Chapter 38: The Disappearance

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Lyra had mysteriously sent Din to get some groceries right around midday. He wasn't sure why, as they had just done a supply run during their last stop. Nonetheless, he still went, just to get some fresh air if anything.
The Mandalorian wandered through the winding streets of the city, feeling utterly disgusted at the gruesome slave trades going on around him. Ignoring them, he made his way to a small fruit stand near the city limits.
"I'd like to purchase some shuura and jorgan fruit, please?", Din asked politely.
There was no response from the vendor. The Mandalorian leaned over the stall to find the vendor huddled in the corner, crying.
"Is something wrong?", Din peered.
"The princess has run away, hope is lost!", the vendor wailed.
Daedalus had done it. He had kidnapped the princess.
Din left the stall and began making his way back to his ship. On the way, he ran into some Zygerrian guards, who were also rushing outside the city.
The Mandalorian rushed to maintain their pace. "What happened to the princess?", he shouted into the mass of soldiers.
"That whore of a princess ran away with a slave. A slave!", one of them retorted.
Din slowed, allowing the guards to pass. Daedalus had really done it, and had done so in a way that he wasn't even at fault.
The Mandalorian exited the city and flew to his ship. He didn't necessarily want to tell Lyra that Daedalus had succeeded, as she would probably throw some fit that she hadn't done it herself.
He flew over the rocky desert, confused as to why he couldn't find the ship. He eventually landed where he thought they had docked. Sure enough, there were obvious divots in the sand that they had been docked there.
Why would she leave him? They had been together for two years, and had formed a relationship that was too significant to just get up and leave. Walking around the scene, he found the answer to his questions. Nestled in the sand was an ornate crafted Zygerrian wedding ring.
Lyra had taken the princess, and due to her sudden disappearance, probably Daedalus as well.
Din took off to see Gayle, Verid, and Wally, just to confirm his suspicions if anything.
The Mandalorian landed outside the ship to find Gayle and Verid trying their hand at some target practice.
"Aye, Mando, you're back!", the Sakiyan chortled. "What's up?"
"Is Daedalus here?", Din questioned urgently.
Gayle raised an eyebrow. "No. Do you need to see him that badly?", she pried.
It was just as he thought.
"We need to leave now," the Mandalorian ordered.
"What's wrong?", Verid inquired.
"Lyra took Daedalus and the princess to collect the bounty for herself," he informed.
Gayle's jaw dropped. "Let's go."
The three of them quickly packed up the belongings scattered around the ship and left Zygerria.
"Where do you think they went?", Gayle asked.
Din made his way to the holographic star chart in the cockpit. "Muunilinist, I'd assume. At least that's where whoever caught the princess was supposed to take her."
"Who even sponsored this bounty?", Verid wondered.
The Mandalorian was unsure. "I don't know, but taking her to the banking capital of the galaxy seems like a fitting place to get the million credits."
Gayle sighed. "Why would Lyra take Daedalus? She only needs the princess."
"She was...", he started, unsure of the right words to utilize. "Since we landed on Zygerria to begin with she wanted to steal the princess out from under you. I was trying to keep her out of it, but she obviously took matters into her own hands with this one."
Verid joined them at the holotable. "Has she ever done anything like this before?"
Din thought it over. She had always been strong in her beliefs, but had never gone this far. "Never."
Gayle let out a light chuckle.
"What's so funny?", the Mandalorian pried.
"You do realize this is just like what you did to Daedalus a while back," she reasoned.
"I—, you—," Din stammered.
She was right. They had both left someone close to them to take matters into their own hands. The only difference was that Din had done it to keep Daedalus safe, and Lyra had done it for greed.
"Plot a course to Muunilinist," he ordered, leaving the cockpit.
On his way to the lower deck, he passed Wally, who was rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
Din sat down at the large table in the break room and grabbed a cup of coffee. He pulled his helmet up above his mouth to take a sip. Gayle walked in at this moment, and he quickly dropped his helmet over his face.
"You do realize I've seen your face, right?", she quipped.
The Mandalorian sighed. "What do you want?"
Din still wasn't totally pleased with Gayle's entire existence.
"Coffee," she admitted, taking a mug from the cupboard and pouring herself a cup. "And I want to know about Lyra. Why would she go behind your back like this?"
Din didn't feel comfortable discussing this with her. "I don't know," he lied.
Gayle took a seat across from him. "Bantha shit. You know."
The Mandalorian sighed. "She wanted to get the bounty for herself, and I told her that Daedalus had this one covered. I guess she thought I was going soft or something."
"Were you?"
Din hadn't thought about it. Was he going easy on Daedalus simply because of their past? Perhaps he could've tried a little harder to get the bounty for himself.
"I guess I was a little bit," he confessed.
She smirked. "And why's that?"
"I don't have to tell you my reasonings."
Gayle leaned back in her chair. "Listen, I'm sorry for being a little overbearing, but I just don't want you to make the same mistake twice."
At this, she stood and left the room.
Make the same mistake twice? What had he done wrong? Was it something with Lyra?
No matter what, he couldn't let whatever she was getting at consume his thoughts. He needed to be on his A-game if he wanted to do save Daedalus. He knew Lyra wouldn't hesitate to do what needed to be done, even if it involved killing the Foundling.

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