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timothée's pov

I grabbed my suitcases and put them on the floor, quickly running through the crowded airport to meet y/n.

It's been five months since I've been home since I started filming my up and coming movie.

Yes, I could have come home for a break; but y/n was traveling for her own job. If I had come home, she wouldn't have been here to see me anyway.

I had finally made it out to the exit y/n told me she would be at, but I couldn't see her anywhere after looking through everyone else who was standing outside.

I checked my watch: 1:30 She said she'd be here at this time, right where I was.

Frustration took over me, I've waited five months to see her and she's not even here. I grabbed my phone and called her.

ring..ring..ring..your call has been forwarded to an automated voice messaging system-

I hung up and let out a frustrated sigh, along with a short curse word.

"You just got back and you're already mad at
me?" I heard a voice say.

I turned around and saw y/n with a smile spread across her face. I let my suitcases go and ran to her, engulfing her in my arms.

She wrapped hers around me as I dug my face into her neck; giving her kisses there.

"God, I missed you so much." I said.

"I missed you too." she sniffled.

She took my face out of her neck and looked at me, quickly leaning in for a kiss before she stopped.

"What?" I asked confused.

"I am NOT kissing you with that." she let go of my face and wiggled out of my arms.

"With what?"

"With that thing on your face." she said in an almost disgusted tone.

I knew she was talking about my mustache.

"Oh," I said "you mean this?" I ran my fingers over the top of it.

"Stop!" she laughed and shook her head.

"You really don't like it?"

"I really don't." she said and walked over to my suitcases.

I went up behind her wrapping my arms around her waist and giving her kisses on her cheeks. She gave in, relaxing her body in my arms as she took in my missing embrace.

"Just one, please?"

"Not until you shave." she said.

"Y/n," I whined like a child "please."

"No!" she moved out of my arms again.

She hated my mustache, and I knew that. But I liked it.

"You leave me no choice." I said.


I turned her around, holding her face in my hands as I planted a kiss on her, then another, and another after that.

"Timothée!" she laughed.

I pecked her with some more kisses as she continued to burst into laughter, almost squealing at one point.

She put her hands on my shoulders and pushed me away, looking around to see that we had caught the attention of the people standing outside with us.

"Let's go home." she smiled.

I grabbed my suitcases and walked with her side-by-side to the parking garage.

"Did you miss my kisses?"

"Maybe." she shrugged.

"Maybe?" I asked exaggeratively.

"That's what I said." she tried to hide the smile creeping up onto her face.

She really wasn't having it with my mustache.

We made it to the car, I put my suitcases in the trunk and got into the drivers seat.

"If I shave my mustache off," I buckled my seatbelt "will you give me a real kiss?"

"If you shave it off," she paused "I'll give you more than just a kiss." and winked.

might delete later today :|

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