{Not a Shuichi Story But Still a Story}

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I'm only posting this here because I seriously need feedback. I want to use my mad scientist character for a full length novel, so he has to be PERFECTLY written. Of course he's evil and flawed but like... there can't be stuff that doesn't make sense.

PLEASE leave feedback in the comments, and if possible try to make use of constructive criticism. If you think he totally sucks then be honest, I don't wanna write an entire book where one of the villains is written like bullshit.

Buuuut I also did just make him today so he's kinda a "beta" version...

Also if you know where my mad scientist's name comes from, congrats, that's alluding to some of his other personality traits that leave the mad scientist archetype and just go to an outright villain.

I slowly opened my eyes, feeling a dull but strong pain in the back of my head. The room I was in was dimly lit, and I couldn't see much except for a lamp that was powered on in the far corner of the room. All I could see were odd shapes I assumed were some kind of furniture or large objects... but where was I? How did I get here?

I stood up from where I was... or tried to, anyways. There were ropes restraining me that I hadn't noticed until I attempted to move, but now that I realized their presence I felt a great sense of danger. I started to struggle frantically, fear wild in my eyes. Whatever this was, if I needed to be tied up it was bad!

"Ohhh, you're awake!" a man spoke in such a sweet yet disturbed tone that it only added to my fright. I'd never once in my life heard somebody speak so... whatever that was. I wasn't even sure how to describe it.

"Where am I, and what the hell am I here for?!" I shouted loudly, looking around in hopes that I could spot the scary man in the shadows of the strange room. The only response I got were the lights being turned on, and it took me several minutes to adjust to the new lighting. Once I did... I wished I'd never seen this room.

"What the hell...?" I barely managed to breathe out in pure shock, gaping at the room. I stared at each item that lay on the tables for a while, feeling my horror grow with each new thing I looked at.

The room in question was a giant laboratory with several tables. Each of them had something on it that seemed to be in progress as well as several papers and pens scattered about. There was also a wall of shelves full of different supplies ranging from flasks to syringes to poison. Several machines and thick wires also lay about the room, some letting off sparks to indicate their prolonged usage. But the part that scared me the most was the man standing in the center of it all, a wide grin on his face.

The man was very tall- I estimated at least 6 feet- and his very presence seemed to loom over me. He had choppy black hair that looked matted, but he didn't seem to care. He wore a Howie lab coat that had holes in it as well as many stains- some of which appeared to be blood. Two robotic arms extended from a bag on the man's back that seemed to move to his will without any visible input from him, and he wore lab goggles to top off the entire look.

"Hehe... I hope you don't mind needles. Don't worry, it's a simple little experiment I'm running! Sorry I had to kidnap you," the man smiled like a child, but his innocent smile quickly grew malicious, "Hahaha!! I get to play with you♪"

"Play?! What the hell are you talking about-?? Let me go you fucking psycho!!" I demanded, struggling again in the ropes. One of the man's robotic arms grabbed a flask full of some kind of pink liquid and then threw it at me, though the flask was strong enough so that it only cracked upon impact. It still hurt badly, though, and since it had hit my lungs it knocked the breath out of me.

"That's better! I like 'em better when they don't talk... Nobody shall ever defy Dr. Asmodeus!" the man laughed once more, but this time it was that typical evil villain laughter you only saw in movies. This 'Dr. Asmodeus' only scared me even more, and I wanted desperately to escape his clutches and prevent whatever experiment he wanted to run on me.

I would have spat on his shoes, but he wasn't close enough and I didn't want to simply anger him. This man clearly controlled my fate, so instead I tried the most obvious escape plan ever, "...If you untie me I'll cooperate. But if you leave me tied up I'll just escape before you do whatever it is."

"HAHAHA!! You think I'm gonna fall for that? No, no, no... you have to be smarter than that to escape me!" Dr. Asmodeus started yelling, and in his temporary fit of rage he kicked down the chair I was tied to, sending me flying to the floor with no way to break my fall. I ended up with the wind knocked out of me and a chipped tooth, "Hehe... it's always cute when people bleed♪"

My face paled at his comment. Whatever that was supposed to mean, I didn't want to know. I chose to not let the blood from my mouth spill onto the floor after that, making myself swallow it despite knowing it would make me sick. I didn't want to give this psycho any pleasure, though.

I was about to start struggling again, but I noticed that Dr. Asmodeus had grabbed a syringe and a bottle. He started to carefully fill the syringe with liquid from the bottle, which made me temporarily freeze. But then... I started struggling again, feeling that the ropes were starting to become loose. I could tell they were cut and bleeding from my struggling, but I didn't care in this moment. I just wanted to escape this man.

"Okayyy, here we g- HEY!! I'M GONNA CATCH YOU AND YOU'LL REGRET IT!!" Dr. Asmodeus screamed loudly as soon as I started running to the door of his lab, which was unlocked to my surprise. I gave it little thought as I left the area quickly because I knew the man was not far behind.

Once I was out of the laboratory, I looked around as I ran to see that I was in this man's basement, but the amount of scientific equipment and documents did not end in his lab. They flooded the basement as well, though I didn't have the time to read the documents or observe the equipment because I was running from Dr. Asmodeus.

Finally... I found the stairs leading out of the basement! I climbed up the stairs as quickly as possible, stealing a glance behind me to see if my chaser was still in pursuit of me. I was hopeful when I saw that there was nobody behind me, but that hope was quickly diminished when I bumped into something, or rather someone, at the top of the steps.

"AH!!!" I screamed when he pushed me down the staircase, giggling like an innocent child as he watched me tumble to the ground. Once my body stopped moving, I was vaguely aware of a stabbing pain in my arm that was sharper than the rest of my pains, so I inspected my arm.

There was a syringe deeply embedded into my arm, the contents already having been pumped into my system and blood coming from the wound. Dr. Asmodeus smirked, "You'll be my first test subject for my new bioweapon."

Word count: 1221

Again, please leave feedback-

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