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After a quick train ride we were finally in District 2, there was a taxi outside which was waiting for us and in about 20 minutes we were driven up through the roads into one of the wealthiest parts in town. The driver took a left and all of a sudden we were parked outside a huge house. ''The Hawthorne's Mr and Mrs Mellark'', the driver said, tipping the front of his hat.

''Thanks a lot'', Peeta said as he handed him over a twenty. ''Sweetheart, will you grab Rye for me while your mother helps me out?'' Peeta asked Willow. She eagerly nodded her head, not wanting to disappoint. I got Peeta's crutches from the boot and slowly helped him out, his whole body leaning on me for support.

''You ready?'' I asked him once he was stable. His blue eyes had lost their glint, he looked worried, sad almost. ''Hey, it's fine. I love you'' I said, giving him a small kiss on the cheek.

''I love you too...I always have'', he said. We all walked up the pathway, which was decorated especially for today, yellow balloons everywhere- I guessed pink wasn't her colour. Willow eagerly knocked on the door, I grabbed Peeta's hand and squeezed it for comfort. Within no time Gale opened the door,

''Hey guys, come on in!'', he said. We all made our way inside and Rye tugged on Gale's trouser leg. ''Ah hello Mr'', Gale said, picking him up and playing with him a little. Once we'd all said hello we made our way into their front room and I was greeted by a hug from Cressida.

''Happy birthday Cress!'' I said squeezing her. ''We got you a small gift, it's not much but I hope you like it'', I handed over a small bag with a box in it. Inside was a silver necklace, with leaves entangled round the chain.

''Katniss, you shouldn't have. Thankyou!'' She looked around the room, until her eyes landed on Willow. ''Ahh, you must be Willow, I've heard a lot about you!''

''Hello miss, er happy birthday.'' She said doing a small courtesy.

''Aren't you just the sweetest, you can call me Cressida dear!'' She said. ''Ooo, I love your dress, purple's my favourite colour''. A gasp left Willow's mouth.

''Ah, me too!'' She said excitedly, I was glad that they got on well. I walked back over the see Peeta, who was talking with Gale as Willow had gone off to find Finn. His hand automatically slid around my waist when I came over.

''We were just talking about you'', Gale said, handing me a glass of champagne.

''All good things I hope'', I joked.

''Always'', Peeta said, giving me a wink. We stood there for a while all three of us having a catch up, it was awkward at times, but it was nice.

''Do you want to meet our kids? They should be around somewhere.'' Gale said eventually.

''Yeah sure!'' Peeta said enthusiastically. Gale called up the stairs for them to come down and within minutes 2 boys came racing down the stairs. One had dirty blonde hair, the other as dark as Gale's, but they both had the same grey eyes. For a while, they just stood there, until one of them spoke.

''Hey dad, I thought you were lying when you said you knew Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark'', the oldest one joked.

''Jonah, its Katniss Mellark now you dummy'', said Jenson, the youngest of the two.

''Oh yeah, um I forgot. It's such a pleasure to meet you both, I can't believe I'm standing here with two of the greatest people of our history'', Jonah said, handing out his hand for Peeta and I to shake.

''Yeah it's an honour'', Jenson added. I didn't really know how to react, I mean we still weren't used to people treating us like hero's or whatever.

''Oh that's too kind of you both, it's lovely to finally meet you after all this time!'' I said.

''You do know your dad doesn't actually know us and paid us to come don't you?'' Peeta said seriously, until a smile crept up his face and we all dissolved in laughter. We stood there for a while chatting and getting to know them both, we found out that Gale and Cressida had had Jonah pretty much straight after the rebellion and he was now 16, Jenson was a little younger and only 12.

''Guys, do you know where you sister is?'' Gale asked after a while. I heard a small high-pitched giggle coming from under the coffee table and out jumped a little girl roaring at us all.

''Did I make you jump'' She said, laughing.

''Oh darling you frightened me'', Gale said as he picked her up and put her on top of his shoulders.

''Hello Katniss and Peeta'', she said, grinning widely at us both.

''Hi sweetheart'', we both said smiling at her. ''What's your name then?'' Peeta asked looking up at her.

''Well everybody just calls me Rosy-Posy, but my name is Primrose Posy Tiffany Hawthorne. Posy and Tiffany are my Aunts names you know, Posy is my dad's sister and Aunt Tiff is my mum's, how do you know my dad? Are we family? Can I call you uncle Peeta?'' Rosy rattled on and on, she must only be about 7 or 8, but she was very chatty. She carried on talking and talking, but I'd stopped listening. Primrose. He had called her Primrose. He knew the moment she said it, his eyes locked with mine, filling with sorrow. ''Uncle Peeta can I show you my Wendy-house, your little boy can come too, what's his name? Can we be friends?'' She said.

''Sure you can, his name's Rye. I have a daughter too, I'm sure you'll get along with her, come on sweetheart lets go find her'', Peeta said grabbing her hand as she lead him off to the back. Gale gestured for me to follow him, we went down a few corridors until we reached a small room with a golden plaque reading 'Gale's Study. Keep Out', how grown up of him I thought dryly. We entered and that's when I realised why he wanted no one in there. The room was full of old pictures of family, and of mine too. In the corner was all his old hunting gear- the room held a thousand memories. We stood there staring at each other for a while until he spoke.

''I was going to tell you, I tried to but I ju-'' I cut him off. I tried to be mad but I couldn't he sounded too broken and too sorry.

''You called her Prim?'' I said into the silence. ''All the names Gale and you chose hers. Why?''

Everlark- The Years After the Epilogue *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now