Late Night Cuddles

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You sighed as the rain kept hitting your window, causing light tapping noises to be audible in the quiet house. Your boyfriend Shuichi was reading a book not far from you while you mindlessly browsed through Detective_Holmes's stories on Wattpad. You were honestly just looking for something to read, but nothing really caught your attention. You saw the words and read them, but you just didn't care about them. Your mind was somewhere else: Shuichi.

You smiled to yourself as you watched him read. He was oblivious to your long stare since he was utterly immersed in his book, which you found adorable. Everything about him was adorable, though. The way he talked and sat, his hair, his shy and slightly nerdy personality, even his eyes were adorable!! There was nothing you couldn't love about your boyfriend.

Shuichi's hair was currently a little messy, though he kept it out of his eyes so he could read. His eyebrows were slightly furrowed to indicate his state of concentration, and he had his legs crossed with one ankle over his knee. Smiling to yourself a little, you walked over to Shuichi and hugged him from the side. He didn't jump, but he was brought out of his concentrated state.

"Shuichi... it's really late. How about we go to bed? You can read in the morning," You suggested, stroking Shuichi's messy hair.

Shuichi unconsciously leaned into your touch as he thought his options over until he decided, "Okay, I'll get some rest."


You pulled Shuichi closer to you, nuzzling your head into his chest. The detective let out a content sigh, twirling some of your hair with his finger ever so slightly. He was too relaxed to be flustered about the physical contact, and that was cute in its own way.

"I love you, Shuichi," You mumbled, feeling your eyes start to close on their own. You could hear Shuichi's steady, calm heartbeat as well as feel the slight rise and fall of his chest when he breathed. These two things alone were all you needed to feel at peace, though when Shuichi blessed you with his voice it was very welcome.

"I love you too, (Y/N)..." Shuichi whispered, his voice tired. It made a lazy smile fall to your face, and before you knew it you'd fallen asleep with Shuichi in your arms.

Word count: 395

Shut up about it being short, I needed to update, okay? Not only is this book dead AF but I just need to push out as much content as I can.

No appointments have been scheduled yet, but I got referred to an oral surgeon after my Monday appointment. We're supposed to wait a few days for the dentist to send them my X-ray, and then we're supposed to give the oral surgeon a call and make an appointment. The dentist said that since my wisdom teeth are impacted and causing several problems they're like 99% sure the oral surgeon is gonna want to pull them {impacted means it's growing in at an angle because it doesn't have enough room to grow properly}. So... I guess we'll see what happens.

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