-be back soon-

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hi everyone, i hope you're doing well.

i'm sorry i haven't been updating as much as i used to, i honestly thought that i'd have more time this summer to do so, but i haven't.

i'm moving into my dorm next week and have been running around non-stop trying to get everything ready before i leave, as well as trying to update this book the best i can.

with being unsure about college life, family issues, and mental health struggles..i've decided to take a break from writing.

not that i don't love to, i just haven't had any inspiration or time to prioritize it.

on the plus side, some recent comments and DMs i've been received have pushed me close to just stop updating this book completely.

before anyone says "we'll it's a book? people are going to write what they want & say what they think about it." i know, but if you don't take criticism or snarky remarks easily in terms of writing (like me) you know it's hard to continue it all with them trailing behind almost

EVERY.SINGLE. CHAPTER that you write and post.

and for whatever reason, it all started like last week lmaoo. idk what's going on, but it's getting a little aggravating to say the least.

don't take that in a way of negativity. i love writing for you all, i love the good and funny comments, i love my audience!! <3

time is moving pretty quickly for me, i don't want to let anyone down by just ghosting this book or posting crappy imagines just because i feel like i need to post something.

i hope you all truly understand. i promise i'll be back soon, it's all just a matter of what life defines 'soon' for me.

in the mean time, you can keep re-reading the chapters i've already posted if you'd like.

thank you for everything 💗

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