Chapter 52: The Coronation

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Daedalus woke the next morning just as confused as he was yesterday.
Ki'na's offer had caught him off guard to the highest degree. Previously, he had planned to leave Zygerria with Din after the coronation. He thought they would do some smaller missions or bounties that didn't get in the way of their relationship. Joining another group like the Children of the Watch just seemed...unnecessary. But at the same time, Daedalus knew that joining a group of Mandalorians would be a dream come true for Din, and he didn't want to hold him back.
Now, he lay on his boyfriend's chest, running his fingers through his hair as he slept.
They had come so far, and he didn't want this to be the end of them.
Din stirred in his sleep, and Daedalus placed a hand on his patchy facial hair. "Good morning, my love," he cooed.
The Mandalorian's eyes opened slowly. "Morning," he mumbled.
"Ready for the coronation?", the Phoenix queried.
"If I'm being honest I don't really want to get up," Din chuckled.
"Me neither."
Daedalus stared deep into his boyfriend's caramel eyes. There wasn't a single thing he wouldn't do for him.
"I'm going to go get dressed, you should too," the Phoenix informed.
Din sighed. "I almost feel bad for wearing the same thing I do every day. This is a pretty prestigious event."
"How about I wear my armor too?"
The Mandalorian smiled. "If you want."
Daedalus hopped out of bed and began putting his armor on, Din following suit.
Shortly after, a servant came knocking on the door to escort them to the coronation.
The Phoenix figured this would be his last time in this palace. So much had happened within in these walls.
"Hey, remember when you shot me down there?", Daedalus recalled, pointing a corridor.
Din laughed. "Not my proudest moment."
"But we wouldn't be where we are now if you hadn't," the Phoenix confessed.
The Mandalorian wrapped a hand around his boyfriend's waist and pulled him close.
They were escorted to the same arena where Daedalus had fought for his life just 2 days ago, which had been redecorated in the theme of the coronation. Purple and gold streamers were strung in the stands, and the fighting section of the coliseum had been filled with extra seating.
The slave escorted the Mandalorians to the center stage, where they were told to sit right next to the makeshift throne. Zygerrians of all ages filled the stands, all hollering with great excitement.
"It's kind of nice wearing the helmet, no one sees your face," Daedalus confessed.
Din elbowed him gently in the side. "Told you."
A symphonic ballad began playing throughout the stadium, and Rotella made her way out from one of the many entrances. She wore a voluminous gown of ornate golds and silvers that glowed in the sun as she walked to the center stage.
The soon-to-be-queen walked up the stairs to the stage and joined other royal officials on the stage.
The advisor who had taken Din and Daedalus to the king and queen a few days prior stood and made his way to Rotella.
"We are gathered here today for the royal coronation of princess Rotella Kae Scintel," he announced to the crowd.
A servant joined them in the spotlight holding the crown.
The advisor took the crown into his hands. "As queen, do you so solemnly swear to rule Zygerria with honor and dignity, to possess all traits and qualities that a monarch should, and to keep your nation in order to the best of your ability?"
Rotella looked over at Daedalus, smiling. "I swear."
She knelt and the advisor placed the crown on her head. "I hearby announce Zygerria's divine ruler, Queen Rotella!", the advisor exclaimed.
The arena burst into loud applause and cheer. Rotella bowed and exited the coliseum he same way she came in.
Daedalus and Din waited patiently for a majority of the visitors to leave before exiting the arena.
"That was underwhelming," the Mandalorian murmured under his breath.
The Phoenix scoffed and nudged him with his elbow. "Be nice, this is her big day."
The two of them made their way into the castle and back to their room. Daedalus wanted to say goodbye to Rotella before they left, but figured they would be best off waiting until later.
"So, what now?", Din asked innocently.
"Just wait around until we can see Rotella. Maybe get some food?", Daedalus chided.
The Mandalorian cocked his head. "I mean, after we leave..," he trailed off.
The Phoenix sighed. Joining the Children of the Watch was definitely not his first choice, but if that's what Din wanted, he could tolerate it.
"Do you want to join the other Mandalorians?", Daedalus asked, playing dumb.
The Mandalorian stayed quiet for a second. "It depends on what you want."
The Phoenix removed his helmet and walked to his boyfriend. "I don't care what we do, as long as we have each other." He placed a hand on his partner's helmet. "And if joining the Children of the Watch is what you want, then that's what I want too."
Din placed his own hand over Daedalus's. "Thank you."
He nodded in response.
Joining a group of Mandalorians seemed... intimidating to Daedalus. Especially if they had been watching him as long as they said. What if he didn't measure up to their expectations? What if it was a trap? The idea brought along it's own weight of anxiety.
But he would have Din. They would have each other. They had gotten out of far worse situations in the past, and no matter what the future brought, the Phoenix knew they could make it through whatever the galaxy threw at them next.
Daedalus clutched his rumbling stomach. "How about some empanadas?"


This is the end of Season 5! Season 6 will be out Monday, April 26th, and it will be the last season of this book. I have an announcement about what's happening afterwards though, so stay tuned ;)

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I hope you have a great day and stay safe !!!

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