{2K Follower Special}

563 21 5

Hah old af edit


You let out a content sigh as you rested your head on Shuichi's shoulder, leaning on him. Shuichi had his arm wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer to him as the two of you watched the sunset.

You opened your mouth to tell Shuichi you loved him, but before you could a boy wearing a grey jacket showed up and grinned, "Before you continue your date, I would like to tell you that your date is sponsored by Detective_Holmes on Wattpad!"


Wow, I really do be getting my own self advertisements out there.

Well, anyways, I reached 2K followers. Before I hit 2K followers, I asked people what they'd wanna see for a 2K special and someone gave me the idea to talk about how I started writing on Wattpad. That's a really short story, so I thought it'd be more interesting to talk about my history as a writer... so here we go, I guess.

I wrote some stories for class in elementary school, but the time that I really started writing was in 6th grade in middle school. My first story was about a Siamese cat named Sammy and it was heavily based off of the Warriors book series because at that time I was reading the series, starting from the VERY first book. I was... really obsessed with the series at that time-

Anyways, that story was really short. I wrote it on loose leaf notebook paper because it was all I had and it only used 4 pages {so 2 pieces of paper since this goes front and back}. After my first story, I kept writing more stories about Sammy because I knew my writing was really bad and I was trying to rapidly improve it. The longest story I wrote at that time was 11 pages of notebook paper, and it never actually finished. I just got tired of writing it.

Later in 6th grade {when I was about to turn 12, so probably around February or March}, my friend introduced me to a website called Quotev. She wasn't actually there for the website really, she just found some FNAF personality quiz and at that time my friend and I were both going through our FNAF phase so we thought it was the coolest quiz ever.

Well, 6th grade me was a person who would suck up every last piece of content from every corner of the internet that I could possibly find {thank god middle school me never found the NSFW side of the FNAF fandom} and I'd still complain I didn't have enough content. There was literally no satisfying me because I didn't know how much effort went into making pretty much any sort of content whatsoever, so I figured it was really easy to make anything. I literally thought a complete drawing with lighting, shading, etc. would take someone like 20 minutes... so I was almost always unimpressed with what people came up with and tried to find something better.

Because of me ALWAYS searching for content due to my dissatisfaction, I came back to that personality quiz my friend showed me and learned that it was hosted on a website called Quotev. I explored more and found tons of FNAF content on there, so I started doing what I did best at that time and read as many stories and took as many quizzes that I could find while complaining the entire time that their work sucked. I never commented and said anything to their face, but I wasn't impressed. I'd always think about how I could do so much better than them, and after enough frustration I made my own Quotev account and started posted FNAF fanfics.

Spoiler alert: they were terrible.

I was unimpressed even with my own work to the point I couldn't read my own writing and I refused to believe I'd written it. How could I have spent so much time on something only for it to turn out so shitty? I didn't understand. Writing chapters for stories was only supposed to take like 10 minutes, right? So why did I spend 30 minutes and it was short and awful?

Well, for one, my writing skills were still developing, and for two, 30 minutes is NOT enough time to write a good story chapter. Not even close.

I ended up constantly deleting my works and starting over because I didn't like them, but by the time I reached 7th grade I finally got to the point I could sort of stand to read my own writing. I still didn't like it, but I could at least read it. I started leaving my works up after that and I actually managed to finish books! They were terrible, but I finished them.

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