secret (pt 1)

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your pov

"Mom?" my seventeen year old daughter gallops into the kitchen.

"Yes?" I ask, slicing up some fruit for today's breakfast.

"Is Dad around?" she asks, looking around the kitchen and toward the living room for him.

"He's taking a shower," I laugh "is there something you don't want him to know?"

She takes a piece of strawberry from the bowl and eats it. "Well, I was wondering if I could go out with Brandon tonight."

"Where to?" I ask, stopping my strawberry slicing.

"A party."

"What time?" I instigate.

"It starts at eleven."

I start shaking my head. "No."

"But Mom-"

"No," I repeat "that's way too late and you know my policy."

She can't be out that late with a boy, who I've never even met, especially not out at a party. I trust that my daughter won't do anything bad or stupid and will make the right choices, it's just a maternal protection thing.

It's obvious she's annoyed. "This is so unfair!"

"What's unfair?" Timothée walks in.

Y/d/n and I lock eyes. "Mom won't let me go out to a party tonight."

Timothée stands next to me, eating a slice of strawberry himself. "What time does the party start? he asks.


"And who are you going with?" he asks again.

She gulps. "Friends, just friends."

Timothée turns to me. "What's the problem with that? We used to go to parties that late all the time."

"It's not the time that really matters," I say "it's who she's going with."

Timothée looks between us both. "We've met her friends before, why is tonight any different?"

"Because she wants to go with her boyfriend!" I unconsciously spit out.

Y/d/n drops her mouth open and Timothée almost chokes on his second strawberry slice.

"Boy-boyfriend?" he turns to y/d/n "you have a boyfriend?"

She looks at me angrily, yet her eyes start to fill with tears. Without saying a word, she runs out of the kitchen and her bedroom door slams closed from upstairs.

I put my arms on the kitchen table, resting my face in my hands. I stand back up and Timothée looks angry and confused.

"She has a boyfriend?" he asks me.

"Yes." I nod.

"And you didn't tell me?" he raises his voice.

"She knew you'd act like this," I say "that's why she didn't want to tell you."

"How long have you known?"

"Five months." I confess.

"Fi-five. Five months, y/n? Seriously?" he's getting angry.

"Just calm down."

"She's had a boyfriend for five months already, you've know the whole time," he waves his arms "and I didn't even know?"

"I'm sorry." I apologize.

"Is there anything else you two are keeping from me? Do you have another kid I don't know about or something?" he sounds angry.

"No," I shake my head "there's nothing else."

He takes a seat. "Why didn't she tell me?" he looks disappointed now, taking it all in.

"Because," I sit next to him "you're her Dad. Girls don't go telling their Dad's the second they get a boyfriend that they have one."

"But as her Dad, she shouldn't have to feel the need to keep things from me. I always want her to tell me what's going on in her life, she knows that she can trust me, right?"

"Of course she does, but this is a big deal for her," guilt eats me up "and I opened my mouth about it when I shouldn't have."

Timothée's rubs my back. "We all open our mouths at the worst times, especially when we know we shouldn't."

"What are we going to do?"

"I'll go talk to her." he says getting off the chair.

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