Extreme Yandere!Shuichi x Amnesiac!Reader

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(Your POV)

You opened your eyes to have a soft golden color bleeding in through the curtains, causing you to groan and rub your eyes. You sat up and yawned, looking around you. This was the only house you could ever remember occupying, though you weren't sure why. You were an adult so it puzzled you why you couldn't remember much about your childhood or even teenage years. The memories were fuzzy; like they were TV signals that would forever remain unintelligible.

But you didn't mind. Maybe nothing interesting happened in your past life. You finally stood up and stretched your legs in the process, making your way to the kitchen. As expected, your husband, Shuichi, was sitting at the table, having breakfast while reading the paper.

"Good morning," You greeted with a smile, walking over to him and kissing his cheek. Shuichi smiled and looked up from the paper, grabbing your hand gently.

"Good morning, sweetheart. Did you sleep well?" Shuichi asked. You always couldn't help but giggle at his little pet names for you, they made you feel like you were really his.

"I slept like a baby," You answered, and took your seat next to him where a ready plate of breakfast lay.

"It might be a little cold now..." Shuichi warned, taking a sip of his coffee.

"Let's see," You took a bite of the food and shrugged, "Not too cold yet. Good enough."

Shuichi seemed mildly amused by this, and the rest of your morning was rather boring. Eventually Shuichi had to leave for work, leaving you alone in the house. But you didn't mind, your alone time was actually possibly your favorite. It wasn't that you didn't love Shuichi, something was just always... off.

To start, you couldn't remember if you'd ever set foot outside of the house except the backyard under Shuichi's supervision. You didn't have a phone but you were sure that was a common thing to have, right? Maybe it wasn't, you weren't sure. The house just screamed that something awful had happened in the past but you didn't know what would give off such a bad aura.

You tried looking through Shuichi's personal things once, though you only found normal things. Well, the handcuffs with the blindfold and bloodstained knife certainly wasn't normal but maybe he was just into some weird kinks...? You never asked him about it since he clearly didn't want you to know.

You'd also found a huge stash of pictures of you, including at various public places and a house that seemed vaguely familiar to you. That was probably where you used to live, though you couldn't recall any details about any other houses than your current residence. It was honestly kind of scary since there were probably thousands of pictures, lots of them with hearts drawn on the back and intense love declarations. But what were you thinking? It was probably normal... you didn't know for sure but it was just normal, right?

You had pictures of Shuichi but not nearly as many. It was just four or five that you hung on the wall because... huh, that was weird. You didn't actually remember hanging them up but you were sure you did, and even though you couldn't remember the reason you were sure it was to be cute or something. But they were nice pictures, Shuichi smiling brightly in every single one. One of them he'd even made a heart with his hands, which was the picture in the center.

Then, something you never noticed once in the timeless, dull routine of your life caught your attention. Something was hidden in the small space behind the end table. Curious, you pulled it out and found it to be some sort of medical papers. It explained that you had received severe head trauma from an unknown assailant and then lost pretty much all of your memories.

You were attacked? But... who would attack you like that...?

You found a police report as well, though it stated that the case forever remained unsolved since you couldn't remember anything and there was no evidence they could recover from the scene. They said whoever it was probably knew about forensics because any possible DNA was meticulously removed, but that was the only lead the case got.

"Is that why I can't remember anything? How much of my memories are missing, then...?" You thought aloud. The very first thing you could remember was waking up in this very house with Shuichi sitting beside you, looking rather excited because you were waking up. He'd something about you being his forever, and then your memory cut out for a while again- you'd guess a month or two.

Still... attacked? That thought wasn't leaving the back of your mind. Who would attack you and why...?

(Shuichi's POV)

I let out a shaky breath. I could feel my patience beginning to wear thin, I've been asking her out since elementary school and it's college now... She's never returned my feelings for me and it seemed she never would. I had to make her mine, she was starting to flirt with Kokichi and I hated that...!!

Though I was growling, a wicked smirk spread upon my face. I knew what I'd do... I just had to arrange a special meeting between the lovebirds first! I kidnapped Kokichi and handcuffed him to a chair, then gagged him so he wouldn't scream. Then I asked my sweet and innocent (Y/N) to come over to my house.

I giggled when she screamed when she saw Kokichi and tried to free him. I just tied her up and made sure she saw every second of me making her pretty little boyfriend an ugly, bloody pulp. I pulled out entire fistfuls of his hair, shredded his skin and even peeled off large sections like potato skin, stuck parasites inside his body, hacked off fingers, dug out his eyeballs... and the entire time, I loved soaking myself in his blood. I was covered in it head to toe, laughing like a maniac.

"Now... you can be mine!" I thought aloud. But when I turned around, she shook her head... she seriously thought she could defy me?

"...You do not tell me what you can and can't do," I growled, picking up a thick metal board, "...But that's okay... you probably know blunt force trauma causes memory loss."

That memory wasn't my finest moment, but sacrifices had to be made. It was all for the sake of getting (Y/N) anyways, so I didn't really care. She was mine and it took many years, but she finally understood her place. I was in control of her and would be forever; my sacred (Y/N) couldn't leave me ever again because I'd never let her.

"I'm home!" I called as I stepped in, though once I noticed (Y/N) curled up in a ball I knew something was wrong. "(Y/N)? What's wrong?" I asked, walking to her and placing a hand on her shoulder.

"...Why did I find papers about blunt force trauma?" (Y/N) demanded, refusing to look at me.

"You don't remember? I thought you would've but... as far as I know you were walking home from college classes one day when somebody hit you multiple times with a blunt metal object. That's all the police know," I lied, it was a lie I'd practiced many times and perfected in case she found any records. If I really had reason to panic I'd dispose of them, just like I was sure she thought I was just being kinky when she found the old tools I used to kill Kokichi.

"Oh..." (Y/N) turned to face me, "But why would somebody do that to me...? I can't remember anything about my childhood, or what school was like, I can't even remember who my parents were!!"

"Hey hey..." I hugged her close and rubbed her back soothingly, "Some people in this world are horrible, and I don't want you getting hurt again which is why you're here. I'm sorry you can't remember your past but that means we should be sure to make our time together extra memorable, right?"

(Y/N) buried her face in my shoulder, "Right..."

I smiled weakly, "It'll be fun, I promise! We'll have a great time here."

(Your POV)

You could feel yourself starting to get drowsy, and you knew Shuichi could tell because he started to pet your hair: something he only did if he was trying to get you to sleep. You liked the feeling though so you didn't mind, instead welcoming his touch and bringing him closer.

"Mm... I'm gonna sleep..." You mumbled tiredly, causing the detective to chuckle.

"Good night, my adorable (Y/N)... sweet dreams," Shuichi planted a sweet kiss on your forehead, and soon you were drifting off into a world of sleep.

(Shuichi's POV)

"And remember... you belong to me and only me..."

Word count: 1498

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