Chapter 18: The Sith

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The day had come and gone, and it was time for Din and Sara to make their way to Tsoss Beacon to catch the Occisor. Daedalus was making a final sweep through the ship, looking for anything that he may need before they left. Making his way through the cockpit, he noticed the kyber crystal from the necklace he made Din was missing.
"Honey?", he called.
The Mandalorian came rushing up from the lower deck. "Yes?"
"What happened to the kyber crystal on the necklace I made for you?"
Din shrugged, "I don't know, I haven't touched it since I hung it there."
"Well maybe you should have hung it here," Daedalus teased, tapping his boyfriend's chest.
"Very funny, but we have to go."
"Can I have a kiss?"
"Helmet's on for the day, sorry," Din apologized.
"If those are the last words you say to me before getting slaughtered I'm not going to be happy."
The Mandalorian cocked his head. "Love you."
"That's more like it," Daedalus chided, pulling Din in for a hug.
The two embraced and then went their separate ways, leaving the two Foundlings standing in the middle of the clearing.
"We're on our own now, kid," Daedalus stated.
Grogu chirped in response.
"Let's hope they come back alive," he muttered under his breath.


It had taken a full day to reach the Deep Core and navigate the asteroid field housing Tsoss Beacon. Soaring up to the asteroid, Sara and Din saw it wasn't an asteroid at all, rather a large metal station abandoned by the Empire. On the underside of the station, a small starship could be seen docked. The pair docked next to the ship, trying to make as little noise as possible.
Din rose from his seat and grabbed his Amban sniper rifle. "You stay here," he ordered. "If I'm not back in an hour, leave."
Sara nodded fearfully and watched him exit the ship.
Upon entering the station, it was quite easy to tell it was abandoned. Cobwebs and dust were gathered across the floors and wall, except a small trail along the middle of the floor. Din crept along the trail while quietly loading his rifle, hoping to paralyze his target long enough to contain him. Creeping around a corner, he heard grunting and faint whispering. He quietly hustled to the next fork, and peered around it to see the Occisor placing a victim of his into a metal coffin. His skin was a dark teal, and he wore a thin tank top which highlighted his bulging muscles. Din was a little intimidated. He hopes his armor would be able to absorb any blows his assailant might attempt. He would love to just disintegrate the Feeorin, but his client wanted specific proof that the killer was dead.
He look another look around the corner, and noticed that the Occisor's knives were sitting on a table opposite to him. If he could take the target out before they could arm themselves, perhaps he stood a chance.
It was time for Din to make his move. He charged up his rifle and threw it around the corner at the Occisor, hoping to paralyze him long enough to kill him somehow. Unfortunately, his foe saw the rifle flying through and swatted it out of the way. The Feeorin charged at Din, thankfully without grabbing his knives. The massive brute swung his fist at the Mandalorian, who avoided the blows and ran to retrieve his rifle. He managed to regain possession of it, but the Occisor was able to grab his right leg, and swung him into a wall. The killer grabbed his knives as Din made his way to his feet. The Mandalorian stuck his blaster at the Feeorin, hitting him in the arm, making him lose control of it. His foe dropped his knife, which the hunter took quick possession of. He hung his rifle over his back and held the knife out towards the Occisor. A terrified look swept over his face, and he began running towards the docking bay. Din chased him back to the two starships, and to his dismay, the killer began making his way into the Razor Crest II. To Sara.
"No!", Din exclaimed, wishing he had brought his jet pack.
The Mandalorian ran into the ship, expecting to see the Occisor standing over Sara's dead body. Instead, he found him...dead. He was lying on his stomach, head twisted a full 180°, with Sara kneeling on his back. She had a scared look on her face as she saw Din entered.
Din was appalled. " did this?"
"I—I guess, I just—", Sara stammered.
"I thought you said you weren't a fighter. Are you lying to us?"
Sara got off the Occisor's back. "I had some basic martial arts training when I—"
"Basic? Sara, you just took out a serial killer who's twice your size in the blink of an eye," Din exclaimed.
"I don't have to explain anything to you!"
"If you ever want to see my kid again you will!"
Sara's eyes widened. "Fine," she mumbled, taking a seat at the table at the bow of the ship. "My family moved around a lot when we were younger. We lived under the control of a very...ruthless man. My mother, father, brother, and I would do whatever he wanted whenever he wanted, but it wasn't enough for him. He killed my mother and father, and I was forced to raise my brother and protect us at far too young of an age. Is that good enough for you?"
Din felt bad for making her relive her dark past, but he still felt something off about her. "And what do you want my kid?"
She stood and faced Din directly. "He's capable of so much, and I don't want his potential to be wasted."
"You mean?"
"His Force connection. He needs training."
Din knew there was more to Sara's past than she was letting on, as she clearly knew more of the Force than she wanted him to believe.
"We're done here. I'm picking up Daedalus and Grogu then taking you back to Ord Mantell."
"You'll regret that," she raged, storming to her room and closing the door.
Din put the Ocissor's body in a preservative bag and left Tsoss Beacon, ready to get Daedalus and Grogu back and get rid of Sara.


It had been a day since Din had left. Daedalus and Grogu had been staying with Branaton, who made a fairly decent host on short notice. Due to the Drall's nocturnal behavior, the pair would wonder the city in the day time and attempt to train Grogu a bit. At night, they'd eat 'breakfast' with Branaton as she made her way out for the night. Even after one night away from each other, Daedalus missed Din. It was nice that he was able to spend quality time with Grogu a bit, but there's only so much bonding to do with an irritable child.
It was the next day now, and Daedalus was flipping through the Jedi training book for Grogu.
"What do you want to learn about today buddy?", he questioned, looking up at the child, who was deep in meditation.
He paged through a few more sections of the book, when caught his eye. It was a small illustration of a warrior, who had the same structure as Sara. Red skin, small horns projected from the eyebrows and lower chin, and red eyes.
He read the caption aloud, "The ancient enemy of the Jedi: a Sith Pureblood warrior, known for using dark magic and the dark side of the Force. Said to have gone extinct. Males are referred to as warlocks or mages, while the females are sorceresses or witches." Daedalus was stunned. He jostled Grogu up, breaking his meditation. "Grogu, we have to warn Din," he urged, "Sara's a witch."
Grogu extended a single finger up at the sky behind him, pointing at a ship breaking through the clouds.
"Thank the Maker," Daedalus cursed as he grabbed the child and ran towards the clearing.
He ran through the trees and brush in record time, and arrived just as Din and Sara were walking down the boarding ramp.
Daedalus set Grogu down and unclipped the Darksaber from his belt, igniting mere inches from Sara. "Who are you?"
Sara stepped back, "I'm sorry?"
"Grogu's book. It says you're an ancient enemy of the Jedi, explain yourself."
Din looked over at Sara and backed away.
"Listen, I—"
"It all makes sense now," Din started. "You want to train Grogu to be your apprentice, not a Jedi. You want to take him from us."
A devilish look appeared over Sara's face. "In a way," she teased.
Without warning, she dove at Grogu, swooping him up in her arms. the Mandalorians wheeled around, weapons drawn at the Sith. She held the child out in front of her as a shield.
"You're going to let me go, or your kid gets it," she threatened.
Din dropped his guns, but Daedalus stayed on guard.
He held the Darksaber in front of him, ready to strike at the first sign of weakness. He looked at Grogu, who was resting happily in Sara's hands. He was even giggling a little.
Din placed his hands over Daedalus's, making him lower the saber. "Let them go," he mumbled.
The Foundling lowered his weapons, just as Sara took off into the woods.
"They'll be back. If she wants to make it off-world she'll never the Crest, and we'll be waiting," Din consoled.
Daedalus ripped his helmet off, throwing it onto the ground. "She just took our kid! How are you calm!"
"Because she'll be back," Din confirmed, "And we'll be ready next time."
"How did you know she was evil?"
"She killed the Occisor with ease and told me some of past. I didn't trust her."
"Well she's also a witch," Daedalus stated plainly, "And she has our kid." A single tear rolled down his cheek.
"Hey," Din consoled, pulling his boyfriend in for a hug. "We're going to get him back. The sun is going down, we can recruit some of the Drall to help find them, and we can stay here in case she tries to steal the ship."
"A good old-fashioned witch hunt, I like it."

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