(Short) Stressed! Reader

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(Your POV)

You growled in frustration and almost slammed your fists against the table as you failed to get the math problem. You just couldn't understand quadratics no matter how hard you focused and it was extremely irritating. What was the quadratic formula again? You asked yourself, but your mind drew a blank. It was like you were physically incapable of understanding math.

"Ah... hey (Y/N), how's the homework? You look stressed..." your boyfriend, Shuichi noted as he walked into your room.

"This is so dumb! I don't get it!" You complained loudly, throwing your pencil as hard as you could at the ground. That caused it to break once it hit the hardwood of the dorm floor, "Hmph! Good."

"W-woah, hey!! Calm down... alright? I'll explain it to you," Shuichi took a pencil of his own and gave you his spare, and began explaining the math to you, slowly and step by step.

By the end of it, you could actually understand it! "Wow, I understand it so much better! Thanks, Shuichi!"

"A-ah, no problem..." Shuichi got shy as usual from the compliment, blushing and scratching the back of his head a bit awkwardly.

"Aww~! You're blushing~" You smirked, and you got so close your noses touched.

Shuichi blushed even more, and then you closed the gap and connected your lips for a passionate kiss that turned into a long and heated makeout session with a blushing Shuichi. Your homework was forgotten but at least you got to make out with Shuichi~
Word count: 259
Original word count: 193
Edited: June 5, 2019

Shuichi Saihara x Reader ONESHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now