{Not an x Reader but Still a Shuichi Oneshot}

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I sighed as I stared at the door to my chemistry classroom, pausing for just a moment. My teacher had asked me to come in after school for some reason, which was particularly annoying because today was my birthday! What a dick move... but I doubt that he even knew it was my birthday. It was a college level course and he had so many students, after all. Rolling my eyes, I opened the door.

"SURPRISE!!!" a huge group of people shouted as soon as I opened the door, startling me. I looked around the scene before me to see that somehow, my classroom had been turned into some kind of celebration hallway or something. There were some 'happy birthday' banners hung up as well as balloons, streamers- hell, there was even some colorful fire display in the back! How the fuck did all of that get set up, anyways?

"Uhhh... somebody explain what's going on," I awkwardly spoke out, making most of the people in the large group giggle or snicker.

"It's a surprise party, what's it look like?" my chemistry teacher, Mr. Raven, chuckled at my cluelessness and threw an eraser at me, making me instinctively put my hands in front of my face to defend myself. The small eraser harmlessly hit my arm and fell to the floor- at the expense of everybody laughing at me again. Now I was not only surprised, but also embarrassed. I could feel my cheeks heating up with the public embarrassment.

"I... who told you it was my birthday?" I demanded, crossing my arms and pouting.

"I did," a familiar voice spoke up, and I whirled my head in the direction of the speaker to see that it had been... Shuichi. Of course! I should've known my clever boyfriend would've come up with something like this.

"Ehh?! You're the one behind this?" I kind of wailed like an anime boy, making Shuichi let out a small chuckle as he nodded.

"Come on, let's eat some cake already!!" one of my friends, Akane, suddenly shouted. Typical Akane.

"You always want to eat..." another one of my friends, K1-B0, sighed. He was probably jealous because he can't eat... but I'm gonna keep that to myself.

"Aww, let her eat it!" I pouted, joining in on the banter. And just like that, Akane started pigging out on the cake.

"H-hey! You're eating all the cake!" Kaito exclaimed in protest.

Kirumi, who was watching the entire ordeal, simply smiled, "Do not worry. I have prepared a large quantity of food."

"Umm... a-are you sure it's okay for us t-to be eating in a science c-classroom...? Ahhh!!! I-I'm sorry, I won't be so nosy!" Mikan cried out, trying to hide the tears that began to spill from her eyes. Well, at least it didn't seem like Hiyoko was here...

"Aww, don't cry, Mikan!" Tenko rushed over to Mikan to comfort her, which seemed to actually work. Wait... why the hell was Tenko here?! She would totally drop kick me if she had the chance!

I mostly stood near the wall as everyone pretty much forgot my existence, but I didn't mind. As long as they were having fun, what did it matter to me? Plus, I found watching their antics and friendly banter much more amusing than participating myself. Or... was I just trying to convince myself of that?

"Are you feeling alright, Shaun?" Shuichi suddenly asked, startling me. I let out a deep sigh as I realized it was just Shuichi, "S-sorry for scaring you..."

"No, it's fine. And don't worry about me, I'm pretty entertained right now," I gave a small smile to the detective, which seemed to comfort him.

"Well, if you say so... Sorry this party has so many people. I only invited a few, but Kaito and Tenko started inviting a bunch of other people," Shuichi sighed, knowing that I didn't like large groups of people or big celebrations. That definitely explained a lot.

Shuichi Saihara x Reader ONESHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now