SHSL Predictor! Depressed! Reader

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(Your POV)

"Kaede? Why are you opening those books up there?" You asked almost accusingly, something giving you a bad feeling.

"Oh, sorry! I got carried away and started reading!" Kaede giggled a bit, starting to climb down... with the books still open.

"Close the books! You'll damage them leaving them open like that!" You gasped.

"Does it really matter...? There's probably extra copies in a library this big," Shuichi reasoned.

"B-but!" You suddenly felt like you were choking. Like something really bad was going to happen but you couldn't put my finger on it. You looked at Kaede and then Shuichi and then Kaede again now in a panic, and they seemed ignorant to your sudden development.

"Holy shit..." You whispered, and began to shake.

"What is it?" Kaede asked in concern.

"Did something happen?" Shuichi chimed in nervously.

"M-my talent's probably just being wrong again! N-nevermind, haha!" You chuckled awkwardly, though you felt like you wanted to puke.

"(Y/N), you're the Ultimate Predictor! What's wrong, it could be important!" Kaede urged.

"I said nevermind!" You began to shout, and ran out of the room almost in tears. God, why am I such a screw-up?! I couldn't even tell Shuichi that Kaede's planning to murder someone, and those books are somehow related to it... what if I become responsible for someone's murder?!

You halted as soon as you thought that. Responsible... for murder? No... I couldn't be...

Only killers are truly responsible, right...?


"Only Kaede was responsible..." You whispered, but you knew it was your fault. You didn't warn Shuichi. You had a chance to stop her murder. And now everyone knew about your stupidity. You couldn't even tell someone because you felt sick?! Really?!

"What good of a predictor are you if you can't just tell someone?!" You screamed, punching the wall as hard as you could.

"Owww!!! God, that was stupid..." You sighed, rubbing your fist. That was gonna bruise. It was also another result of your stupidity. Because that was all you could do. Just be stupid.


Huh, someone was actually at the door. That surprised you. You didn't know how long it'd been since you holed yourself up in your room, but it was at least 12 hours. Shakily, you stood up and immediately fell over.

"Ow!!" You cried again, lightheadedness had been the culprit of your clumsiness. That wasn't good... that meant you needed to eat.

"Are you okay?!" a muffled voice through the door gasped. It was... Shuichi.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine!" You awkwardly stammered, standing up again and reaching the door. You opened it, and immediately Shuichi's concerned gaze grew into one of horror.

You didn't have a coat on and your arms were literally covered in cuts, some fresh. There were some scars that were many years old but mostly from less than an hour ago. You had tendencies to self harm.

"(Y/N), wh-why?!" Shuichi demanded, running inside straight to your bathroom. He opened cabinets until he found your first aid kit, "Come on... we need to bandage that."

You kept my head low and reluctantly joined him on the floor, where he took some hydrogen peroxide and dabbed it over your still bleeding wounds to kill the bacteria. You hissed in pain and there was a literal sizzling sound from the chemical reaction.

Shuichi Saihara x Reader ONESHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now