{Lemon} Mastermind!Shuichi x Pervert!Reader

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Okay, time to get my routine warnings out of the way.


WARNING: A LEMON MEANS SEXUAL CONTENT! IF YOU'RE INNOCENT, DO NOT READ THIS!!! {Unless you wanna ruin your innocence for some reason...}

Kinks in this lemon: BDSM, degrading, and some master stuff. And Shuichi... wait, does he count as a kink? Hmm...


{Your POV}

"Shuichi..." You almost moaned out, staring into those red eyes of his. They only held desire and love, making you only want him even more. His smirk was enough to make you beg for him, and the suit was the final piece of it all. You wanted to fuck him right there. He could tell from your flushed face and the way you were slightly grinding your hips on his that you were horny, and he would gladly do something about it.

"Look at you, (Y/N)... You're such a horny little slut you're all worked up over nothing~" Shuichi whispered in your ear, nibbling on your earlobe just a little bit. You let out a small moan, feeling him trail down and start leaving kisses on your neck.

"Please punish me...~" You breathed out as his kisses turned into soft bites, the small amount of pain making you moan louder. You were already hopelessly horny, and all of Shuichi's teasing was already starting to make you get a little frustrated. You weren't desparate yet, but you knew you would be soon. Although you'd never admit it to him, you loved it when he made you beg him to fuck you.

"I'm gonna punish you, alright. When I'm finished with you, you're not gonna be able to walk for a month~" Shuichi snickered, trailing down lower and lower. His hands had started to roam up your shirt just a little, but not too high. Your arms were wrapped around his torso and you sat with your legs on either side of his, unconsciously continuing to grind on him to try to relieve some of your sexual frustration.

You felt your torso start to be exposed to the open air, and you realized that Shuichi was taking off your shirt. You helped him take it off, carelessly discarding it somewhere in the room. He then took off your bra, which you also carelessly threw off somewhere, "Mmm... I always love staring at these beauties~"

You blushed from his compliment, feeling some of your confidence waver but you didn't allow it to stay gone for long, or you knew Shuichi would have a lot of fun with you. You wanted him to have to break you first, so you instead smirked, "They're as beautiful as they get, master~"

Shuichi smirked at your response as he slowly started to pin you down on the bed, bringing his head down so he could leave bites and bruises all over your breasts like he had done to your neck. He was more rough than he was with your neck, but you loved the pain. He used both of his hands to pin your wrists harshly to your sides as he licked, bit, and sucked all over your breasts, causing you to moan loudly.

"Sh-Shuichi~!!" You moaned a bit helplessly, sounding just a little out of breath. He chuckled darkly, and in response he finally gave your hard nipples some attention. Your moans only increased in volume as he pleasured you, and you barely noticed that his hands were no longer pinning your wrists down until you felt a tug at your pants. You smirked and started to unbutton Shuichi's suit, wanting to see him naked as well.

Just as Shuichi finished completely undressing you, you'd made him completely shirtless. You smirked and admired his body as he admired yours, and before he could make a comment you decided to moan into his ear, "Mmnnn~ Shuichi, you're so muscular~"

"You like it, hm~?" Shuichi chuckled, amused by your little antics. You nodded and gave a confident 'mhmmm,' which made him eager to break that confident spirit of yours and make you beg for him. You suddenly couldn't see anything, and before you could question it you felt your arms being restrained, and then your legs. You tried to move them but it only resulted in hearing a metallic clinking noise, but you couldn't move. Shocked by the sudden actions, you blushed and gasped.

Shuichi Saihara x Reader ONESHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now