{LEMON} Shy!Shuichi x Dom!Reader

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You looked up from your book with a sigh of content, "I finally finished this book! That was one hell of an ending!"

Shuichi chuckled a little as he looked up from his own book, "Yeah... I wasn't expecting it either."

With a giggle you put the mystery book on the table and turned your attention to your boyfriend, "Hey Shuichi...?"

"Hm?" he prompted curiously.

"What would you do if someone here died like that...? Cuz... we've already seen so many others die..." You mumbled the last part, feeling the fresh memories of your dead friends resurface to haunt you again. The struggling souls of your friends that carried wishes, that had family and dreams... gone. Limp bodies with no meaning other than grief. You'd already lost so many...

"I wouldn't ever forgive the culprit..." Shuichi sighed. In the book the victims had been dismembered and turned into jewelry that was sold on the black market to other twisted people, and the detective had to track the sales to find the killer. But in the end the detective ended up becoming a victim himself and the killer was actually his mother!

You realized how dark you'd turned the atmosphere, and you wanted to lighten things up. "Woah... how'd this conversation get so depressing? Hey, let's cheer up!" You hugged Shuichi's arm and smiled at the shy boy.

Shuichi blushed from the contact but soon relaxed into it, and leaned into you a little. You grinned at the easy progress to getting the detective's mind off of the killing game as you kissed him on the cheek, "Shuichi, I have a question..."

"Wh-what is it?" Shuichi stuttered a bit, flustered from the kiss.

"What're those papers on your desk?" You pointed to the desk in the corner of Shuichi's dorm.

"Those...? That's... private," Shuichi refused to answer.

You smirked and immediately stood up and walked to the desk, taking a paper and beginning to read it. As soon as you read 'love hotel memories' you knew this would be interesting.

"Oh, is someone going to the love hotel~?" You turned around and smirked at Shuichi.

"I-I said that was private!" Shuichi protested but made no move to stop you, blushing furiously. You snickered and continued to read.

"Mm... so you got to see Gonta. That's actually a really cute little event! And... oh? You saw me there? Why can't I remember?" You blinked in confusion.

"O-only one person r-remembers the e-event..." Shuichi explained softly as you read the memory.

"Hehehe... well it sounds like I really made you pleased if you wrote that it felt good~" You placed the paper down as you approached the shy male, "Why don't we do it again here so I get some fun memories too, hm~?"

"H-huh?!" Shuichi blushed darkly as you pinned him to his bed, holding his wrists in case he struggled.

"Awwwe, you're just so cute when you're embarrassed~!" You gushed, letting go of one of his wrists to gently stroke his hair, "Don't be shy, Shuichi~ I'll be gentle when I ride you~"

Shuichi didn't say anything in response, so you chuckled and got to work. You started kissing and leaving hickeys on Shuichi's neck, but you were gentle because you figured he'd prefer things slow and vanilla.

"Mmn~! Nngh~!" Shuichi groaned quietly, biting his lip to try and silence himself but without luck.

You trailed down lower to leave more marks, your hands trailing to Shuichi's jacket as you unbuttoned it slowly and removed it, leaving him in his white shirt. You unbuttoned and removed that too so you could admire his chest, and you let out a small hum in surprise.

Shuichi Saihara x Reader ONESHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now