Chapter 43: The Carnage

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happy easter :) hope you have a great day today!


Shortly after Daedalus's conversation with Din, the Mandalorian had told Gayle to head to Scarif, just in case.
The Foundling appreciated his boyfriend's newfound energy to please, and hoped he was here to stay this time. Din had taken the news that he was married quite well. He wasn't even sure why he would be offended, unless he planned to propose. Daedalus hoped he would. They hadn't dated all that long, but something about their relationship just felt bigger than them, like it was... fate. If he asked, the answer would definitely be yes, but he wouldn't push it.
The Mandalorian returned to the break room with a muffin. "Want this?", he asked sweetly, setting it down in front of him.
"Sure," Daedalus cooed, taking the treat in both hands and taking a large bite.
"Gayle has us headed to Scarif now, but we won't be there for about an hour, so I figured you'd want a snack."
The Foundling nodded in response, as his mouth was completely full. Cheeks bulging, he held the mutilated muffin out to Din.
The Mandalorian chuckled. "No thanks."
Daedalus finished the muffin and took a deep breath. "Any idea where she's going to be when we get here?"
"If she's going to be there. I wouldn't hold my breath," he started. "I think it was near the Imperial facility on the planet, because she said they stopped going there after the Empire showed up. I'm not sure, though."
"Wasn't that area destroyed by the Death Star?"
"I'm not sure, I've never been to Scarif."
Daedalus was losing hope. He just hoped Rotella was safe. She had done so much for him, and he didn't want to put her in any more danger. She deserved freedom.
The two conversed a while longer before an alarm rang out from the cockpit, signifying that they were coming it if hyperspace.
"I'm going to go get my armor on, I'll be right back," Daedalus chided as he made his way to his room.
It was a tedious task slipping on the full suit of armor, but at the end of the day, the protection it provided far outweighed any lack of comfort. He placed his own helmet and jetpack on and went back to Din.
"I haven't seen you in your full armor yet, you did a nice job," he complimented.
Daedalus did a half bow/half curtsy. "Thank you."
"No cape though?"
"Nah, it'll only get in the way."
Din shrugged. "Your loss."
The pair laced hands and made their way to the cockpit, where they found what they feared most.
"The planet it's...," Daedalus started.
He couldn't finish the sentence. Whatever was left of the planet could only be described as carnage. There was a crater expanding almost the entire circumference of the planet, with large chunks of rock floating in its orbit. A magnificent orange-yellow glow came from the planet's exposed core.
"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Scarif," Gayle chided as she brought the ship closer to the crater. Verid and Wally joined them, and had similar reactions to the others.
"I can't believe the Empire did that," Verid stated in disbelief.
Daedalus could only imagine what it was like for the native inhabitants of the city. Their entire ecosystem was destroyed, and all because the Empire had a loose trigger finger.
"Let us down at the end of the crater, I want to take a look around," the Foundling ordered.
Gayle did as he said, and landed the ship just on the edge of the expanse.
The team made their way outside and stood on the edge of the crater. It was oddly serene compared to the view from above. Water flowed in from the low points, creating beautiful waterfalls that sent rainbows scattering across the void. There was no plant life, but rather beautiful spires of hardened lava.
Daedalus turned to his team. "Mando and I will head down into the crater, you guys walk some of the boundary and see if you can find any signs of life."
"Aye aye captain," Verid saluted.
Wally bellowed and Gayle nodded in approval. Using their jet packs, Din and Daedalus propelled further into the cavern. Steam rose from the depths of the crater where the water was met by lava, making the visibility close to nothing. They set down on a small platform. Using their built in thermal vision, they scanned the carnage for any heat signatures. Coming up empty, they flew farther away from the border and closer to the middle of the cavern. They scanned once more, but something caught Daedalus's eye.
"Up there," he pointed. "Something shiny."
The pair flew up the cavern into the higher rings of the crater. The glimmer the Foundling had seem was coming from a waterfall.
"Looks like it's just the water," Din sighed. "Ready to head back?"
Daedalus had an idea. "Actually..." He took off and flew directly into the waterfall, where his suspicions were confirmed. Behind the wall of water, there was a small camp set up. Din joined him inside the cave.
"Wow," he marveled, walking around the setup.
It was nothing too impressive, just a small campfire pit and tent setup, but the chamber it was housed in was astonishing. The ceiling was in incredibly high, and equally wide; it was be easy landing a ship inside.
Din walked over to the tent and found a heavy blaster, which undeniably belonged to Lyra.
"She was here," he exclaimed.
Daedalus's blood began to boil. "Then we'll wait here and ambush her. It's our best bet."
"I mean, you're not wrong, but Lyra is...cunning. If she knew we're after the princess she's not going to put herself in a position where she doesn't have the upper hand," Din advised.
"So we wait until she goes to find food or something and we go in her ship to save Rotella. That collar thing she used on me is easy to get off with two people." Daedalus could tell Din was nervous. "We can do this."
The Mandalorian sighed. "Fine. Tell the others to hide the ship deep in the crater and be on the lookout for her return. We'll wait in here."
The Foundling gave Din a hug. "Thank you."
Daedalus walked to the edge of the cave, trying to get a signal. "Gayle? Verid? Can you hear me?"
"Loud and clear, find anything?", the Sakiyan's voice came over the static.
"We found her camp, and we're going to wait here and ambush her. You guys hide the ship and let us know when she returns."
"Will do, stay safe," Gayle stated.
Daedalus ended the transmission and made his way back to Din, who had taken a seat against the wall of the cave.
"Is this...hard for you?", the Foundling wondered.
The Mandalorian cocked his head. "What exactly?"
Daedalus plopped down next to him. "Tracking down your ex-girlfriend, being in the position where you might have to hurt her."
"It should, but it isn't."
"Why not?"
"Because she hurt you, and for that, I'll never forgive her."
Daedalus blushed and rested his head against Din's shoulder.
It was good to have his boyfriend back.

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