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We have a test in forensics class tomorrow and my teacher said we get a cheat sheet... I uh... ran out of things to write down-

"Huh...?" You mumbled to yourself as you opened your eyes, feeling hazy. Your entire body was hot and you seemed weaker than you were just the night before. It took you longer than usual to recognize that your alarm had woken you up, and you sluggishly turned it off with a groan. You sat up, rubbing your eyes as you realized your stomach hurt as well, "Ugh... am I sick or something...?"

Your question was immediately answered as your foggy brain immediately sprung to action with a rush of adrenaline, and you ran to the bathroom as quickly as you could. You barely made it to the toilet in time as the contents of your stomach were emptied into it, leaving you in a slight daze on the floor. There was no way you could go to work today.

"(Y/N), is someth- oh..." Shuichi froze up for a couple of seconds once he realized you'd just vomited. However, his entire demeanor quickly changed to one of much more concern as he put a hand to your forehead, "That's weird... you don't have a fever..."

"Maybe I just ate something weird," You suggested, though your slight dizziness pointed to something else being the culprit {or maybe it was just dehydration}.

"Well... whatever caused it, you need to rest," Shuichi softly commanded, helping you stand up, "Do you need help getting back in bed?"

You shook your head, though it made you feel fuzzy inside that he'd even offer to help, "No, I'll be fine."

"Okay... get some rest, (Y/N). I'll take care of you," Shuichi promised, gently patting your head as he gave you one of his rare smiles for just a second. Shuichi was too cute...

You simply nodded in response and made your way back into bed, tucking yourself into the blankets. Almost immediately you felt yourself begin to drift back into sleep, making you feel almost guilty and like you were being lazy. However, your exhaustion quickly overcame you, and you drifted off into slumber with the background noise of Shuichi doing something in another room as the last thing you heard.

The first thing that hit your senses was the smell of soup, and then you felt something warm on your forehead that you recognized a couple seconds later to be Shuichi's hand. Finally, you opened your eyes to see Shuichi sitting at your bedside attentively, watching you for any signs of discomfort.

"Are you feeling any better?" Shuichi asked in a soothing tone, gently stroking your hair. Simply his presence was making you feel better, if you were being honest. Well, ignoring the fact your forehead was starting to feel warm...

"Hhnnn... I guess," You vaguely answered, knowing that you were still sick but not wanting to worry your boyfriend. Unfortunately, Shuichi could read you just like a book and he knew you were lying.

"(Y/N)... I know that's a lie. You spiked a fever while you were sleeping... your symptoms are getting worse. I made you some soup to help you recover," Shuichi finally acknowledged the bowl of soup that he'd set on the nightstand, picking up the bowl of now cooled soup, "Sit up, you need to eat."

You didn't protest and instead sat up as Shuichi ordered, allowing him to feed you every bite of the soup. Even though you couldn't taste very much due to your nose being plugged {which you didn't even notice until that point}, the soup still tasted amazing. You were so grateful to have Shuichi taking care of you. But... "Shuichi, why are you taking so much care of me? I know we're dating, but-"

"-You deserve to be taken care of, (Y/N). It doesn't matter that we're dating, everybody deserves care when they're sick..."

You recovered from your strange illness just two days later.

Word count: 644

Shuichi Saihara x Reader ONESHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now