Male! Reader

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(aka the only oneshot actually written for my gender cuz 99% of Succi fans are gorls-)

Btw (F/N) is friend's name

(Your POV)

"Oh my god oh my god oh my god OH MY GOD!!!" You nearly shrieked, pacing back and forth. Nervousness crawled throughout your entire body, making you need to move to keep the nerves at bay.

"Dude, what the fuck?" Your friend (F/N) gave you a questioning look at your hyperactivity, barely raising his eyes from his phone. It was true you usually freaked out, but not ever had it been such a feminine response as this one.

"I'm gonna ask him out today!" You explained in a high pitch tone, fiddling with your hands. In your nervousness you were pretty much a girl, and you could hear people in the background snickering and asking their friends if you were gay.

"Bruh, he's like... straight," (F/N) warned, looking at you with a deadpan look. That meant 'Seriously, you better not.'

"He told me he's bi!" You countered with a whine.

"So?" (F/N) raised a brow in question at your evidence, returning to his phone nonchalantly.

"Whatever! I'll show you!" You declared, and ran off to search for the boy of your dreams. Shuichi Saihara. He was truly one of a kind and you wanted to date him so badly, though he was far out of your league.


"H-hey Shuichi?" You tapped his shoulder, grabbing his attention from his notes scattered all over the table.

As he was getting hands-on training to be a detective while still taking his college classes, during his hour long lunch break he'd work on some case or another.

The shy male looked up from his many notes but upon seeing you quickly scrounged up a sticky note and pretended to be busy with it, nearly breaking it and almost destroying evidence in his nervousness. Luckily, the paper was only beat up from his fingers that never ceased to nove.

"Shuichi," You almost demanded his attention, assuming a seat next to him. He finally stopped pretending to be busy, and gave you that adorable, shy glance again.

"What...?" Shuichi quietly asked, suddenly looking down at his hands that had seeminly become interesting to him.

"Sh-Shuichi... I've had a c-crush on you for a really l-long time, and... I-I know it's weird since we're both g-guys b-but... w-will you go o-on a d-d-date with m-me...?" You awkwardly and slowly explained, feeling your face burn with embarrassment. Sometimes being feminine was a pain in the ass.

"H-huh?!" Shuichi was blushing a crimson shade of red, and his hands tightened. He still refused to meet your gaze, however.

"W-will you...?" You repeated, feeling nervousness grow even more.

There was silence for a few minutes except a few awkward stutters as Shuichi seemed unable to speak or move, until he slowly moved his hand into yours so you were holding hands. Then his eyes finally met yours.

"Y-yes... I will..." he whispered, "E-even if we're gay..."

Word count: 539

This draft was 360 words I went up almost 200 words via revision SOMEONE HIGH FIVE ME

Shuichi Saihara x Reader ONESHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now