{Animal Crossing AU} Yandere!Resident!Shuichi x Villager!Reader

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(Shuichi's POV)

Normally, I'm not even a resident that exists. But... I hacked myself into (Y/N)'s cute little town. I made myself a mouse and then... poof! I entered her town!

She was doing really nice, actually. There was the café, police station, second museum floor, T&T Emporium, and she even had all golden tools! She was just getting her final house loan paid off.

Honestly... Tom Nook pissed me off. He shouldn't give sweet (Y/N) such big loans, that wasn't fair!! I wanted to delete him from the game but that would break it... instead, I implemented a feature for (Y/N) to get unlimited bells. I just couldn't tell her about it directly, since I'm just a 'town resident...'

I strolled around her house hoping she'd be on her game today, and to my luck she was! I made myself look like I had an exclamation and walked to her, looking excited to receive her help. She turned around and talked to me, which made me happy as ever.

(Your POV)

You chuckled a little as Shuichi began to talk again.

"So... I heard a rumor that there's this tree in the corner of town that spits out tons of bells if you hit it with some kinda special tool! Crazy, right?" Shuichi gossiped, which interested you.

You nodded, and Shuichi went on, "Go try it out yourself and tell me if anything happens! I gotta tell everyone else and we can all be rich!"

With that he skipped off happily, and you made your way to the only tree even remotely close to a corner. An axe probably wasn't right, so you tried your net. That didn't work, so you tried your shovel. To your surprise a giant bag of bells fell from the leaves!!

You picked it up and examined it, finding out that it was 99 thousand!!! You hit it with your shovel again and found that the result was the same- this was game breaking!!! You weren't sure what to do with your suddenly newfound riches.


Something was wrong. All your residents' houses were gone, except for Shuichi's! What happened?! You talked to Shuichi to maybe see if his AI would even register what happened.

"Heya (Y/N)! I heard a lot of people moved away... isn't that sad?" Shuichi looked depressed, a purple cloud of sadness over him.

You couldn't respond since the dialogue ended after that.


Reese, Tom Nook, Lyle, Brewster, Blathers, Celeste, Gracie, Tommy and Timmy, Shrunk... where was anybody?! The town was gone completely!! Except... Shuichi.

You turned around as you heard footsteps and you noticed Shuichi was grinning.

"(Y/N)! I broke the dialogue code! Now we can say whatever without a script!" Shuichi announced.

"...Do you have something to do with everyone's disappearance...?" You asked, stepping back.

"Mhm!! Aw, but don't look so scared! The town will still function normally, you just won't have to deal with everyone else always trying to take your attention from me!" Shuichi grinned.

"I'm getting rid of this game!!" You gasped, reaching to take it out of your 3DS but before you could you felt an electric shock.

"Not so faaaast! Watch this... I can convert real people into this town!" Shuichi looked at you from beyond the screen, and all you saw was black after that.

You opened your eyes to see a very cartoonish ceiling, and Shuichi standing over you.

"Mmrgh... wha...?" You tried to stand up but you were trapped because Shuichi was occupying the space.

"Hehe, you're in Animal Crossing now! So now all the physics are like the game... meaning you're trapped laying in your bed unless I move!" Shuichi chuckled.

"H-hey!! Let me move!" You demanded, struggling furiously but as per the game physics, you couldn't get up.

"Not when you act like that cuz I know you're just gonna run away from me! Come on (Y/N)... can't you see I did all this cuz I love you? But you wouldn't talk to some random follower online... so I converted myself into the game and moved into your town! Then I had you join meee~" Shuichi sang.

You used the shocked emote to help convey how you felt, "I don't wanna be in the game! I wanna go back home! A-and what happens when my 3DS dies?!"

"Then whatever we're doing just stops being displayed. Come on... you of all people should know the town keeps going even if you're logged out!" Shuichi pouted.

"Wait... our words are being displayed right now...?" You used the curious emote.

"Mhm! In cute little text boxes, mine even get a villager textbox instead of the resident one! Oh, but don't think anybody can help you," Shuichi looked threatening, making you gulp, "Now... if I let you out of this bed you have to promise me that you'll be good, okay?"

You hesitantly nodded, and Shuichi moved out of the way. You got out of the bed and began to run around the room, "Freedom!! Freedom!!"

Shuichi chuckled a bit, "Well, I hope you don't mind that I moved in. Don't worry, I hacked so I have my own floor separate to what you can actually obtain in the game!"

"Wait, wha...?"

"We're gonna have the simplist, happiest life here (Y/N)!"
Word count: 894

So I am alive. I'm in the ER right now, no I'm not hurt, they just wanna be sure I'm not pulling stupids. They're gonna be placing me in a facility and I dunno if I'll have wifi or how long I'll be there.

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