SHSL Predictor! Reader

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(Your POV)

Ultimate Predictor. That was your assigned talent. It meant that you could predict the outcome of events, or you were supposed to. Most of the time you were revealed answers in dreams and visions, but sometimes you made logical guesses based on patterns you've noticed from something. It seemed hard to grasp but it was actually rather simple.

For example, if you're friends with somebody you can eventually predict their every move from the way they'll move their hands to the pitch of their voice, and even to the clothes they'll wear on a certain day! It takes time, but you can do it. All it took was a little observation and your brain would do the rest of the work. Now, let's get back to the present...

"Miu, don't do this!" You warned as she explained the Virtual World. Something told you this wouldn't end well.

"Why the fuck should I listen to you?" Miu laughed, "Nothing could go wrong with my genius brain behind everything!"

"Maybe we should listen to (Y/N), just in case... what's the issue?" Shuichi asked, facing you with an expression of concern.

"Somebody is going to die in that virtual world. And with a weapon that can only be used because objects won't break," You explained hurriedly yet you sounded devoid of emotion, like it was a sinister curse.

"H-how the hell do you know nothing can break?! And n-nobody's gonna get murdered!" Miu shouted, though she was starting to hide behind her long hair since she was clearly freaked out.

"I believe in (Y/N)... she predicted Korekiyo's death and Monotaro calling Keebo a dad..." Himiko smiled slightly, a small chuckle escaping her lips.

"Hey, I removed all dangerous items! How could a murder happen then?! Duh-doy, it's impossible!" Miu laughed, suddenly gaining her confidence once more, making you sigh.

"Like I said, it's because objects can't break that this murder will work. I think something fragile is the weapon," You explained.

"I'm not buyin' your shit, titless! Come on, let's go in the virtual world! It's totally kick-ass cuz this golden brain did it all!" Miu ushered with a side of egotism.

"I don't believe in (Y/N), because she's lying! I can see lies, you know," Kokichi smirked and giggled, a finger raised to his lips. He seemed as carefree as ever.

"No way in hell I'm gonna trust you!" Kaito growled, literally moving away from Kokichi.

"Guuuuys, calm down. If we all stay together then a murder can't happen! We need to find the secret of the outside world!" Kokichi whined and pouted.

Suddenly, you got a vision. You couldn't remember everything, but it was something about being in a chapel made with honestly really crappy graphics, and hearing a rattling sound from the side of the chapel, as well as the entire building shaking!

"Ah!" You gasped and jumped as somebody put their hand on your shoulder, breaking you from your vision. It was Kokichi.

"Come on, liar~! Off to the virtual world!" Kokichi giggled, pointing to everybody but him and Miu who were plugged in to some sort of virtual reality headset. How long did that vision last...?

You felt awkward to just stand there, plus you needed to stop this event you assumed was a murder so you ran to a chair and put on a helmet. After plugging in the cords correctly with the help of Miu, you entered the world and ran around until you found the chapel you saw in your vision. You patrolled the sides of it, ignoring everybody that passed by and even yelled and called to you until you suddenly saw Miu crash down into the wall of the chapel!

"M-Miu!" You screeched, running to her avatar as fast as you could.

You couldn't get it to move whatsoever, no matter how hard you tried. You panicked for a bit before reason started to slowly filter into your senses, though you were still terrified. You then noticed some objects by her side, like a phone and a hammer. Backing away in fear, you realized that she was dead. But what about objects not breaking being tied into this?!

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