- Season 1 Introduction -

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Hello everyone!

Welcome to 'Under the Helmet', my first publication on Wattpad :)

Season 1 of 'Under the Helmet' takes places 3 years after Season 2 of The Mandalorian, so if you haven't caught up on the show I recommend watching that first.

As I write my chapters, I often do not proofread my writing thoroughly, so if you find any errors, feel free to call me out on it.

As of writing this introduction, I'm half way through publishing season 3, and I can assure you the first few episodes of this season are not the strongest of the book, so I'm asking kindly that you give it a chance...

Anyways, thank you for reading my story and I hope you'll stick around! <3

~ nunu

Under the Helmet ~ (The Mandalorian x Male OC) Where stories live. Discover now