{Angst} Mastermind Shuichi

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My entire facial expression morphed into a sick, twisted grin. I felt my cheeks heat up from the intense despair I was feeling, and a laugh escaped my vocal cords as everybody simply watched in fear. Their eyes were wide, their bodies paralyzed as they didn't know what to do.


My laughter increased in volume, and I tilted my head back to let the uncontrollable action take over. My entire body began to shake with my laughs, but I didn't notice or care in the moment. My upcoming execution was too exciting for me.


I placed my hand over the execution button, ready to press it. I tensed up my arm to start accelerating it towards its goal and-


I was so startled from the sudden shout that I jumped, and my laughter died. My grin immediately fell, being replaced with an annoyed expression as I glared at the person who dare ruin this moment for me.


"What do you want, (Y/N)?" I sneered, still hovering my hand over the execution button. I wouldn't give this pest much time to speak... but I might as well hear what they had to say.

"Please don't kill yourself, you don't have to do th-"

"Are you stupid?" I couldn't help but laugh at (Y/N)'s stupidity, and just like that I pushed the execution button without any hesitation. I watched (Y/N)'s facial expression go from desparation to horrified in a split second. Oh, how I loved that despair...!

"Shuichi!! No!!!" (Y/N) loudly exclaimed, and I watched their trembling legs struggle to run towards me. I just chuckled, hearing the rattles of a chain as the execution collar got closer and closer to me. (Y/N) tried to run faster, tried to reach out to me...

"I love your despair~" I giggled as the collar locked around my neck, and then I was violently dragged off to the execution grounds. (Y/N)'s horror turned to hopelessness and despair as I was dragged further and further away, no longer able to be saved... I would receive the perfect punishment for an Ultimate Detective. I'd been thinking of it for a long time.

Word count: 373

I dunno, I was in the mood for writing angst {wow, that's rare, I freaking hate angst}.

Also, I've been wondering if anyone would be interested in me taking commissions for my edits...? I've kind of been wanting to make edits for other people for a while, but if nobody's interested then I won't offer. However, I also don't wanna just give it up for free... but I wouldn't accept any monetary payments because people who are poor shouldn't be excluded. I'm thinking people could pay in other ways like writing oneshots or something. Let me know what you guys think in the comments- if I don't get any feedback I'll just assume nobody's interested.

That's all♪

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