Pregame! Shuichi x Cold! Reader [REQUEST]

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This was a request for Pregame! Shuichi Saihara x Cold! Reader

Ironically written while I was cold...
and had a cold...

(Your POV)

You walked outside, quickly putting on your hat as you began to shiver already. The cold winter air hit you sharply and you clenched your teeth to prevent them from chattering.

You did this every day, it was fine. Just another walk home from school in the freezing cold... you could do this. Your parents were poor and couldn't afford to drive you to and from school, so even in winter you were stuck walking. They made up for it as best they could by giving you all sorts of winter gear, but even that wasn't enough for the freezing cold to stay at bay.

"Someone's cold," a chuckle behind you caused you to jump a little before sighing.

"Shuichi, you scared me! What are you doing here anyways, don't you live the other way?" You questioned, not even turning around to greet the male properly.

That was the wrong idea. He threw snow at you harshly, making you stumble a bit as you tried not to lose your footing on the slick pavement.

"Wh-what was that for?!" You demanded, still not on the right footing.

"You didn't greet me nicely," Shuichi nonchalantly complained, helping to stabalize you right before you fell into the snow.

"You didn't treat the lady with respect," You rebutted.

"You wish you were a lady," Shuichi rolled his eyes, "Anyways, can I come over and watch Danganronpa?"

"Sure, what season?" You instantly cheered up, Danganronpa always made you happy.

"Hmmmm... fifty-two," Shuichi finally decided.

"I only have the first few episodes... they're new so they're really expensive," You warned.

"I only saw the first episode," Shuichi shrugged.

"Fair enough," You shrugged, and you began shivering again once the silence made you pay attention to the cold. You hugged yourself to conserve body heat and your teeth started chattering.

"Cold?" Shuichi snickered.

"N-no shit-t, Sherlock!" You growled, trying to blow warm air into your hands.

Shuichi sighed and wrapped his arms around you, enveloping you in a warm embrace as you continued walking. You sunk into him, already feeling much warmer.

"H-how are you so warm?!" You exclaimed.

"'Cause I am," Shuichi chuckled.

After what seemed like an eternity, you and Shuichi finally got to your house.

"Ah, finally!" You threw off your boots wet with snow and put them by the door, running to the couch. You grabbed your blanket you'd left there this morning, snuggling deep into the warmth of it.

"Hey, don't just abandon me!" Shuichi complained, getting under the blankets and cuddling you.

You hopped into his lap, curling up and bringing the blankets up to your chin so both you and him were warm.

"Can you put in Danganronpa for us?" You looked at Shuichi with pleading eyes.

"Hmmm... only if you thank me with a kiss," Shuichi smirked.

"Fine," You blushed a bit, and Shuichi got up and grabbed the remote. He turned on the TV and started playing Danganronpa V2 on it, cuddling you again.

"Now, for that kiss..." Shuichi turned his entire body towards you with a wide, toothy smirk. You blushed, you knew that face.

He pinned you to the couch and roughly kissed you, making you squeak in shock before shyly kissing back. Shuichi took this as an advantage to shove his tongue in your mouth, making you let out a low groan.

"Hey (Y/N) ar- WOAH!!" your mother had just entered the living room to see the scene that had developed.

Shuichi hastily pulled away in a panic, and you both quickly composes yourselves. "Um..." You stammered.

Shuichi, however, wasn't phased. "Yeah, I was kissin' her. She's (age) anyways, her life is basically her choice now."

"Shuichi, don't talk down to me like that! I'm gonna talk with your parents about making sure you have appropriate behavior around my daughter! And (Y/N), you're grounded for a week!" your mother declared.

"You realize my parents don't live with me anymore and (Y/N) could easily stay in a college dorm, right?" Shuichi countered.

"Wh-! That's it! Shuichi, get out of my house!" your mother demanded.

"Kay. Bye, Mrs. (L/N)!" Shuichi waved goodbye happily, and within the blink of an eye he had slipped on your winter boots and you were being dragged out the door by him.

"W-woah!! Where are we going?!" You gasped.

"My dorm, duh!" Shuichi laughed.

After that day you were grounded for a month but you still snuck out to see Shuichi... because why not. You didn't call yourself the Ultimate Criminal for nothing, even if you weren't in Danganronpa!

Word count: 793

I wasn't sure on how I should write a pregame Shuichi so I told myself, "Confidence, perviness, and uhhhhh breaks the rules. Yep sounds pregame enough!"

Aren't I such a crafty boi?

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