2nd Q&A Answers

654 10 18

Shaun: Okay, Shuichi and I are ready to answer all your questions~!

Shuichi: Ah... so that's what you dragged me here for.

Shaun: Mhm~♪ Now, let's look at the first question!

lost_h_ro: Question for Shuichi: would you rather fuck Maki, or fuck Kaito?

Shuichi: What kind of question is that?!

Shaun: Just answer it!

Shuichi: Neither of them, they're my friends!

Shaun: If you HAD to pick one?

Shuichi: Still neither of them.

Shaun: Damn... fiiine, I'll move on since you're gonna be a party pooper.

FemaleJojoFan: Question for the author: Can you make a SHSL yandere nurse x Shuichi lemon, SORRY I'M VERY HORNY but plz tho.

Shaun: ...

Shaun: ...

Shaun: ...

Shaun: ...

Shaun: ...

Shaun: ...

Shaun: ...

Shaun: ...

Shaun: ...Mayb- SOOO, moving on to the next question~♪

Shuichi: Hold on, you're gonna write what?!

Shaun: Ahem!!

wwwdotWEEBdotcom: A list of reasons why you LAUVE Shuichi?

Shaun: I warn you... it's a long list-

Shaun: Ahem~!
1. He's adorable
3. I love almost anything to do with detectives
4. It's so easy to give Shuichi a Victorian aesthetic or a modern one or a vintage one or a soft one or- he's just so versatile with edits okay?
5. I always love the smart bois
6. Shy bois are also adorable
7. Mastermind Shuichi is hot
8. I'm gay AF and I simp- {technically I'm bi but shhh...}
10. Imagine him sipping coffee at the table while reading the newspaper one morning and you walk in while the sun is just starting to come up-
11. Did I mention he's cute?
12. He's especially cute when he gets embarrassed~♥
13. I love his character design, visually and personality-wise. A lot of people complain he doesn't have much of a personality and I argue that his personality is being shy but still kinda average. Just because he's not always asserting his traits so colorfully like everyone else doesn't mean he doesn't have as much of a personality as they do, it just means he doesn't express himself as much.
14. Being obsessive just kinda runs in my family-

Shaun: I could keep going on but they said "a list" and not "the full list" and this needs to keep moving!

Shuichi: W-wait, you think all of-


Yuki_Senpaii: Hey Shuichi, a few questions. First question, what do you think of handcuffs? Second question, what do you think of your simps *cough cough* me *cough cough* Last question Shuichi, would you date me? (Yes I am thirsty for Succi)

Shuichi: Well... first of all, handcuffs are for catching criminals. If you think I like them as anything weird, no. That's... kinda gross? They were made to restrain dangerous people... And, about the second question, I don't mind I guess? I mean... I can't really do anything about it. It does get kind of embarrassing when people start giving me a lot of attention though... a-and, about your last question... u-um... m-maybe?

Shaun: OwO what's this?

Shuichi: ...

Shaun: Okay okay, I'll put you out of your misery! Next question!

_Estacy_: Is Shuichi a comfort character for you? You do like him a lot so I'm just wondering.

Shaun: ...

Shaun: Let's just saaaayyyy there was a time on Discord someone tried to tell me they like Shuichi more than I do and I cried {which I'm almost physically incapable of doing, seriously- I'm not trying to sound like one of those 'tough guys' or whatever}, had a mental breakdown, went on a huge rant about how Shuichi was my everything, and almost banned them from my server. The only reason I didn't is because I'm bound by the rules of my server since it'd cause an uproar if I broke them.

Shuichi: WH-

Shaun: Anyways! Next question~♪

Shuichi: No, hold on just a second!

Shaun: Nope, we're moving on!

Shuichi: No we're n-

Cace_Ideas: Question for Mr. Author

How much did I miss in BC T^T

Shaun: A LOT. There's been a lot going on- by the way Cace we miss you!!

Shaun: Aha- ANYWAYS! Next question-

HistoricalMusical1: Question for uh... both? Idk anyways. How long would you last in a zombie apocalypse? Not that I'm planning something or anything- qwq

Shuichi: Well, first of all, even if you were planning something a literal zombie apocalypse is physically impossible. I guess you could create something like it with a disease that caused people to go insane... but they wouldn't be dead, just sick.

Shaun: Don't get the blood in your eyes~! Oh wait... I dunno if anyone will get that reference... anyways, you first Shuichi!

Shuichi: Well... I would like to say I'd last for a while. I'd hopefully be in a group with people I trust and we'd probably get on a boat and live out at sea until things quieted down. Even if the zombies could swim, if you got far enough out they wouldn't come.

Shaun: Hey!! The boat thing is my idea!! ...But in reality I wouldn't do it... I'd probably choose to kill myself at the first chance I got instead of having to live through something like that. I like living but if my life is hell then sorry, I'm out~

Shuichi: That's... really dark.

Shaun: ✧・゚: *✧Tee hee!✧*: ゚・✧

Shuichi: Is that really something you should be giggling about?

Shaun: Shut up, MOOOOMMMM!!!

Shuichi: ...I'm not your mom.

Shaun: It's a joke, dumbass!

Shaun: Well... anyways... I know there's a few more questions and I'm sorry they didn't get answered! There were... a lot of questions-

Shuichi: There were more questions?

Shaun: Pay attention, you idiot! I just said that! Ugh!!!

Shaun: ANY-WAYS!!! Ummm I think that's all, I decided I'm gonna be hosting a writing contest so if anyone wants to check that out I'll post a link to the book that explains it all. Shuichi, tell everyone goodbye!

Shuichi: Um... bye...?

Word count: 992

Link to my writing contest: https://my.w.tt/ukHc5jyE38
↑ Open until September 10, 2020!!

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