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*italics are your dream*

your pov

"I love you so much." Timmy laid on top of me, pressing kisses on my neck.

"I love you too." I chuckled, running my fingers through his bed-headed curls.

He dug his face into my neck, kissing behind my ear now, whispering into softly it.

"You make me so happy."

A smile spread across my face and I closed my eyes, taking in this moment, the feeling of his lips on my neck and our bodies so close.

"You make me even happier." I responded.

He got off of me, laying in his side as I moved onto mine, looking him deep in the eyes.

He brought his hand to my face, swiping his thumb across my cheek and leaning into kiss my lips this time.

We're like this some days, not every day though. All we'll do is lay in our bed, or on the couch, cuddling, kissing, resting on each other.

Especially after he's been away for weeks or months filming, we just can't seem to get enough of each other. Like today.

He'll be gone again in two days and won't be back for another three months unfortunately.

We stared at each other lustfully. He's a gorgeous being and I'm so incredibly lucky and happy to be able to call him mine.

"I don't want you to leave." I interlocked our fingers tightly.

"I know," he sighed "neither do I."

But there's nothing we can do.

I looked past him, and out the window to the dark sky and glowing full moon.

Having him so physically close to me relaxes and comforts me to the max. I closed my eyes again, and let out a deep breath.

I woke up to Timothée kissing across my face.

"Good morning." he grinned as I opened up my eyes.

"Morning." I stretched.

"Sleep well?"


"I could tell." his lips formed into a smirk.

My brows scrunched. "How?"

"You were smiling in your sleep again."

"I was not!"

"Yes, you were." he nodded and chuckled.

"Okay, maybe I was." I agreed. I most definitely was, it's been happening more often lately.

"What were you dreaming about?" he asked, putting his arm around my waist.


"Tell me."

I looked at him. "About you."

"About me?"

"About you." I repeated.

"I dream about you too sometimes." he said.

"Is that so?"

He nodded. "Especially when I'm away from home and without you next to me."

I smiled brightly.

"They're..different kinds of dreams though." he confessed.

I broke out into laughter. "You're disgusting."

He laughed too and I got out of his grip, standing up right before he yanked me back down onto the bed.

"Don't go." he laid on top of me exactly like he had in my most current dream.

"I was just going to go brush my teeth." my eyes shot over to our bathroom that's just feet away from us.

"You'll still be too far." his head rested in my neck, pressing kisses to it.

"I'll never be too far." my fingers ran through his messy and frizzy head of curls.

His lips traveled behind my ear; kissing right on that spot that makes me weak every single time. I practically turned to putty laying in this bed and I couldn't stop from doing so.

The hands he had on my hips slipped under my back, lifting me up so our chests pushing together. His head pulled away from my neck.

And we looked into each other's eyes.

"I love you so much."

"I love you too." I blushed.

He pressed his lips to mine, moving sweet and softly, kissing with complete love and adoration. It felt like nothing else mattered right now, like the whole world had stopped.

Tears escaped from my eyes, I want to hold onto this moment forever. Stay like this forever so he never has to leave my side for whatever period of time again. It's all so perfect.

"You're such a dream to me." I whispered.

this one's okay :/

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