{LIME} Yandere!SHSL Nurse!Reader

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AAAAAAAAAA- I'm so pissed beyond belief rn... I'll explain after the lime for those who care.


If I see anyone suggesting, implying, directly stating, or otherwise making it known they are underage, I will just take down this lime.

In this oneshot the reader is the dom, I said to hell with it with the typical yandere plot tropes so it goes a little differently than most yandere oneshots, and there's some mild BDSM.

You giggled as you started to absentmindedly doodle Shuichi on your paper. Just from drawing him so many times your drawing skills had greatly improved, and by now you were already drawing in a semi-realistic anime style. People started suddenly taking interest in your drawings and sometimes people would peek over, but you didn't care. You just cared about Shuichi.

"With how much you're drawing you should be an Ultimate Artist," one of your friends, Shaun, chuckled as he saw you drawing for what seemed like the thousandth time today. He was well aware of your obsession with Shuichi, and he steered clear of him simply out of fear. He called you a yandere and would joke around about how he was gonna end up dead by you. You assured him that you weren't that obsessed, but you both knew that was probably a lie. You weren't sure if you would be capable of murder, though...

"Drawing's just a hobby, though. And you know I only draw Shuichi too," You reminded your friend with a somewhat serious tone. He pretended to hold a microphone in his hand and started addressing an imaginary crowd.

"And this is the yandere with not just one, but two talents- the Ultimate Nurse and the Ultimate Artist all in one! Let's give her a round of applause!" Shaun grinned widely and started clapping, looking back as if there was a crowd clapping for you.

You were mildly amused by his antics until you noticed that somebody else was walking into the library, and you looked up in hopes that it was Shuichi. To your pleasant surprise, it was him. You immediately felt your heart rate increase and your breathing got a little rapid, which Shaun didn't fail to notice. He casually used his thumb to point behind himself, the finger directly pointing to Shuichi as if he could somehow actually see the detective from behind, chuckling, "Calm down. It's just Shuichi~"

"It's Shuichi..." You mumbled to yourself, feeling a blush creep up on your cheeks until your entire face was red. Shuichi was just so... perfect. You wanted nothing more than to date him, graduate with him, and eventually get married to him. It would be a dream come true. Giggling a bit, you completely forgot about Shaun's presence or your school things. Instead, you stood up and walked over to Shuichi, giving him a small smile, "Hey Shuichi~"

Shuichi's cheeks turned a very light shade of pink at the sight of you, which he somewhat tried to hide momentarily by brushing some loose hair out of his face, "Hey, (Y/N)."

"Whatcha doing in the library today? I thought you got a book a couple days ago. Was it not very good?" You asked curiously. Shuichi had got a mystery book called, "Murder at Old Fields" which was apparently based off of an actual murder from the 19th century. However, Shuichi lightly shook his head as he took out the library book and returned it.

"Actually, it was a really good book... I couldn't put it down," Shuichi admitted, seeming a bit embarrassed to admit something like that. You couldn't help but giggle, finding it cute how Shuichi felt mildly embarrassed from his nerdy tendencies. It only strengthened your already intense obsession with him.


"What'd you want, Shuichi?" You asked in a friendly voice as you walked into the study room. Since this was the first time you would be in a secluded area of school with Shuichi, you'd brought something with you so this wouldn't go to waste. You'd brought... a tranquilizer.

Shuichi Saihara x Reader ONESHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now