Yandere! Shuichi x Nervous! Quiet! Reader [REQUEST]

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Oof this request will be fun.
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(Your POV)

Drip. Drip. Drip.

That sound was the only thing that filled your ears, other than your needlessly loud breathing. But when you were trapped somewhere you couldn't even see, of course you'd be hyperventilating. You couldn't move a single limb, you couldn't see a single light or shadow. It was like something had taken your senses, but you knew what was happening. He had done it. It all started one morning you now dreaded to think about...


"Oof!" You collided into somebody because you weren't looking where you were going. Your copy of the book in your hands flew somewhere else, and the person you'd collided with had a book they'd held tightly in their grip.

He was a boy with navy blue hair mostly covered by a hat and shining, yellow eyes that seemed to glow under his hat. Dare you say it, he was attractive.

"O-oh, um... s-sorry..." the boy scrambled around and helped you collect your things.

"It's fine, I wasn't looking where I was going," You awkwardly laughed.

He handed you your book before hesitating noticing something on the title page, "W-wait, is this book written by THE Kyoko Kirigiri?!"

"Yeah, why? Are you a fan of her detective work?" You asked, taking the book back.

"Y-yes, I am!! I a-actually... am g-going to Hope's Peak as a-another Ultimate Detective..." the boy informed, "o-oh, sorry, you don't know my name!! I'm not good with introductions, but... my name is Shuichi Saihara..."

"That's so cool! I'm (Y/N) (L/N), the Ultimate (Talent)!" You flashed a grin at the male and he seemed to blush a little.

(Flashback end)

But that was just the first time you saw him. He seemed to have more encounters with you after that, and you became good friends with him.

Then one day, you said the wrong thing. It was just the day before today.


"Oh, hi Shuichi!" You beamed at your best friend.

"U-um... h-hey, (Y/N)..." Shuichi nervously played with his hands, his hat actually in his hands!

"Woah! Your hat's off!" You gasped.

Shuichi slowly nodded in recognition, getting shy and quiet again before finally speaking, "U-um... I-I need-d t-t-to tell y-you something..."

"Sure, anything!" You casually agreed.

"W-well... th-th-the truth is... I-I... I... I h-have... a r-really big crush on you... a-and... I w-wanted t-to maybe... a-ask you f-f-for a date?" Shuichi was seemingly dead with blush and embarrassment, clearly trying to be confident but to no avail.

"Shuichi... I'm really sorry, but... I don't like you back..." You sighed, "I'm sorry... I-I'll... leave you alone..."

You walked away, and that was the last time you saw Shuichi that day. He was broken, devastated. All from your simple words.

(Flashback end)

"Why did you say no that day?" an eerie, sinister, almost insane cackle sounded from behind you. Shuichi's voice for sure, but too deranged to be the shy boy you once knew.

"You could've just said yes... a-and that would've made this easier!" now a sob. Shuichi was trying to hold himself together, but you knew it was mere seconds until he snapped. Your life was in danger if he got violent.

"Shuichi, please don't hurt me," You whined. It was thin, fearful. Desperate.

"So you're desperate and begging, just like me," Shuichi laughed insanely, and suddenly you could see.

You had been tied to a chair and blindfolded, but now he just removed that blindfold. Shuichi moved closer and closer to you, and you trembled worse and worse as he took each step towards you.

"Don't hurt me, please," You repeated.

He was now sitting in your lap, ignoring you and taking out a knife calmly.

"I-I'll do anything you want! Just please don't hurt me!!!" You screamed.

"Now you listen to me... now you care about what I have to say... but why can't you care about me?! Why do I have to bring you to danger?!" Shuichi roared, pointing the knife at your neck.

"I'm sorry!!! I'll listen!!! I'll care!! J-just please don't hurt me!" You cried, tears beginning to run down your cheeks. How you wished so badly you'd just said yes.

"You'll listen, and only care because your life is on the line," Shuichi hissed.

"N-no, you don't understand!! I-I-! I promise I'll care!!" You begged and pleaded for your life, now feeling the blade of the knife on your neck.

"If you really care about me and don't just value your life, you'd be saying you loved me. You'd be trying to prove that instead of trying to prove you will. Feelings can't be created, which is why if I can't have you... then nobody can!!" Shuichi declared.

You tried to scream as you felt the knife cut deep into your neck, but everything was already flooded in blood. Within seconds, you had died at the hands of Shuichi Saihara. All because you never said yes. If there was one sentence you regretted, that was the one.

Word count: 886

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