the large crater housing the mining operations, cloaking device still engaged.
The Mandalorians quickly grabbed their weapons and exited their ships. The crept to the edge of the basin and laid down on the edge of it, using their helmets to get a closer look at the operation. Daedalus noticed a large group of people, most likely slaves, carrying buckets in and out of the main mineshaft. Parked along the edge of the basin were about ten track-driven mining vehicles.
"Why aren't they using the actually mining equipment instead of slaves?", Daedalus questioned.
Ki'na pointed at exhaust ports coming out on the opposite side of the crater. "Firedamp. It's a highly combustible gas found in the Beskar mines. The heavy machinery makes too much disturbance and risks exploding the entire mine."
The Phoenix took another look around the quarry and saw Mandalorians donning stormtrooper-esque armor guarding different buildings erected around the refinery.
"What's up with those Mandalorians down there? Do they work for the Empire?", he pried.
"Most likely members of traitorous Saxon Clan. Their armor isn't pure Beskar, they'll be easy targets," Ki'na informed.
At this, she swung over the edge of the crater and slid down the slope, landing beside one of the many metal structures of the quarry. Daedalus followed suit.
"I thought this was just a recon mission?", the Phoenix queried.
"It is, we haven't figured out what they want with the Beskar yet," she asserted.
Daedalus shrugged and followed her as she crept to the largest building in the center of basin. They silently flew to the roof of the structure, where Ki'na motioned for him to cut the roof open with the Darksaber. The Phoenix carved a small circle, which the two of them flew down through.
Inside, there was a single guard, which Ki'na shot with her staff-gun. They crept to the lower level, which housed a small laboratory. Scientists were located at different computers and testing stations along the room. Upon first glance, there appeared to be only one guard.
Ki'na and Daedalus were hiding behind a lab table, before they exchanged a nod and revealed themselves.
"Hands above your head, now!", Ki'na ordered. The guard drew his blaster to fire, but Daedalus shot him first. The lab technicians dropped to the floor, covering their heads with their hands.
"Please, leave us be, we're being forced to work for them," one of them pleaded.
Ki'na hoisted the scientist to his feet. "Then tell us what you're working on," she demanded.
The man gulped and made his way to a computer connected to a large plexiglass case. Inside the case, a blaster was rigged to a small mech that would fire the blaster when activated. It's target, a pure Beskar Mandalorian helmet.
"It's a Beskar-charged blaster rifle," the scientist stammered. "Supposed to pierce through Mandalorian armor."
A pit formed in Daedalus's stomach. "Does it work?"
The man pressed a few buttons on the computer. "See for yourself."
The animatronic finger pulled the trigger of the blaster, and shots began firing from the gun. The first couple of shots only dented the helmet, but after the fourth and fifths hits, a burning hole was torn in the metal.
"Destroy it," Ki'na ordered, raising her blaster to the scientists head, "Now!"
"I—I can't! The case is sealed," he stammered.
"They're coming!", a female lab technician called from across the room.
Almost immediately, the door to the lab swung open, and a small squad of enemy Mandalorians flooded the room.
"Stand back!", one of them called.
Ki'na and Daedalus backed away with their hands up.
The soldiers parted and an Imperial Mandalorian wearing pure Beskar armor stood before them.
"Valem Saxon," Ki'na murmured under her breath.
"Ki'na, we meet again," the Mandalorian sneered.
"You're a traitor", she spat.
Valem shook his head. "I merely know when I am fighting a losing battle," he scoffed. "And who is your friend?"
Daedalus ignited the Darksaber, ready to strike. The commandos in Valem's squad all turned their blasters to face him.
"I see you brought me the Darksaber, this will be easy," Valem sneered, pulling a Beskar pike off a sling over his shoulder. "Shall we?"
Ki'na placed a hand over Daedalus's chest. "No. This is my fight," she muttered, holding her staff-blaster in front of her. "Your quarrel is with me, Saxon. I lead the Children of the Night, not him."
"Very well then," he snorted, charging her.
Ki'na deflected his blow. "Get out of here!", she exclaimed.
The Phoenix did as she asked and scurried from the lab, Valem's soldiers on his tail. Daedalus flew to the roof of the next building over. The Imperial Mandalorians soared up above him, shots reigning down on him. He attempted to deflect what blaster bolts he could, but it quickly became too much to handle. He ignited his gauntlet's flamethrower and attempted to scorch a trooper or two, but they merely flew above or under the flame.
A stray shot hit the back of his helmet, which sent him tumbling off the roof and down to the ground. He landed in a tangled heap on the ground, and was immediately surrounded by the commandos.
"Surrender!", one of them ordered.
The Phoenix had little to no choice. There were five soldiers around him now, there was no way he could fight them all off.
Suddenly, the distant ping of Din's Amban sniper rifle rang out across the crater, followed by one of the Mandalorians circling Daedalus combusting into dust.
The other commandos jumped and turned to face the source of the bolt. Another shot, another soldier disintegrated. Daedalus used this distraction to ignite the Darksaber, and with a single sweep he beheaded all his foes.
A low rumble could be heard in the distance. The Phoenix flew to the roof again to find the Children of the Watch's starship fleet tearing across the sky. As they flew over the quarry, Mandalorians flew out of their ships, joining the fight.
Daedalus looked over to see Din and Paz flying over to him. They landed on the roof beside him.
It was time to take back the mine.

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