MTF! Shuichi

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Oh my god, Shaun FINALLY posted another oneshot! ...just to barely meet his quota of three oneshots a month. Pathetic, yes. But that's life.

Sorry if there's any weird typos, I changed my keyboard type from QWERTY to AZERTY (don't ask it's a long story) and I'm still getting used to it so there may be some freaky typos I'd normally never make. Especially since I didn't proofread this.

Apologies to my early beta servers for killing you off too and not posting this on here first. But I don't think you guys care anymore it's DEAD

ANYWAYS!! MTF is the transgender term for male-to-female. Meaning you start as a boy and change youe gender to a girl. She pronouns will be used for Shuichi during the entire oneshot


(Your POV)

"How come Shuichi acts so girly? He's even growing his hair out!" Kokichi giggled, jumping in your face.

You pushed the short male away, "Because he is, and that's that," You sighed. In truth, Shuichi was male-to-female transgender but he only told you and Kaede since you could bith help him and he trusted you.

"Aww man! (Y/N)'s gonna keep hiding the truth," Kokichi pouted, sulking away sadly.

"Thanks for not telling him," Shuichi emerged from behind something, apparently she'd been hiding. You still weren't used to her higher-pitch voice, but she'd been training it to speak like that.

"Of course I wouldn't," You assured, patting hee on the back. You were actually her girlfriend, which made you feel special.

Shuichi smiled, "I'm just hoping my hair will keep growing as fast as it is so I won't have to use extensions."

"It'll get there. But when are you gonna tell everyone? Kaede and I even convinced Monokuma to make you a female version of your uniform," You informed.

Immediately her eyes seemed to light up, "Really?! C-can I try it on?"

You giggled, "Yep! Follow me!"

You went to your dorm, where you were keeping her new uniform. It was mostly the same except she had a skirt, long stockings, and girly shoes. Shuichi gasped when she saw the uniform, neatly folded and picked it up.

"Go change in the bathroom. The chest is apparently puffed up so it'll look like you have breasts," You chuckled.

"Well... that does make it more realistic," Shuichi awkwardly reasoned, and went to the bathroom to change. A few minutes later she emerged in her new uniform, "Um... h-how do I look?"

"Oh my god! You look so cute!" You squealed, actually hugging her tightly. She awkwardly laughed, hugging back. It lasted a few seconds before you pulled away, "You gonna tell everyone?"

"...Yeah. I think I'm ready," Shuichi decided. You told Shuichi to stay there, and you gathered everyone at the dormitory. Then, you called upon Shuichi and she revealed herself, looking her girliest.

"What the hell kinda kinks is Shuichi into?" Miu laughed at the sight, and you glared. Immediately she looked guilty and shut up.

"Shuichi, why are you dressed as a female?" Kiruli asked.

"W-well..." she responded in her higher-pitch voice, "I'm... transgender."

"Oh? Shuichi's a girl now?" Kokichi smirked.

"Wh-what is transgender? That word is not in my memory banks..." Keebo asked.

"Huh? Shuichi girl now?!" Gonta gasped.

"Wow, so cool! LGBT+ representation!" Tenko cheered, "Wait! Are you still a degenerate male?!"

"Hey Shuichi, I can use my magic to totally make you a girl!" Himiko offered.

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